• Accounts for 64.6% in total energy production.
• Installed capacity of Thermal Power is 1,04,424
MW which is 63.7% of total installed capacity.
• Thermal power produced from
Renewable resources
• Immense potential
• Current installed base of is 16,492.42 MW which is 10.12% of total installed base.
• Second largest exploiter of wind energy(1000 MW)& fifth largest wind power industry, with installed capacity of 9587MW.
• Tamil Nadu contributing nearly a third of it (5008.26 MW) largely through wind power.
• Utilizes 33lakh bio-gas plant, 2 lakh solar cooker & street lighting system using photo voltaic technology.
World primary energy demand increase by 1.6% per year on an average.
Oil is the most important and abundant source of energy in the world.
It is also the most highly consumed
Demand of oil rise from 85 million barrel per day to 106 mb. Developed industrialized countries consume 43 million barrels daily on an average while developing countries consume only 22 million barrels.
Coal is the second most abundant source of energy in the world and is highly used in power generation. Coal ranks quite low in terms of consumption. Its demand increases in certain regions.
Natural gas has been the energy source with highest
rates of growth in recent years. Consumption of gas
has increased from 14.4% to 15.6%.
World electricity demand increase at a rate of 2.5%.