Rao bulletin 1 February 2017 html edition this bulletin contains the following articles pg Article Subject

An agent of the border patrol, observed near the Mexico-US border fence, on the Mexican side, separating

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An agent of the border patrol, observed near the Mexico-US border fence, on the Mexican side, separating

the towns of Anapra, Mexico and Sunland Park, New Mexico, this week.
Now it’s become the legal mechanism for Trump to order construction of a wall between the United States and Mexico, attempting to make good on a key promise from the campaign trail. Trump specifically cited the law in the first sentence of his 25 JAN executive order authorizing the wall. The episode shows how concerns over border security occupied Washington well before Trump made it the centerpiece of his candidacy, and that Democrats were more than willing to offer big sums of taxpayer money to keep Mexicans and other Latino immigrants out of the United States. The border fence called for in the 2006 law was far less ambitious than the wall Trump envisions, and, as he is apt to do, he has made the issue bigger, more explosive, and far more disruptive to US diplomacy. Trump has also added his own controversial twist that was never a part of the 2006 legislation, a promise that the Mexican people would pay for the wall. Time will tell how or if they will do that. [Source: Boston Globe | Annie Linskey | January 27, 2017 ++]
China’s Offensive Capability Update 01 Stepping Up Preparedness
According to China's state media and military observers China is stepping up preparedness for a possible military conflict with the US as the Donald Trump presidency has increased the risk of hostilities breaking out, Beijing is bracing itself for a possible deterioration in Sino-US ties, with a particular emphasis on maritime security. The People’s Liberation Army said in a commentary on its official website 20 JAN, the day of Trump’s inauguration, that the chances of war have become “more real” amid a more complex security situation in Asia Pacific. The commentary written by an official at the national defense mobilization department in the Central Military Commission said the call for a US rebalancing of its strategy in Asia, military deployments in the East and South China Seas and the instillation of a missile defense system in South Korea were hot spots getting closer to ignition.

‘A war within the president’s term’ or ‘war breaking out tonight’ are not just slogans, they are becoming a practical reality,” it said.

The official People’s Daily said in another commentary on 22 JAN that China’s military would conduct exercises on the high seas regardless of foreign provocations. China’s sole aircraft carrier Liaoning passed through the narrow Taiwan Strait last month. The commentary referred to remarks by the US secretary of state Rex Tillerson that the US should stop China’s access to artificial islands it has built in disputed areas of the South China Sea. New White House spokesman Sean Spicer told a press conference on 23 JAN that the US would prevent China from taking over territory in international waters in the South China Sea. With their threats to China, Trump and Tillerson are making rookie blunders that will only hurt US credibility
Spicer told the press “the US is going to make sure that we protect our interests there,” when asked about US President Donald Trump’s position on the South China Sea. “It’s a question of if those islands are in fact in international waters and not part of China proper, then yeah, we’re going to make sure that we defend international territories from being taken over by one country,” he said. Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying responded by telling the US “to be cautious in what it says and does, so as to avoid harming the peace and stability in the region.” The Chinese military is constantly prepared for possible military conflict whoever serves as US president, but Donald Trump’s possible “extreme approach” against China was dangerous, according to analysts. Ian Storey, a senior fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore, said some of the comments from Trump’s key advisors and appointees suggest that the US may pursue a more hardline policy against Beijing in the South China Sea over the next four years “As it’s highly unlikely that China will compromise its sovereignty claims in the face of US pressure, we can be sure that the dispute will increasingly become a risky point of contention between Beijing and Washington,” he said.
The comments come as President Xi Jinping is overseeing massive reforms within China’s military to improve its fighting capabilities. A huge reshuffle is also underway in the military’s top brass. Vice-Admiral Shen Jinlong, commander of the South Sea Fleet, is to replace retiring Admiral Wu Shengli as chief of the PLA Navy. Meanwhile, Vice-Admiral Yuan Yubai, the former North Sea Fleet commander, has been promoted to head the Southern Theatre Command, which focuses on the South China Sea. “Promoting naval officers to command theatres is aimed at utilizing them to the maximum and getting ready to win wars,” Song Zhongping, a military affairs commentator at Phoenix TV, said. The navy has been the focus of recent developments within the PLA, with massive investment and the construction of large numbers of ships, Song said.
China is involved in other disputes beyond the South China Sea, particularly with Taiwan. Sovereignty disputes with Japan in the East China Sea and concerns over the deployment of the missile shield in South Korea are other potential flashpoints. [Source: South China Morning Post | Liu Zhen | January 27, 2017 ++]
Have You Heard?Rainy Day Fishing | Officer vs. NCO Difference
The rain was pouring and there was a big puddle in front of the bar near an American Legion Post. A ragged old sea going sailor was standing near the edge with a fishing line in the puddle.
A curious young USAF fighter pilot came over to him and asked what he was doing.
"Fishing," the old salt simply said.
"Poor old fool," the officer thought to himself, and he invited the old sailor into the bar for a drink.
As he felt he should start some conversation while they were sipping their whiskey, the haughty fighter pilot asked, "And how many have you caught today?"
"You're number ten" the old chief answered. 3 Army, 2 Air Force, 3 Navy, and 2 Marines.
A young Naval officer was severely wounded in the head by a flight deck accident, but the only visible, permanent injury was that both of his ears were amputated.

Since his remaining hearing was sufficient, he remained in the Navy

Many years later he eventually rose to the rank of Rear Admiral.

He was, however, very sensitive about his appearance.

One day the Admiral was interviewing three servicemen who were candidates for his headquarters staff.

The first was a Marine Major, a helicopter pilot, and it was a great interview.

At the end of the interview the Admiral asked him, 'Do you notice anything different about me?'

The young officer answered, 'Why, yes, Sir, I couldn't help but notice that you have no ears.'

The Admiral was displeased with his lack of tact and threw him out. The second was with a Navy Lieutenant, and he was even better.
The Admiral then asked him the same question to which he replied sheepishly, 'Well, sir, you have no ears.' The Admiral also threw him out.
The third interview was with an old Master Chief, an Airdale and staff-trained NCO.

He was smart, articulate, fit, looked sharp, and seemed to know more than the two officers combined.

The Admiral liked this guy, and went ahead with the same question,
To his surprise the Master Chief said, 'Yes, sir, you wear contact lenses.'

The Admiral was very impressed and thought, 'What an incredibly observant NCO, and he didn't mention my ears.

' He asked, Master Chief, how do you know I wear contacts?'
“Well, sir,' the salty old Master Chief replied, "it's pretty hard to wear

glasses with no fuckin' ears!”


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