Reference list for waterrelated coal seam gas and coal mining research

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Table 4. Project : Earth surface subsidence in the Kuznetsk coal basin caused by manmade and natural seismic activity according to ALOS PALSAR interferometry

Project characteristics


Project title

Earth surface subsidence in the Kuznetsk coal basin caused by manmade and natural seismic activity according to ALOS PALSAR interferometry

Project location


Principal investigator

Zakharov, Alexander I.; Epov, Michael I.; Mironov, Valery L.; Chymitdorzhiev, Tumen N.; Seleznev, Victor S.; Emanov, Alexander F.; Bykov, Michael E.; Cherepenin, Vladimir A.

Lead institution

Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, RAS, Fryazino 141120, Russia

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2013

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2013

Project summary

This paper presents results of a spaceborne radar interferometry technique application for land subsidence observations in a coal mining area in Kuzbass, Russia. Joint analysis of radar interferometry measurements with simultaneous seismic observations shows that the land subsidence is triggered by seismic events, both natural and caused by human underground activity. Surface displacements are linked typically to the boundaries of block structures and correlate with the location of clusters of seismic events.

© 2013 IEEE.


Zakharov et al. (2013). Earth surface subsidence in the kuznetsk coal basin caused by manmade and natural seismic activity according to ALOS PALSAR interferometry. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, 08855 - 1331, United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.

Key personnel

Zakharov, Alexander I.; Epov, Michael I.; Mironov, Valery L.; Chymitdorzhiev, Tumen N.; Seleznev, Victor S.; Emanov, Alexander F.; Bykov, Michael E.; Cherepenin, Vladimir A.


Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, RAS, Fryazino 141120, Russia

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


4.2.4United Kingdom

Table 4. Project : Relationship between joint movement and mining subsidence

Project characteristics


Project title

Relationship between joint movement and mining subsidence

Project location

United Kingdom

Principal investigator

Swift, G.

Lead institution

Civil Engineering Research Centre, University of Salford, Newton Building, Peel Park, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT, United Kingdom

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2013

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2013

Project summary

The hazards associated with the possible collapse of old mine workings underlying an active landfill site in north-east England have been identified as a significant concern to both the regulatory authorities and to the landfill operator. A quantitative assessment of the hazards and their perceived risks to the integrity of the composite lining system in place beneath the landfill has been undertaken using a combination of field observation, established mine subsidence prediction tools and numerical modelling techniques. Field observations have identified the presence of extensive fissuring within the limestone underlying the site, however, it is difficult to assess the extent to which mining has contributed to the development of these features. In light of this, an influence function technique has been used to attempt to predict the degree of fracturing that could have been experienced at the surface due solely to mining, with the intention of illustrating whether the scale of movements on pre-existing joints could be attributed to mining subsidence. The results of this analysis have subsequently been used within a finite-difference numerical model to assess the effect that a fracture of the scale predicted would have on the composite lining system.

© 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


Swift. (2013). Relationship between joint movement and mining subsidence.

Key personnel

Swift, G.


Civil Engineering Research Centre, University of Salford, Newton Building, Peel Park, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WT, United Kingdom

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


Table 4. Project : Numerical modelling of shallow abandoned mine working subsidence affecting transport infrastructure

Project characteristics


Project title

Numerical modelling of shallow abandoned mine working subsidence affecting transport infrastructure

Project location

United Kingdom

Principal investigator

Helm, P. R.; Davie, C. T.; Glendinning, S.

Lead institution

School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2013

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2013

Project summary

This work presents details of a shallow mining subsidence event that occurred in the summer of 2001 causing the formation of crown-holes at the surface which affected the East Coast Main Railway line in the UK. This subsidence event caused significant disruption and the remediation effort required the construction of a 1.8. km long diversion built on a piled, reinforced concrete raft. Details of the ground investigation are summarised along with a large parametric numerical modelling study undertaken in FLAC 3D into the potential causes of the instability, including the role of variations of the level of the groundwater table, the influence of the structure of the rock mass and also the potential geometry of the abandoned workings. Ultimately the modelling allowed constraints to be placed on the likely excavation width of the workings at the site along with bedding spacing and strength of the overlying rock mass. The modelling also suggests that the increase in the ground water table may also have been a factor in the occurrence of instability on the site.

© 2012 Elsevier B.V.


Helm et al. (2013). Numerical modelling of shallow abandoned mine working subsidence affecting transport infrastructure. Engineering Geology. P.O. Box 211, Amsterdam, 1000 AE, Netherlands: Elsevier.

Key personnel

Helm, P. R.; Davie, C. T.; Glendinning, S.


School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


4.2.5United States

Table 4. Project : Exploring the legacy effects of surface coal mining on stream chemistry

Project characteristics


Project title

Exploring the legacy effects of surface coal mining on stream chemistry

Project location


Principal investigator

Hopkins Ii, Robert L.; Altier, Bradley M.; Haselman, Derek; Merry, Andrea D.; White, Jacob J.

Lead institution

Biology Department, University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, OH, United States

Project budget


Source of funding

Provost Academic Excellence Initiative Grant from the University of Rio Grande

Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2013

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2013

Project summary

Surface coal mining results in dramatic alterations of the landscape in central Appalachia, leading to a myriad of environmental problems. In this study, we explore the long-term effects of surface coal mining on stream chemistry and endeavor to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of reclamation. We examined 30 sites in the Raccoon Creek watershed in southeastern Ohio, where the majority of surface mine sites are in various stages of reclamation. Our results show that conductivity (r = 0.862; P = 0.000), sulfate (r = 0.619; P = 0.000), and aluminum (r = 0.469; P = 0.009) levels increase linearly as a function of the areal extent of reclaimed mines in each subwatershed, suggesting limited success of reclamation to restore natural stream chemistry. In contrast, pH was not significantly linearly correlated with the areal extent of surface mines. This suggests that local acid mine drainage remediation projects are able to regulate acidity levels in the watershed but not conductivity and certain heavy metal concentrations. Many sites had conductivity levels high enough to impair aquatic biota via ionic and osmoregulatory stress. In sum, surface coal mining appears to have a strong legacy effect on stream chemistry in the Raccoon Creek watershed.

© 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht


Hopkins Ii et al. (2013). Exploring the legacy effects of surface coal mining on stream chemistry. Hydrobiologia. Van Godewijckstraat 30, Dordrecht, 3311 GZ, Netherlands: Springer Netherlands.

Key personnel

Hopkins Ii, Robert L.; Altier, Bradley M.; Haselman, Derek; Merry, Andrea D.; White, Jacob J.


Biology Department, University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, OH, United States

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


Table 4. Project : Templeton gap floodway levees, investigation and mitigation of mine subsidence

Project characteristics


Project title

Templeton gap floodway levees, investigation and mitigation of mine subsidence

Project location


Principal investigator

Soule, N.; Parekh, M. L.; Kuehr, S.; Amundson, A.; Hanna, K.; Bare, D.; Pauley, C.

Lead institution

Brierley Assoc., Denver, CO, United States

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2013

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2013

Project summary

As part of FEMA's Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) conversion project for El Paso County, Colorado, the Templeton Gap Levee (TGL) System required certification. The purpose of levee certification is to provide FEMA with documentation that areas behind the levees are protected from the 1% annual chance of exceedance flood event and may be accredited as such by FEMA on the DFIRM. Without certification, property owners behind the TGL could be required to purchase flood insurance, potentially costing the community millions of dollars annually in insurance premiums. During preliminary exploration and literature review, the engineering team found evidence of historic coal mining, predominantly room and pillar type mines with approximately 9 to 30 meters (30 to 100 feet) of cover over the coal seams under and around the TGL. Subsequent targeted drilling, geophysical surveys using DC resistivity and reverse vertical seismic profiling, and subsurface sonar and video void imaging confirmed that open mine voids exist under the levee, placing the structure at risk for future subsidence that could threaten the integrity of the TGL. The geophysical investigation: 1) provided detailed information on the subsurface characteristics beneath the TGL; 2) mapped possible mine workings beneath and adjacent to the levee; and 3) provided information for assessing risk for potential subsidence or sinkhole development associated with abandoned mines. Mitigation measures consisted of grouting the areas considered at high risk of subsidence, using staged sanded cement grout injection into open mine voids. The Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety finalized the mitigation plan and performed the work under the Inactive Mine Program. This paper describes the geotechnical and geophysical investigation and subsidence mitigation, as well as the agency partnership which developed to facilitate completion of this work.


Soule et al. (2013). Templeton gap floodway levees, investigation and mitigation of mine subsidence. Geochallenges - Rising to the Geotechnical Challenges of Colorado. Reston, VA, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

Key personnel

Soule, N.; Parekh, M. L.; Kuehr, S.; Amundson, A.; Hanna, K.; Bare, D.; Pauley, C.


Brierley Assoc., Denver, CO, United States

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


Table 4. Project : Enhanced subsurface subsidence prediction model that considers overburden stratification

Project characteristics


Project title

Enhanced subsurface subsidence prediction model that considers overburden stratification

Project location


Principal investigator

Luo, Yi; Qiu, Biao

Lead institution

Department of Mining Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2012

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2012

Project summary

Subsurface strata movements and deformations caused by longwall mining operations in underground coal mines could affect many important coal mining activities, such as gob well degasification, ground water protection and multiple seam mining. The stratifications in the overburden have significant influence on the subsurface and surface movements and deformations in the ground subsidence process. An enhanced subsurface subsidence prediction model considering overburden stratifications has been introduced in this paper. In this method, the entire overburden strata are equally divided into a finite number of layers and the percent of the hard rocks in each layer is an additional input. The proven influence function method is applied to predict the subsidence on each of the predefined layers progressively upward using the predicted subsidence on the previous layer as the subsidence cause for the current layer. A computer program is developed to facilitate the calculations. A case demonstration is used to show the applicability of the proposed subsurface subsidence prediction model.


Luo and Qiu. (2012). Enhanced subsurface subsidence prediction model that considers overburden stratification. Mining Engineering. 12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle, Englewood,Colorado, 80112, United States: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (SME).

Key personnel

Luo, Yi; Qiu, Biao


Department of Mining Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


Table 4. Project : Applications of DInSAR for measuring mine-induced subsidence and constraining ground deformation model

Project characteristics


Project title

Applications of DInSAR for measuring mine-induced subsidence and constraining ground deformation model

Project location


Principal investigator

Ismaya, F.; Donovan, J.

Lead institution

Dept. of Min. Eng., Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2012

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2012

Project summary

Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) was used to measure subsidence above an underground longwall mine in Book Cliffs coal field Utah. DInSAR is a remote sensing technique capable of producing high-density displacement maps with sub-centimeter accuracy. In this study several SAR images covering an area of the West Ridge mine were used to produce displacement maps of the three-dimensional subsidence troughs developed above the active longwall panels. The results were validated using traditional field methods and subsequently used for constraining a ground deformation model. DInSAR identified the maximum amount of subsidence as 1.1 meters, nearly identical to the 1.2 meters measured using survey-controlled photogrammetry. Time-lapsed DInSAR subsidence profiles were fit to the active longwall mining sequence and were able to properly identify the dynamic progress of subsidence trough development above the extracted panels. Finally, DInSAR results were used to constrain a subsidence model and the result indicates that DInSAR is not only capable of providing high accuracy data for subsidence measurement but can also be used for model validation and improvement.


Ismaya and Donovan. (2012). Applications of DInSAR for Measuring Mine-Induced Subsidence and Constraining Ground Deformation Model. GeoCongress 2012 State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, 25-29 March 2012. Reston, VA, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

Key personnel

Ismaya, F.; Donovan, J.


Dept. of Min. Eng., Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


Table 4. Project : Mitigation and monitoring of structural distress in the Whitely Electrical Substation due to mine subsidence

Project characteristics


Project title

Mitigation and monitoring of structural distress in the Whitely Electrical Substation due to mine subsidence

Project location


Principal investigator

Horn, M.; Cass, P.; Bazan-Zurita, E.

Lead institution

First Energy, Greensburg, PA, United States

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2012

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2012

Project summary

Mine subsidence mitigation for an energized electrical substation. Underground coal mining is a common activity in the North East United States which often impacts surface facilities including electric transmission/substation systems. In longwall mining, coal seams are excavated over large areas that cause near immediate, vertical and horizontal displacements of the ground surface above the mined seam. Structures located on these affected areas are subjected to varying permanent and temporary foundation displacements and rotations that may induce strains and stresses beyond the capacity of the structure. Cumberland Coal informed West Penn Power that long-wall mining would occur underneath the West Penn Power, 138kV, Whiteley Substation in early 2010. Their estimates indicated the ground would settle a total of approximately 4.5 feet. It was also necessary for West Penn Power to maintain service, from the substation during this subsidence event for its customers including the mining equipment. This paper discusses how the structural integrity of the substation components was maintained during the subsidence event by devising, implementing and monitoring various mitigation actions that reduced horizontal and vertical strains, compensated for the induced deformations in the structures, and reinforced components to tolerate anticipated deformations. Depending on the materials, geometry, and foundation layout of each structure, the impact of subsidence can be significantly alleviated by either stiffening of the panels and foundations to promote rigid body movements, and/or by softening the connections in order to facilitate limited mechanism types of movements. Whiteley substation functioned as needed during the subsidence event, as the result of these mitigation actions.


Horn et al. (2012). Mitigation and monitoring of structural distress in the whitely electrical substation due to mine subsidence. 2012 Electrical Transmission and Substation Structures Conference, 4-8 Nov. 2012. Reston, VA, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

Key personnel

Horn, M.; Cass, P.; Bazan-Zurita, E.


First Energy, Greensburg, PA, United States

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


Table 4. Project : Geotechnical aspects of a 16 m high steep embankment in Eastern Pennsylvania

Project characteristics


Project title

Geotechnical aspects of a 16 m high steep embankment in Eastern Pennsylvania

Project location


Principal investigator

McCullough, M. L.; Lei, Gu; Bohr, R.; Mouradian, A. G.

Lead institution

Gannett Fleming, Inc., Audubon, PA, United States

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2013

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2013

Project summary

This paper presents the geotechnical investigations, analyses of data, design requirements and proposed construction methods for a steep embankment in eastern Pennsylvania. As part of the improvements to the I-81 Exit 178Avoca/Airport Interchange project, a new 1.4 km road is proposed between the interchange and a nearby industrial park. The new road will be constructed mostly on embankment fill. At one point, the road is required to pass between two existing airport runway light towers. Due to an existing valley in this vicinity and the geometric constraints of the light towers, the proposed embankment fill in this area reaches a maximum of approximately 16 m in height with slopes as steep as 0.6 horizontal to 1 vertical (0.6H:1V). The project site is located within the Northern Anthracite coal fields. Historical mine data indicate that the anthracite coal is characterized by extensive abandoned surface and underground mine workings. The critical nature of existing towers, along with difficult subsurface conditions at the project site, results in several geotechnical challenges in design of the steep embankment for the new road. This paper focuses on the proposed steep slopes at the runway tower site and presents investigations and analyses performed by Gannett Fleming including mine void identification, potential settlement estimates due to mine subsidence and stability issues of the steep embankment. Additional considerations presented include grout stabilization of mine voids and settlement monitoring.


McCullough et al. (2013). Geotechnical Aspects of a 16 m High Steep Embankment in Eastern Pennsylvania. GeoCongress 2013: Stablility and Performance of Slopes and Embankments III, 3-7 March 2013. Reston, VA, USA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

Key personnel

McCullough, M.L.; Lei, Gu; Bohr, R.; Mouradian, A.G.


Gannett Fleming, Inc., Audubon, PA, United States

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


Table 4. Project : Applications of surface and subsurface subsidence theories to solve ground control problems

Project characteristics


Project title

Applications of surface and subsurface subsidence theories to solve ground control problems

Project location


Principal investigator

Qiu, Biao

Lead institution

West Virginia University

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2013

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2013

Project summary

The stability of the underground mine openings largely depends on the surrounding ground conditions, such as stress concentrations, geological conditions and support intensities etc. In particular, the ground control stability associated with large movements and deformations of the strata is much more complicated and could induce much more severe safety problems. A ground control failure could endanger the coal miner's safety not only directly by roof, pillar, floor and/or rib failure, but also by ground cracks induced methane and water inundations indirectly. This study is aimed to develop comprehensive models to simulate the ground response to mining and solve the ground control problems associated with it. During the last four decades, many research works have been conducted on the ground control study, and numerous models, including analytical, empirical, numerical and hybrid models, were developed to facilitate ground control and support design. If a model is to be used as a common mine design tool, the simplicity of the model itself and the consistency between actual in-mine and modeled ground response to mining are essential. For the study of the ground control stability associated with large movements and deformations, the key is to know the movements and deformations of the subsurface strata. The subsidence prediction models can determine the movements and deformations very accurately as proven by plenty of surface subsidence survey data. In this study, the subsidence prediction models are employed to analyze the stability of some subsidence related ground control problems based on the subsurface strata movements and deformations. In this dissertation, an innovative approach, employing the influence function method while considering the hard rock layers, is applied in the development of an enhanced subsurface subsidence prediction model. This improved model is then applied in analyzing three specific subsidence related ground control problems. An analytical model, employing dynamic subsurface subsidence theory and considering the roof support interaction, is developed to analyze the stability of pre-driven longwall recovery room. The mechanism of the ground control stability problems as well as the potential safety problems associated with multi-seam mining interactions is discussed. Multi-seam mining subsidence prediction methods are re-examined based on the multi-seam mining interaction analysis. The redistribution of the stresses and strains in overburden is also able to affect the surface and subsurface water bodies in various degrees. Mathematical models are developed to link longwall induced overburden strata permeability change and subsurface deformations. A ground water flow model is used to assess the longwall mining impacts on surface and subsurface hydrological systems. This study provides a greater understanding of the mechanism of the subsidence-related ground control problems. Innovative methods are developed to derive stress, strain and permeability change, and quantify the subsidence effects on mine structure stability and the hydrological system sustainability. The developed models are coded and incorporated into a software suite to provide an easy-to-use tool for the mine planning and designing of all subsidence related issues.

Key personnel

Qiu. (2013). Applications of surface and subsurface subsidence theories to solve ground control problems. Ann Arbor: West Virginia University.Qiu, Biao


West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


Table 4. Project : Identifying root causes for subsidence over abandoned coal mine - A case study

Project characteristics


Project title

Identifying root causes for subsidence over abandoned coal mine - A case study

Project location


Principal investigator

Luo, Y.; Qiu, B.

Lead institution

West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States

Project budget


Source of funding


Project duration

Unknown- literature output 2013

Current status

Unknown- literature output 2013

Project summary

Correctly identifying root cause for subsidence events in areas over abandoned coal mines is often a difficult task. It is important to collect available data about the reported subsidence event including historical events, observed and measured ground and structural deformations, geological and mining conditions, etc. Comprehensive analysis of the collected information should be performed to characterize the reported event. A detailed comparison between the identified characteristics and those of mine subsidence events often could lead to delineation whether the event is caused by abandoned mine. For the events possibly not caused by mining, identifying the root cause could be even more difficult. This paper presents the investigation of a complicated subsidence case over an abandoned coal mine. The collected data, analysis and findings are detailed. The root cause other than the abandoned mine has been identified.

© 2013 ARMA, American Rock Mechanics Association


Luo and Qiu. (2013). Identifying root causes for subsidence over abandoned coal mine - A case study. 47th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2013, June 23, 2013 - June 26, 2013. San Francisco, CA, United states: American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA).

Key personnel

Luo, Y.; Qiu, B.


West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States

Research themes

Surface water

Project information source


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