TheseSLAsshallbe usedtoevaluatethetimelinesfor completionofdeliverables thatarelistedin the deliverable.These SLAs for completion of theentiresystemcommissioningtillGO LIVE.
Fordelayofeveryweekincompletion&submissionofthedeliverablementioned inthesectionofDeliverables&Timeline,theBidderwouldbechargedwitha penalty asfollows:
Delay (Weeks)
Penalty%on the contractvalue
1% per week for the undelivered supply/services
Forevery week thereafter
1% per week for the undelivered supply/services
Maximum for 10 weeks
10% for the undelivered supply/services
In case the Bidder reaches 10% SLA Penalties of the contract value in the form of penalty at any point of time during the duration of pre- implementation phase, Client shall provide relief by correcting timelines by giving a grace period of further 5 weeks. If Bidder fails to set the project schedule right even after the grace period, Client shall reserve the right to invoke the termination clause after following the due Termination Process.
Post-Implementation SLAs:
These SLAs shall be used to evaluate the performance of the services on weekly basis but penalties would be levied for cumulative performance for the quarter basis.
The SLA parameters shall be measured for each of the sub systems’ SLA parameter requirements and measurement methods, through appropriate SLA Measurement tools to be provided by the Bidder and audited by Client for accuracy and reliability. The Bidder would need to configure the SLA Measurement Tools such that all the parameters as defined under SLA matrix given below. Post-implementation SLAs, should be measured and appropriate reports be generated for monitoring the compliance.
SLAandPenaltyDeductionfor Wi–Fisystems
AvailabilityofWi-Fion InternetthroughAccessPoints(AP) (PerAPhour)
Uptime SLA(Quarterly) ForAP hours
Penaltyvalues perqtr
Uptimeup to>= 99.9%
>=99.5% &<99.9%
0.1% of thetotal valueof thiscomponent in the Price bid.
>= 99% &<99.5%
0.2% of the totalvalueof thiscomponent in the Price bid.
>=98.5% &<99%
0.3% of the totalvalueofthiscomponentinthe Price bid.
0.9% of the payment duefor the quarter for the component
ForInternet Wi-FiSystem:
Downtimemeansnon-working/non-availability ofAPs at alllocations. Uptime shall becalculatedas{1-(no.ofAP hours notavailable)/(Totalnoof APs* Totalhrper quarter)}.Forex,if600 nos.of APsare deployedatvariouslocations,and20AP donot work for1hour, thetotalnon-workingAPhourswithbe20 andthe uptime wouldbe{1-(20/(600*90*24)},600being thenumberofAPs, for90dayson24 hoursbasis. Thisdowntime will beusedforpenaltycalculationsonquarterlybasis anddebitedfrom thequarterly payables.Thepenaltieswouldbeleviedforevery APdown time be itfornon-availabilityofnetwork, theft,damageornon- availabilityofpoweretc.becausetheBidderisresponsibleforsupplyofallenabling componentson endtoendbasis.
Downtime for single AP at any location should not be greater than 12 hours. For every hour beyond this penalty of Rs.1000/- per AP per location would be applicable additional to penalty specify as per SLA and Penalty Deduction for Wi-Fi
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