Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its economic and/or diplomatic engagement with the People’s Republic of China

NC/1NR Solvency #1—Human Rights Appeals Fail

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2NC/1NR Solvency #1—Human Rights Appeals Fail

They say The aff solves human rights problems, but


  1. Extend our Christenson evidence.


It’s much better than their Lee evidence because: [PUT IN THEIR AUTHOR’S NAME]


(it’s newer) (the author is more qualified) (it has more facts)

(their evidence is not logical/contradicts itself) (history proves it to be true)

(their evidence has no facts) (Their author is biased) (it takes into account their argument)

( ) (their evidence supports our argument)


The US engages China on human rights all of the time and nothing changes. All diplomatic engagement over the last few decades proves our point. Also, your author is professor of civics and religion. He has no idea what will work when it comes to diplomacy—he just wants human rights to be protected.


This matters because: if the plan cannot solve, then their impacts will happen. This is a reason to vote to prevent our impacts.
  1. China resists human rights criticism and turns it on the US

South China Morning Post, March 2016 [News outlet focused on China, quotes major diplomats, “China ramps up offensive against US on human rights record, accusing it of racism and fuelling terrorism”, March 14,]
China hit back at the United States over its human rights record on Monday, bringing out government-backed academics to accuse Washington of everything from promoting Islamic State to being a racist plutocracy. China was infuriated last week when the United States and 11 other countries at the United Nations criticised China’s crackdown on human rights and its detentions of lawyers and activists. At a press conference arranged by the Cabinet’s news department for mostly Chinese reporters, four academics at government-run bodies lambasted the United States for what they said was hypocritical criticism of China and others. Liu Hainian, director of the Human Rights Institution under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, blamed Europe’s “refugee wave” on the United States’ military involvement in the Middle East which was forcing people to leave their “beautiful homes”. “Think about it: certain extremist groups that now exist, including Islamic State, wasn’t it the Americans who first off promoted them from behind?” Liu said. Closer to home, the United States has a terrible problem with racism, with police killing about 1,000 people last year, he added. “Most of those were people of colour,” Liu said. Chang Jian, vice director of the human rights research centre of Tianjin-based Nankai University, said the US electoral system was increasingly controlled by Super PACs, committees well-funded by corporate interests. “There are fewer and fewer opportunities for ordinary people to participate in elections,” he said. Chang made no mention of China’s own tightly controlled political system, which has been run by the Communist Party without interruption since the 1949 revolution. Asked about China’s record, Chang said he was not there to talk about his own country, but to discuss the United States, although he said China did not shy away from admitting its own problems. He and Liu avoided answering a question about televised broadcasts of confessions by suspects, often those involved in sensitive human rights cases, which have angered the United States and Europe.
  1. No Solvency: China uses US hypocrisy to not make meaningful reforms

The Guardian, March 2016 China Attacks U.S. Hypocrisy in Human Rights Council
China has strongly rejected US-led criticism of its human rights record at the UN Human Rights Council on Thursday, accusing the United States of hypocrisy and crimes including the rape and murder of civilians. “The US is notorious for prison abuse at Guantánamo prison, its gun violence is rampant, racism is its deep-rooted malaise,” Chinese diplomat Fu Cong told the Council, using unusually blunt language. “The United States conducts large-scale extra-territorial eavesdropping, uses drones to attack other countries’ innocent civilians, its troops on foreign soil commit rape and murder of local people. It conducts kidnapping overseas and uses black prisons.” Fu was responding to a joint statement by the United States and 11 other countries, who criticised China’s crackdown on human rights and its detentions of lawyers and activists. “These actions are in contravention of China’s own laws and international commitments,” said US Ambassador Keith Harper, who read out the statement backed by Australia, Japan, and nine northern European countries. “These extra-territorial actions are unacceptable, out of step with the expectations of the international community, and a challenge to the rule-based international order.” Harper read the statement straight after UN human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein gave his main annual speech to the council. He recalled his message to China in mid-February, when he cited a “very worrying pattern” of detentions. Fu said Zeid should “refrain from making subjective comments not backed up by real facts”. Advertisement He also criticized Japan’s support for the joint statement, saying Japan had refused to take responsibility for conscripting 100,000 “comfort women” in Asian countries during the second world war. In China, police have detained about 250 human rights lawyers, legal assistants, and activists since a nationwide crackdown began last July, although many have subsequently been released. Sophie Richardson, China director at Human Rights Watch, said the message delivered by Harper was the first collective joint statement on China in the 10 history of the council. “The statement shows that while President Xi may think he can eradicate dissent at home, the world stands with embattled human rights defenders across China,” she said in a statement.

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