Released by redcap on 10/14/2016 Partners Healthcare to upgrade on 11/15/2016 redcap V. 15. 11 Full Release Notes Version 15. 11 (released 10/14/2016) bug fixes & other changes

Version 6.12.2 - (released 3/18/2016)

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Version 6.12.2 - (released 3/18/2016)

  • Major bug fix: If the function min() or max() is used in a calculated field in which one of the values used in the function is blank/null, then auto-calculations (via data import, Data Quality rule H, etc.) would mistakenly return an incorrect answer. This is despite the fact that it would calculate it correctly when viewing the calculated value on a data entry form or survey. In this way, the calculation might get saved correctly initially but then may get changed later to the incorrect value via auto-calculations or by running rule H in the Data Quality module.

  • Major bug fix: If a calculated field has somehow ended up having an incorrect value when its value should instead be blank/null, then auto-calculations (via data import, Data Quality rule H, etc.) would mistakenly not be able to correct the value to set it as blank/null. This would often be seen when running rule H in the Data Quality module, in which it would appear not to fix any values even though it said that it did fix them. (Ticket #1156)

  • Major bug fix: If a user executes rule H in the Data Quality module in which some of the values listed exist on a data entry form that has been locked, then the process will fail when the user attempts to fix all incorrect calculated values, even though it may mistakenly say that it did fix them. This prevents any of the calculations from being fixed in the project. (Ticket #1156)

  • Bug fix: If a user accesses a data entry form that has been disabled (either because they have read-only form rights or because the form is locked), then calculations could be triggered on that page when the page loads, thus changing the values of the calc fields and possibly showing/hiding other fields if they have branching logic based on those calc fields. This is normally fine if the data is not being saved; however, if the user leaves the page, it would mistakenly display for them the "Save your changes?" dialog, which inadvertently allows them to save the values of those calc fields even though they should not be able to modify data on that page. (Ticket #1128)

  • Bug fix: If a drop-down field on a survey has a Stop Action and the auto-complete feature is enabled for the drop-down field, then if the Stop Action gets triggered by a participant, then it would not correctly remove the field's value if the participant clicked the button "Continue survey and undo last response" and might also cause lots of popups to pile on top of each other.

  • Bug fix: If a survey participant is using IE6 or IE7, then it would throw a JavaScript? error on the Survey Completion Text page after completing the survey (although it would successfully save their responses with no problem). (Ticket #1142)

Version 6.12.1 - (released 3/9/2016)

New feature: Live Filters for reports

  • Any report can now have up to 3 fields that can be designated as a Live Filter. The Live Filters are displayed as drop-downs when viewing a report at the top-right of the page, and selecting a Live Filter will cause the report to be re-run in real time using the Live Filter value as a filter.

  • If exporting a report that has a Live Filter selected, the export popup window will provide an extra choice to allow the user to export the full report data set or to apply the currently selected Live Filter to the report when exporting.

  • Note: Currently only multiple choice fields can be used as Live Filters (as well as Events, if longitudinal, and Data Access Groups, if any exist).

Improvement: The left-hand menu of each project now has collapsible sections so that a user may collapse the section for easier navigation or to have a more compact page. The collapsed state of each section in each project is remembered using a cookie on the user's device so that when a user returns to the project in the future, the menu section remains in the same collapsed/non-collapsed state as the last time they viewed it on that device.

Improvement: Performing data exports or viewing reports for projects containing very large amounts records, especially in conjunction with lots of events and/or fields, should not halt the export process very often anymore. In the past this might cause REDCap to display an error message saying "the data export is not able to complete" due to the large amount of data being exported or viewed. In the case when too much web server memory is used during the data export process, REDCap will now invisibly revert to a backup process that utilizes a local temp file on the server for temporarily storing data during the export process (rather than relying on server memory solely for this). This will allow the export process to complete successfully; however, the process will take several times longer to complete than if simply using server memory.

Change: When exporting an entire project as a REDCap Project XML file, it now provides the option "Include all uploaded files and signatures?", which is unchecked by default. In previous versions, it automatically included all uploaded files and signatures in the resulting XML file, but this often caused the export to fail due to the project either containing many files or containing very large files.

Change: A new parameter "exportFiles" (boolean) was added to the REDCap::getProjectXML developer method for plugins and hooks. The parameter, which defaults to FALSE, specifies whether or not the resulting XML will include all files (base64 encoded) that were uploaded for File Upload and Signature fields for all records in the project. Please note that while the previous version (6.12.0) exported all files in the resulting XML by default, it no longer does that and must now be specified explicitly.

Change: A new parameter "exportFiles" (boolean) was added to the "Export Project XML" API method. The parameter, which defaults to FALSE, specifies whether or not the resulting XML will include all files (base64 encoded) that were uploaded for File Upload and Signature fields for all records in the project. Please note that while the previous version (6.12.0) exported all files in the resulting XML by default, it no longer does that and must now be specified explicitly.

Bug fix: When uploading a data dictionary containing a calc field whose calculation has a syntactical error, it would mistakenly display some seemingly irrelevant numbers at the end of the error message, which could be confusing.

Bug fix: When using certain non-English translation files (i.e., French), the "Suspend user account" button might not display correctly or function on the Browse Users page in the Control Center. (Ticket user information (closed: Will fix in upcoming release)" >#1081)

Bug fix: When downloading the CSV file of the list of users in the popup on the Browse Users page in the Control Center, if the file contained any UTF-8 characters, it would mistakenly not add the Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the beginning of the file, thus preventing the file from being opened easily by most programs. (Ticket #1099)

Bug fix: When exporting data to a statistical analysis package (e.g., SAS) if a multiple choice field in the project contains two or more choices having the same coded value, which is typically discouraged, it could throw an error in the statistical analysis software when loading in the syntax file from REDCap. In the case where duplicate codings exist for a given multiple choice field, it will now merge those choice labels together in the syntax file for the stats package when performing a data export.

Bug fix: If a data entry form is opened and the first field on it has a min/max range validation check, in which the value is already entered and is out of range, then if any dialog popups get displayed initially when the form loads (e.g., required fields were missing, data quality real-time execution rules were violated), it would mistakenly display the out-of-range error message for that first field whenever the user would click on a dialog popup on the page that happens to be obscuring the field in question.

Bug fix: When assigning an existing user in a project to a role or when re-assigning an existing user to another role, it would mistakenly display the "Notify user via email?" option above the role names when choosing their role. It should only display that option when initially adding a user to the project via assigning them to a role.

Bug fix: The time field was mistakenly not being validated for Step 3 when setting up Automated Survey Invitations with option "Send on next [day] at time [time]" and also when enabling reminders using option "Send every [day] at time [time]" when composing survey invitations. This could allow users to accidentally enter an invalid value, thus causing the invitations/reminders not to send at the desired time. (Ticket #1136)

Bug fix: When clicking the "Use advanced logic" link in Step 3 when creating or editing a report in a project, if a text field for the filter value was left blank, then it would mistakenly convert that blank value to "undefined" in the advanced logic that is produced, rather than it being just two double quotes (i.e., "").

Version 6.12.0 - (released 2/26/2016)


  • Improvement: New option to download charts displayed on the "Stats & Charts" tab of the "Data Exports, Reports, and Stats" module. The charts will download as PNG image files.

  • New feature: Users may now export a project’s data in CDISC ODM format. This new option is found on the “Data Exports, Reports, and Stats” page in the data export popup when selecting export format.

  • New feature: An entire REDCap project can now be exported as a single XML file (which happens to be in CDISC ODM format). The file includes events, arms, instruments, fields, and project attributes – even Descriptive field attachments. If the project contains data, then the user can also optionally export the project data (including uploaded files) in the same XML file. This XML file can serve as a snapshot or backup copy of the project, and can even be imported on the Create New Project page to create a clone (more or less) of the project.

  • New feature: Create a new project from a REDCap XML file (or other XML file containing metadata in CDISC ODM format). This is a new option on the Create New Project page, which allows the user to optionally upload their XML file rather than choosing a project template or creating the project from scratch.

  • New and improved SDK developer methods for plugins and hooks

    • REDCap::getProjectXML – New method – Returns the contents of an entire project (records, events, arms, instruments, fields, and project attributes – even uploaded files and Descriptive field attachments) as a single XML file, which is in CDISC ODM format.

    • REDCap::getData – Parameter for data format now accepts value of “odm” to export data in CDISC ODM format. This only returns data (not the project structure/metadata).

    • REDCap::saveData – Parameter for data format now accepts value of “odm” to import data in CDISC ODM format. This only returns data (not the project structure/metadata).

  • New and improved API methods

    • Export Project XML – New API method – Returns the contents of an entire project (records, events, arms, instruments, fields, and project attributes – even uploaded files and Descriptive field attachments) as a single XML file, which is in CDISC ODM format.

    • Export Records – Parameter for data format now accepts value of “odm” to export data in CDISC ODM format. This only returns data (not the project structure/metadata).

    • Import Records – Parameter for data format now accepts value of “odm” to import data in CDISC ODM format. This only returns data (not the project structure/metadata).

    • Create Project – New optional parameter named “odm” can be used to pass the ODM XML string of an entire project’s structure (the same as output by the Export Project XML method) when creating a new project using a Super API Token. This will allow you not only to create the project with the API request, but also to import all fields, forms, and project attributes (and events and arms, if longitudinal) as well as record data all at the same time.


  • Major bug fix: When using Table-based authentication, in which a new user account is created and the user receives an email to set their password, in some cases it would mistakenly cause multiple false logins after loading the page, which might possibly trigger the auto-lockout feature. If this happens, the user would have to wait until after the set lockout period has passed, but it is possible that the auto-lockout could occur again, thus preventing the user from gaining access to REDCap for a while. This does not occur on all occasions but only randomly. This bug was thought to have been fixed in a prior version but apparently still occurred in certain cases. (Ticket #1112)

  • Bug fix: If running PHP 5.1 or 5.2 on the REDCap web server, REDCap might not be able to send emails successfully but instead will throw a PHP parsing error. Bug introduced in REDCap 6.11.0.

  • Bug fix: When using a survey theme on a survey containing a matrix of fields, it would mistakenly not highlight the matrix field labels in green when focus is put on the field.

  • Change: Added a new check to confirm that the version directory of the current REDCap version (e.g., redcap_v6.12.0) has not been mistakenly removed from the web server, thus resulting in a strange non-styled Home page or My Projects page.

  • Bug fix: If the system-level setting "Enable the use of surveys in projects?" is disabled on the Modules Configuration page in the Control Center, then it would mistakenly still allow users to access survey modules in a project if surveys had been enabled in the project prior to the disabling of the system-level survey setting. (Ticket #1124)

  • Bug fix: The Logging page in a project would mistakenly not display the logged event correctly when uploading or downloading a file attachment on a Descriptive field. Instead it would display it similar to that of a file uploaded to a File Upload field.

Version 6.11.5 - (released 2/12/2016)

New feature: Domain whitelist for cross-domain HTTP access control - By default, for flexibility purposes, AJAX requests (via JavaScript?) can be made to REDCap from any domain/URL. If you wish to restrict this so that only certain domains can make cross-domain AJAX requests to REDCap, then you will need to set the domain name of all allowed access control origins (i.e., the domain of the URLs) in the text box to the right. If the text box is left blank (default), then any domain will be able to make cross-domain AJAX requests to REDCap. Restricting access control to specific domains is generally considered to make REDCap more secure to prevent against possible Cross-Site Scripting attacks by malicious users. This setting can be found at the bottom of the Security & Authentication page in the Control Center.

Improvement: When an instrument has been enabled as a survey and the survey has the setting "Auto-continue to next survey" enabled, then a down arrow icon will now appear in the Online Designer for that survey to denote that this setting has been enabled.

Major bug fix: It was mistakenly possible to import dates or datetime values that contained no dashes or slashes (e.g. 20160229 instead of 2016-02-29) via the Data Import Tool or API for date-, datetime-, or datetime_seconds-validated Text fields. This could result in storing incorrectly formatted date and datetime values.

Major bug fix: If a field in a project contained a double underscore in its variable name (because it was created in an older version of REDCap that mistakenly allowed the double underscore), then when downloading and uploading the data dictionary for the project when in production status, it would mistakenly remove the double underscore, thus resulting in the deletion of the original field and unwittingly orphaning data. (Ticket #1012)

Bug fix: If using the Twilio telephony services for surveys and using multiple SMS/phone surveys in a single project when having the Twilio configuration option "Behavior for overlapping SMS invitations" set to "Allow participant to choose which survey to take next", then it might mistakenly include already-completed surveys in the list sent to the user. Also, it would mistakenly not include surveys in the list whose invitations are set to call the participant after the participant sends an SMS message with an access code.

Bug fix: When creating a new report in a project, if a user opted to use advanced logic for Step 3 (Filters), it would mistakenly not save the logic when creating the report but leave it blank. It would save correctly if advanced logic was added to an existing report but not to one that is being created.

Change: New videos for REDCap Mobile App

Bug fix: Some HTML character codes (such as " ") inside Field Labels would get mistakenly displayed on the Data Dictionary Codebook page for a project.

Bug fix: When exporting a project's logging as a CSV file on the Logging page, then if any UTF-8 characters existed in the CSV file, it would mistakenly not include a Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the beginning of the file. Without the BOM, the UTF-8 encoded file could not be opened in certain text editors or applications. (Ticket #537)

Bug fix: When exporting a project's Participant List or Survey Invitation Log as a CSV file, then if any UTF-8 characters existed in the CSV file, it would mistakenly not include a Byte Order Mark (BOM) at the beginning of the file. Without the BOM, the UTF-8 encoded file could not be opened in certain text editors or applications. (Ticket #1099)

Bug fix: If the text-to-speech feature is enabled on a survey that contains a logo at the top of the survey page, then the speaker icons that appear next to the survey title and instructions would mistakenly be in the wrong place on the page when the webpage loads instead of right next to the title and instructions text. (Ticket #1113)

Bug fix: For certain server configurations, some stray double quote characters in the English.ini language file would cause the upgrade module to crash, thus making it impossible to complete the upgrade process to upgrade from a prior version.

Version 6.11.4 - (released 2/5/2016)

Major bug fix: If the "Save & Return Later" option had been enabled for a survey and an instrument had been locked by a user for a specific record/response, then a survey participant having a unique survey link (as opposed to a public survey link) would mistakenly be able to return to the response and erase all the data values on the survey using the "Start Over" button, even though the responses should have been locked and not editable. This has been changed so that if the response is locked, it will not even display the "Start Over" button or the text field for entering a Return Code but instead will display to the survey participant a message saying that they cannot return to the response at this time because it is currently locked.

Bug fix: If trying to utilize the SSL/TLS connection to MySQL, it would mistakenly not be able to connect to the database at all. (Ticket #1097)

Bug fix: If a project has the main "Use surveys in this project?" setting enabled but no instruments have been enabled as a survey yet, then it would mistakenly not display the "Manage Survey Participants" option on the User Rights page when adding/editing a user or role. (Ticket #1100)

Version 6.11.3 - (released 1/29/2016)

Bug fix: On certain pages, such as the "Table-based User Management" page in the Control Center, in which the PEAR DB module is utilized for database connections, if REDCap was not using the default MySQL port (i.e., 3306), then the page would result in a fatal PHP error. This bug emerged in version 6.11.0.

Bug fix: The project Logging page was mistakenly not noting if a record was created or updated via a data import. It now says "(import)" after "Created Record" or "Updated Record" in the Action column if the record was imported via the Data Import Tool page.

Bug fix: When saving text values containing apostrophes for text boxes on many Control Center system configuration pages, it would save the values correctly but would mistakenly not re-display the values correctly if the page was revisited, in which the value in the text box would get truncated at the location of apostrophe. So if the reloaded page was then saved again, then the truncated value would mistakenly get saved. (Ticket #1083)

Bug fix: If using the Twilio telephony services for surveys, then if a participant was added to the Participant List but the participant had not yet started the survey, and then a user attempted to change their Invitation Preference in the Participant List, it would appear to change but mistakenly would not, which could be seen once the page was reloaded.

Bug fix: When using the Data Search feature on the Add/Edit? Records page in a project and entering "b" as the search query, it would mistakenly return a result with the HTML tag "" highlighted in the result instead of the first "b" in the data value.

Bug fix: After having set the conditions for an Automated Survey Invitation in the Online Designer, in which a survey has been selected in the drop-down list in Step 2 of the Automated Survey Invitations setup, if a user then changed that drop-down's value back to "select a survey" (the default value), it would mistakenly display an error popup message. It should instead not display any message at all in that case.

Bug fix: On the Browse Users page of the Control Center when viewing a user, the "Suspend user account" button might mistakenly not work when clicked if using certain language translation files for REDCap, such as French. (Ticket user information (closed: Will fix in upcoming release)" >#1081)

Change: "action" was added to the reserved variable name list to prevent users from creating fields with that variable name since it can cause JavaScript? errors to occur on a survey or form in certain browsers when the field is used in branching logic. (Ticket #1093)

Bug fix: When using the Randomization module in a project and performing randomization for a record on a data entry form, if the randomization field has any HTML inside its field label or its choice labels, then in the popup displayed after a successful randomization, it would mistakenly display the label's HTML as escaped rather than having the HTML be interpreted on the page. This makes it more consistent with how the label is displayed on the data entry form. (Ticket #1091)

Bug fix: Users in a longitudinal project would mistakenly be able to delete all events in the project if they deleted the second to last event and then immediately deleted the last event prior to leaving the page. It now prevents users from deleting all events, which can cause problems in the project such as not displaying certain things correctly. (Ticket #1073)

Change: The Help & FAQ page was updated.

Change/improvement: If the Survey Login feature is enabled in a project, it now offers a "Show value" checkbox immediately below each login field, and when checked it will remove the password mask from the field to allow the participant to view the value as clear text. Removing the mask may be necessary in certain cases, such as entering specially formatted values like dates/times and also when using mobile devices, on which it might be more difficult to type with accuracy. Note: The password mask feature for text fields on the survey login form were added recently in version 6.11.0, whereas in prior versions the password fields had unmasked clear text values. (Ticket #1084)

Bug fix: When using the Scheduling module in a longitudinal project containing more than one arm, it would mistakenly not allow users to generate a new schedule for records that exist in more than one arm and have been scheduled for at least one arm already. (Ticket #1020)

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