Q. Syntax to declare Scalar Variable? Ans. DECLARE = ; Q. Syntax to Declare an Anonymous Block? Ans. DO (in pname ptype => ?, out pname ptype => ?) BEGIN …. END; Q. What is advantage of procedure over anonymous block? · Procedure are pre-compiled containers with name We can call procedure from another procedure. Q. Syntax to create a Procedure and Calla Procedure? Ans. CREATE PROCEDURE in pname ptype, out pname ptype, inout pname ptype) LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT/R DEFAULT SCHEMA READS SQL DATA WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN ----code END; CALL (params); Q. What does DROP PROCEDURE in SQL do? Ans. Whenever a New Procedure is created, in order to re-create or replace the existing procedure, it needs to be dropped first. Syntax to Drop Procedure: DROP PROCEDURE Q. What are different syntaxes in SQL script for different functionalities? Ans. If condition IF THEN ….. ELSE IF THEN …. END IF;