== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [07] ------------------------ ($100+ million in PI) 080501
== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [08] ------------------- (HV to Pay $100 million) 080501
== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [09] ------------------- (PI Scamming Continues) 080501
== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [10] --------------------- (Greenbelt MD $247K) 080515
== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [11] ------------------------- (5 years for $100M) 080701
== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [12] ---------------------------------- (Retribution) 080701
== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [13] -------------------- (Indictments Dismissed) 090301
== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [14] -------------------------------- (Honolulu HI) 090615
== TRICARE/CHAMPUS Fraud [15] --------------------- ($4.7 Billion Estimated) 090715
== TRICARE/Medicare Combined Benefit------------------------------- (Under 65) 081101
== TRICARE/Medicare Combined Benefit [01] ----------------------- (Fact Sheet) 150101
== TRICARE4u --------------------------------------- (Mandatory Password Update) 090501
== Trichloroethylene (TCE) Exposure ------------------------- (Impact on Humans)
== TriWest Contractor -------------------------------------- (DoJ Lawsuit Settlement)
== TriWest Contractor [01] -------------------------------- (User Voice in Decision) 120515
== TriWest Lung Health Service ---------------------------------------------- (COPD) 091115
== TriWest Scam – see Scam
== Troop ID ------------------------------------ (Military Discount Registration Site) 130415
== TRRx – see TRICARE Retail Pharmacy Program
== TRS – see TRICARE Reserve Select
== TSA Data Breach ------------------------------------------ (Privacy officials meet)
== TSA Guidance for Passengers -------------------- (International Flights to U.S.) 100715
== TSGLI ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Only $1 more)
== TSGLI [01] --------------------------------------------------- (Pay Out Retroactive)
== TSGLI [02] -------------------------------------------------------- (Benefits Expand) 081215
== TSGLI [03] ---------------------------- (Retroactive Traumatic Injury Eligibility) 110615
== TSGLI [04] ----------------------------------------------- (Non-OEF/OIF Eligibles) 111001
== TSGLI [05] ---------------------------------------- (Genitourinary Injuries Added) 111215
== TSGLI [06] --------------------------------------- (Proposed $100K Cap Removal) 140401
== TSGLI {Traumatic Servicemembers Group Life Insurance}
== TSP ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Overview)
== TSP [01] --------------------------------------- (Open season 1 OCT thru 31 DEC)
== TSP [02] ------------------------------------------------- (Open season elimination)
== TSP [03] ------------------------------------------------------- (Contribution Limits)
== TSP [04] ------------------------------------------------------ (Data security review)
== TSP [05] ------------------------------------------------ (Cash out upon retirement)
== TSP [06] ------------------------------------------------- (Legislative agenda 2007)
== TSP [07] ----------------------------------------------- (Contribution limits raised)
== TSP [08] --------------------------------------------------- (Hackers steal $35,000)
== TSP [09] ----------------------------------------------- (Designating Beneficiaries) 090301
== TSP [10] ---------------------------------------------- (Automatic Enrollment Bill) 090315
== TSP [11] --------------------------------------------------------- (Slide Tax Impact) 090315
== TSP [12] ------------------------------------------------------- (Roth Option Status) 090615
== TSP [13] ------------------------------------------------------ (Mutual Fund option) 091115
== TSP [14] ----------------------------------------------------------------- (Fund Slide) 100301
== TSP [15] ------------------------------------------ (Automatic Enrollment Begins) 100815
== TSP [16] ------------------------------------------------------- (ROTH TSP Delays) 120501
== TSP [17] -------------------------------------------------------- (Unsanctioned App) 130315
== TSP [18] ------------------------- (Proposal to Open Program to All Americans) 140601
== TSP {Thrift Savings Plan}
== TSP Data Breach ------------------------------- (43k to 80k Users Compromised) 120601
== Tuberculosis --------------------------------------------------------------- (Overview) 081015
== Tuberculosis [01] ------------------------------------------------- (Philippine Alert) 081015
== Tuition – see Vet Educational Benefits
== Tuition Aid for RC -------------------------------------------- (Summary by State)
== Tuition Waiver Denials - TX ------------------------------------ (Immigrant Vets)
== TurboVet ------------------------------------------------------- (Project Abandoned) 111101
== TV Analog to Digital Conversion ------------------------------ (Did you know?)
== TV Commercials --------------- (Speeding Up Program Content to Fit for Ads) 150301
== Twilight Brigade ----------------------------------------------- (Do Not Die Alone)
== Twilight Tattoo ----------------------------------------------- (2012 Season Ended) 120901
== Twilight Tattoo [01] ---------------------------------------- (AUG 2014 Schedule) 140801
== Two-Parent Consent Law ----------------- (New criteria for minor’s passports)
== U ==
== U of U Hospital Data Breach -------------------------------- (2.2 million @ Risk) 080615
== U.S. & Japan Social Security Agreement ------- (Double taxation eliminated)
== U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps -------------------------------- (VA Recognition Sought) 091201
== U.S. Citizenship for Enlistees ----------------- (Expedited citizenship in 1 year)
== U.S. Embassy Manila Holidays -------------------------------- (Days of Closure) 090201
== U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum ------------------------------------ (Overview) 121015
== U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum [01] --------------------- (20th Anniversary) 121015
== U.S. Military Presence in Philippines --------------------------- (Talks Ongoing) 120201
== U.S. Military Presence in PI [01] --------------- (Liberty Port Calls Cancelled) 141115
== U.S. Naval Academy ------------------------------------------------------- (History) 100701
== U.S. Naval Academy [01] ------------------------------------- (Financial Scandal) 100701
== U.S. Naval Academy [02] -------------------------------- (Dismissal Accelerated) 100801
== U.S. Navy Seabee Museum -------------------------------------- (Opened 22 JUL) 110815
== U.S. Passport Policy [01] ----------------------------- (New Travel Requirement)
== U.S. Passport Policy [02] -------------------------------- (Birth Certificate Issues) 120415
== U.S. Savings Bonds ------------------------------------------------ (Accountability)
== U.S. Savings Bonds [01] -------------------------------------------------- (Cashing)
== U.S. Savings Bonds [02] -------------------------------------------- (Replacement)
== U.S. Savings Bonds [03] ------------------------------------------- (Online Access)
== U.S. Savings Bonds [04] ------------------------------------- (Ownership lawsuit) 091101
== U.S. Savings Bonds [05] --------------------------------- (Redemption Problems) 091201
== U.S. Savings Bonds [06] ----------------------------- ($17B Unclaimed Series E) 091215
== U.S. Savings Bonds [07] ----------------------------- (DFAS Allotments to Stop) 100715
== U.S. Savings Bonds [08] ---------------------------- (Paper Bond Policy Change) 100901
== U.S. Submarine Veterans of WWII ----------------------------------- (Disbanded) 121001
== U.S. War Dogs Monument ------------------------------ (Approved by Pentagon) 100301
== U.S. Working Dog Teams National Monument --------------- (JAN Unveiling) 121115
== UCMJ Applicable to Retirees ---------------------------------- (Did You Know?) 130615
== UK Entry Clearance Requirement ------------------------ (Effective 13 JAN 04)
== ULTRA-VIS ------------------------------ (DARPA Augmented Reality System) 140615
== UN Disability Treaty ----------------------------- (DoD/VA Secretaries Endorse) 131201
== Unapproved Prescription Drugs --------------------------- (No FDA Master List) 081201
== Unclaimed Money ---------------------------------------------- (Pensions/Refunds)
== Unclaimed Money [01] ------------------------------------------------- ($16 Billion)
== Unclaimed Money [02] -------------------------------- (Investor’s Claims Funds) 090801
== Unclaimed Money [03] ------------------------------------------------- (State Held) 090915
== Unclaimed Money [04] ------------------------------------------------ ($33 Billion) 100601
== Unconditional Surrender Statue ------------------------------ (Now in San Diego)
== Unconditional Surrender Statue [01] --------------- (On 1-Year Loan to France) 141001
== Unified Medical Command ---------------------------------- (Jan 07 Target Date)
== Unified Medical Command [01] ---------------------------------------- (Rejected)
== Uniform Wearing ----------------------------------------------------- (Federal Law) 081101
== Uniform Wearing [01] ------------------------------------------------- (Halloween) 081115
== Uniform Wearing [02] ----------------------------------------- (Service’s Position) 081115
== Uniform Wearing [03] --------------------------------- (Army Policy for Retirees) 150301
== Uniforms [01] -------------------------------------- (New Army Combat Uniform) 140815
== Uniforms [02] ----------------------------------------------- (Boot Camp Sneakers) 140915
== Uniforms [03] -------------------------- (Army Shifting to Coyote Brown Color) 141201
== Uniforms [04] ---------------- (White and Blue Crackerjacks Moving Forward) 150501
== United Nations Memorial Wall ----------------------- (Contains 40,895 Names)
== United Nations Memorial Wall [01] ------------------------------ (Korean Tours)
== Unsung Heroes ------------------- (African-Americans | Executive Order 9981) 150214
== Upward Falling Payload ------------------------------ (Navy Cost-Cutter Project) 140515
== Urban Legends ------------------------------------------------------- (New Articles) 090415
== Urban Legends [01] ------------------------------------------ (Oldies but Goodies) 090501
== Urinary Incontinence ------------------------------------ (Common in Older Men) 100901
== US Embassy Manila --------------------------------------------- (ACS Newsletter)
== US Embassy Manila [01] --------------------------- (Vet Service Improvements) 101201
== US Misery Index -------------------------------------------------- (10 Worst Cities) 100915
== US Navy Veterans Association ------------------------------ (Steeped in Secrecy) 100401
== US Navy Veterans Association [01] -------------------------- (Director Charged) 101101
== USA Discounters ----------------- (Under Fire for Targeting Service Members) 140815
== USA Women's History Museum ------------------------ (Expansion Completed) 100415
== USAA Lawsuit ------------------- (Improper Sales Tax Withholding on Claims) 140601
== USACE {U.S. Army Corps of Engineers}
== USAF Academy Informant Program ----------------- (Recruited Cadet's Story) 131215
== USAF Early Retirements -------------------------------- (Applications by 1 SEP)
== USAF E-Mail for Life ----------------------------------------------- (New System)
== USAF E-Mail for Life [01] ---------------------------------------------- (First Step)
== USAF Records Access Change -------------------- (Discharges after 1 OCT 04)
== USAF Religious Expression Policy -------------- (Revision Approved 7 NOV) 141201
== USAF Reserve Retirement ------------------------------- (Submission Guidelines)
== USAF Retiree Council --------------------------------------------------- (Overview) 120401
== USAF Retiree Funerals ------------------------------------------- (Policy Changes)
== USAF Return to Active Duty ------------------------------------------- (Programs) 081201
== USAID ---------------- (Taxpayers Billed $1.1M for Staff Parties and Retreats) 150315
== USCG Cell Phone *CG Use ------------------------------------ (Change in policy)
== USCG Retirement Certificates ------------------------------- (Mailings Delayed) 100315
== USCG WWII Vet Outreach Campaign --------------- (Oral histories requested)
== USCG/NOAA Personnel Locator ----------------------------------------- (Retiree) 091101
== USERRA -------------------------------------------------------- (Rights if called up)
== USERRA [01] --------------------------------------------- (Vet employment rights)
== USERRA [02] --------------------------------------------------- (Know your rights)
== USERRA [03] ------------------------------------------------------ (OSC vs. VETS)
== USERRA [04] ---------------------------------------------- (25% Vets Dissatisfied)
== USERRA [05] ------------------------------------------ (Sole Jurisdiction of DOL)
== USERRA [06] ----------------------------------------------- (Proposed Legislation) 080815
== USERRA [07] -------------------------------------------- (Vet Awarded $118,000) 090415
== USERRA [08] ---------------------------------- (RC Personnel Targeted Layoffs) 090615
== USERRA [09] --------------------------------------------- (House Passes H.R.466) 090615
== USERRA [10] --------------------------------------- (Law’s Reservist Protections) 100201
== USERRA [11] ---------------------------------- (Government Job Discrimination) 120301
== USERRA [12] ---------------------------------------------- (Home Depot Lawsuit) 120415
== USERRA [13] ---------------------------------------------------------------- (S.2299) 120501
== USERRA [14] ----------------------------------------------------- (TSA Exemption) 120615
== USERRA [15] ----------------------------- (Guardsman Michael Hanke Lawsuit) 121015
== USERRA [16] ------------------------------------------- (Dwayne Coffer Lawsuit) 121101
== USERRA [17] ---------------------------------- (Federal Law Trumps State Law) 130301
== USERRA [18] -------------- (USPS Ordered to Reinstate National Guardsman) 140115
== USERRA {Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act}
== USFHP --------------------------------------------------------- (Enrollment Criteria)
== USFHP ------------------------------ (GAO Recommends Program Elimination) 140901
== USFHP (Uniformed Services Family Health Program)
== USFHP [01] ---------------------------------------------- (TRICARE Prime option)
== USFHP [02] --------------------------------------------- (TRICARE Prime option) 090715
== USFHP [03] -------------------------------- (Member Satisfaction Rating 92.5%) 131105
== USFSPA & Divorce ------------------------------- (Retired pay marital property)
== USFSPA & Divorce [01] ---------------------------------- (10-year-rule proposal)
== USFSPA & Divorce [02] -------------------------------------- (Litigation Tactics) 080815
== USFSPA & Divorce [03] --------------------------------- (Government Missteps) 090101
== USFSPA & Divorce [04] --------------------------------------- (TDRL Precedent) 090301
== USFSPA & Divorce [04] ------------------------------------------- (Iowa Bill 170) 090301
== USFSPA & Divorce [05] -------------------------------------- (Oklahoma H.1053) 090401
== USFSPA & Divorce [06] ----------------------------------------- (HB 1053 Status) 090615
== USFSPA & Divorce [07] ------------------------------- (HASC Hearing Request) 090615
== USFSPA & Divorce [08] ------------------------------------------- (How it Began) 090701
== USFSPA & Divorce [09] ----------------------------------- (DFAS Stats 7/14/09) 090815
== USFSPA & Divorce [10] ---------------------------------------------- (CA SB.285) 091015
== USFSPA & Divorce [11] ------------------------------------ (Maryland H.B.1359) 100315
== USFSPA & Divorce [12] ----------------------------------- (Oklahoma H.B.1053) 100415
== USFSPA & Divorce [13] ---------------------------------- (AZ H.B.2348 Signed) 100501
== USFSPA & Divorce [14] ----------------------------------- (Oklahoma H.B.1053) 100615
== USFSPA & Divorce [15] --------------------------------------- (Iowa VSO Jailed) 100901
== USFSPA & Divorce [16] ---------------------- (Vets Turn to State Legislatures) 101001
== USFSPA & Divorce [17] -------------------------- (Oklahoma SB528 & SB917) 110301
== USFSPA & Divorce [18] ------------------------------------------- (Cote vs. Cote) 110901
== USFSPA & Divorce [19] ----------------------------------------- (Scott Cameron) 120215
== USFSPA & Divorce [20] ----------------------------------- (Income Controversy) 120301
== USFSPA & Divorce [21] ------------------------------------------- (Peter Barclay) 120515
== USFSPA & Divorce [21] ----------------------------- (Marshall Willick Lawsuit) 120701
== USFSPA & Divorce [22] ------------------------ (MS SC Upholds Federal Law)
== USFSPA & Divorce [23] --------------------------- (Disability Payment Debate)
== USFSPA {Uniform Services Former Spouses Protection Act}
== USFSPA Lawsuit -------------- (Elimination of the post-divorce pay increases)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [01] ------------------------- (Lawsuit to reform or repeal act)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [02] ------------------------------------------ (Legal team hired)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [03] --------------------------------------- (Will file early 2004)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [04] ------------------------------------ (Divorcees go to court)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [05] ---------------------------------------- (Sept 10 court date)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [06] ------------------------ (Motion Heard-But Not Decided)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [07] ---------------------------- (Federal Court dismisses case)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [08] ---------------------------------- (3 of 4 claims dismissed)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [09] ---------------------------- (Rumsfeld unaware of policy)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [10] ---------------------------------------- (NMFA comments)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [11] ---------------------------- (Supreme Court Appeal Next)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [12] ------------------------------- (Supreme Court Petitioned)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [13] -------------------------------- (Supreme Court Rejection)
== USFSPA Lawsuit [14] -------------------------------------------- (Summit Report) 110915
== Using Overseas Pharmacies ---------------------------------------- (Pros & Cons) 130215
== USMC Air Station Futenma ---------------------- (Relocation Work Suspended) 150401
== USMC Commemorative Coin -------------------------------- (Struck 25 May 05)
== USMC Commemorative Coin [01] ------------------------------- (How to obtain)
== USMC Customs -------------------------------------------- (A Few Notable Ones) 141101
== USMC Harrier & Osprey Flight Demo ------------------------- (2014 Schedule) 140215
== USMC Involuntary Recall --------------------------- (Individual Ready Reserve)
== USMC Personal Data Breach ------------------------------- (Another laptop lost)
== USMC Reenlistment Offered -------------------------- (Former Marines Eligible)
== USMC Retired Services Offices ------------------------------------ (Contact Info) 120901
== USMC Retirement Guide --------------------------------------------- (Availability)
== USMC Stamps ---------------------------------------------------------- (Availability)
== USMC Tuition Aid ----------------------------------- (Reinstated in Full 5 FEB) 140215
== USMC Tuition Aid [01] ---------------------------------- (Stricter 2015 Program) 150115
== USMC Wounded Warrior Battalion -------------------- (Administrative Limbo) 120901
== USN Normandy Monument ------------------------------ (Recognition oversight)
== USN Retired Activities Offices -------------------------------------------- (Listing) 120815
== USN/USMC Email Access ------------------------ (Removed from official sites)
== USNS SGT Matej Kocak -------------------- (Reef Grounded Vessel Refloated) 150301
== USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1) ------------------------- (Maiden Voyage a Success) 140515
== USO ------------------------------------------------------ (New DC Airport Lounge)
== USO [01] -------------------------------------------------------- (Ontario CA Center) 101001
== USO [02] ------------------------------------------------------------------ (New York) 120101
== USO [03] ---------------------------------------------- (Airport Loose Change Bill) 120115
== USPS Claims ----------------------------------------------------- (Insured Packages) 120115
== USPS Express Mail ------------------------------------------------- (Service details)
== USPS Lithium Battery Policy ** ---------------------- (Shipment via APO/FPO) 120601
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