Review for Final: mc general History

In China, the Great Leap Forward was an attempt to

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In China, the Great Leap Forward was an attempt to

    1. promote democratic reform

    2. end the private ownership of land

    3. strengthen economic ties with Europe

    4. increase agricultural and industrial production

  1. Deng Xioaping’s economic reforms in China differ from the previous economic policies of Mao Zedong in that Deng’s reforms

    1. discourage private ownership of businesses

    2. promote further collectivization

    3. include elements of capitalism

    4. decrease trade with the United States

  2. In China, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution promoted by Mao Zedong were similar in that both plans

    1. ended dynastic rule

    2. disrupted industrial development

    3. encouraged capitalism

    4. guaranteed human rights

    1. Colonial Independence / Collapse of Imperialism

  1. Which factor most limited the development of African nationalism?

    1. European support of an educational system based on local traditions and language

    2. the prior experience of Africans with economic self-sufficiency

    3. political boundaries imposed by Europeans that had little relationship to African tribal boundaries

    4. the European practice of making decisions based on local customs

  2. One way in which Kwame Nkurmah, Jomo Kenyatta, and Kenneth Kaunda are similar is that they all

    1. supported the United Nations military action in the Persian Gulf War

    2. played a major role in independence movements in Africa

    3. rejected financial aid from the World Bank

    4. opposed the Pan-African movement

  3. Which statement best describes the political situation in Africa after World War II?

    1. increased nationalism led to independence for many African nations

    2. France and West Germany sought to establish colonies in Africa

    3. European nations increased their control over their African colonies

    4. the United Nations opposed the idea of self-determination for African nations

  4. Mohandas Gandhi is best known for his

    1. use of passive resistance to achieve Indian independence

    2. desire to establish and Islamic nations

    3. opposition to Hindus holding political office

    4. encouragement of violence to end British rule

  1. Which action best illustrates Mohandas Gandhi’s concept of civil disobedience?

    1. a British army outpost was bombed as a protest against the British presence in Northern Ireland

    2. citizens in the United States went to jail for violation segregation laws

    3. French citizens wrote letters to their government to oppose arms sale to Iraq

    4. supporters of Ferdinand Marcos attempted a coup d’etat against the Philippine government

  2. Since the 1950’s, India has experienced conflict with both Pakistan and China over

    1. United Nations peacekeeping efforts in the region

    2. India’s increasing trade with Korea

    3. borders and related territorial issues

    4. the interpretation of common religious works

  1. One reason India gained its independence from Great Britain in 1947 was that

    1. Great Britain was defeated in World War II

    2. the Treaty of Versailles required Great Britain to give up its colonies

    3. Great Britain did not have the resources to maintain an empire after World War II

    4. India had supported the Axis Powers during World War II

  2. One similarity between the Sepoys in India, the Boxers in China, and the Mau Mau in Kenya is that these groups

    1. tried to drive Europeans out of their countries

    2. depended on Western support for their success

    3. adopted Marxist economic and political principles

    4. sought independence through nonviolence

  1. With which nation are Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge, and genocide associated?

    1. Korea

    2. Japan

    3. Myanmar (Burma)

    4. Cambodia (Kampuchea)

  1. In some African nations today, ethnic rivalries erupt when

    1. political differences are motivated by ancient resentments

    2. trading companies hire nonunion workers

    3. scarce funds halt the exploration for mineral resources

    4. groups share a common heritage

  1. The caste system is still practiced in India today primarily because it is

    1. encouraged by village customs and traditions

    2. enforced by the military

    3. supported by Christian and Muslim teachings

    4. mandated by law

  1. During the Cold War period, India’s foreign policy was committed to

    1. supporting communism in Asia

    2. rejecting democracy in Pakistan

    3. nonalignment with the world powers

    4. isolationism in international commerce

    1. Conflict in the Middle East

  1. The main course of the Arab-Israeli conflicts from 1948 to 1973 was the clash between

    1. Islamic Fundamentalism and Orthodox Judaism

    2. Arab socialism and Israeli capitalism

    3. Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism

    4. Israeli technology and Saudi Arabian economic goals

  1. In Iran, the Revolution of 1979 and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism resulted in

    1. an increase in woman’s rights

    2. the westernization and modernization of the nation

    3. a return to many traditional customs

    4. the introduction of a democratic form of government

  1. During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s the greatest threat to the stability of the nations of Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco was the

    1. rising standard of living of their citizens

    2. economic reforms taking place in Eastern Europe

    3. rise of Islamic Fundamentalism

    4. lack of financial aid from the United States

  1. In 1979, the signing of the Camp David Accords by Egypt and Israel indicated that

    1. nationalism was no longer a force in middle Eastern politics

    2. the differences between Shiite and Sunni Moslems had been settled

    3. former enemies were able to negotiate

    4. the Soviet Union dominated Middle Eastern affairs

  2. A major factor that continues to contribute to terrorist activities in the Middle East is

    1. a decrease in crude oil prices on the world market

    2. the Palestinian effort to establish a homeland

    3. the presence of United Nations forces in Syria

    4. the worldwide rejection of violence as a means to end conflict

  1. The actions of most Islamic fundamentalists show that they support

    1. a Zionist movement

    2. equal rights for women

    3. traditional Muslim teachings

    4. a renewed attempt at modernization

    1. Apartheid in South Africa

  1. In the Republic of South Africa, the primary goal of the African National Congress (ANC) has been to

    1. eliminate communist influence

    2. rule as the majority political party

    3. create a united Africa

    4. promote homeland areas for Blacks

  1. In the 1980’s, global concern for Blacks in the Republic of South Africa led many nations to

    1. impose economic sanctions on South Africa

    2. demand that Whites return to their European homelands

    3. sent troops to South Africa

    4. support policies of Apartheid

  1. In which way has the end of apartheid had a positive economic effect on South Africa?

    1. Black South African managers have increased industrial productivity throughout the nation

    2. the introduction of communism has led to a more equal distribution of income

    3. many foreign companies have resumed trading and investing in South Africa

    4. all profits of South Africa’s industries are now reinvested out of the country

  2. Which statement best characterizes the period of apartheid in South Africa?

    1. the majority of the population had the right to vote

    2. the Boers attempted to conquer Nigeria

    3. many racist ideas of the ruling minority were adopted into laws

    4. French was declared the official language of the nation

  3. A major problem currently facing the Republic of South Africa is the

    1. continuation of attacks from neighboring Zimbabwe

    2. move toward the creation of a theocratic state

    3. struggle for power between different groups within South Africa’s black majority

    4. continued international economic embargo against South Africa

  4. Since the end of apartheid in South Africa, what has been one of the major challenges to the current government?

    1. establishing diplomatic relations with Europe

    2. resolving regional and ethnic rivalries

    3. guaranteeing religious freedom for all groups

    4. improving transportation throughout the country

  1. Collapse of Communism

  2. During the presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev, which problem faced the Soviet Union?

    1. ethnic minorities demanded the right of self-determination

    2. agricultural production grew faster than food consumption

    3. the nations of Eastern Europe insisted that the Soviet Union keep troops in Eastern Europe

    4. Western European nations refused to trade with the Soviet Union

  3. During the 1980’s, Mikhail Gorbachev introduced Perestroika in the Soviet Union to

    1. improve the economy and decentralize decision making

    2. abandon arms treaties with the United States and Western Europe

    3. tighten government controls over the communication media

    4. suppress the growing nationalist movements in Eastern Europe

  4. The revolt in Hungary (1956), the demonstrations in Czechoslovakia (1968), and the formation of solidarity in Poland (1980’s) are similar in that they

    1. were movements in restore the power of the aristocracy

    2. were tolerated by the communist leaders, who accepted the need for change

    3. represented a challenge to communist leadership

    4. represented attempts to rid these countries of western ideas and influence

  5. One result of the collapse of the Soviet Union has been that

    1. some former republics have reorganized the Warsaw Pact

    2. ethnic violence has broken out in some regions

    3. an era of peace and stability has emerged in most of the former republics

    4. the republics have made an east transition to a market economy

  6. The Soviet Union Splits into 15 Republics”
    “Yugoslavia Experiences Internal Conflict”
    “Germany Reunifies”

  7. Which conclusion do these three headlines suggest?

    1. communism remains an important force in Europe

    2. many Western European nations are experiencing civil war

    3. international sanctions strengthen a nation’s ability to govern

    4. the forces of nationalism can either divide of unite a nation

  8. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the major problems in Eastern Europe and Russia have primarily resulted from the

    1. high rate of illiteracy found in most of these nations

    2. refusal of government leaders to allow foreign investments

    3. switch from a command economy to a free-market economy

    4. unwillingness of the industrialized nations to provide advisors

  9. The destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989 is symbolic of the

    1. end of the Soviet domination of Eastern Europe

    2. declining power of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    3. fall of the Weimar Republic

    4. collapse of the European Union

  1. Political Unrest in Latin America

  2. In many Latin American nations, the leadership roles assumed by the military and by the Roman Catholic Church evolved from

    1. Native American beliefs

    2. the development of the triangular trade

    3. the effects of matriarchal societies

    4. Spanish colonial rule

  3. During the last ten years, what has occurred in many of the nations of Latin America?

    1. successful communist revolutions

    2. an increase in the number of popularly elected leaders

    3. a growing dependence on Cuba for economic support

    4. a return to their former colonial status

  1. Brazil’s establishment of an equal partnership with foreign investors and Venezuela’s control of its highly profitable oil industry are examples of

    1. Neocolonialism

    2. new imperialism

    3. economic nationalism

    4. Fascism

  1. At the present time, which is a major economic problem for many Latin American governments?

    1. increased settlement in rural areas

    2. low rates of inflation

    3. inability to pay foreign debts

    4. lack of a chief executive

  1. A major problem facing many Central American nations is that their nation’s wealth is

    1. generally invested in consumer industries

    2. controlled by a small group of landed elite

    3. distributed throughout the large middle class

    4. held mainly by government agencies

  1. In Latin America during the 1960’s and 1970’s, which group became increasingly active in promoting human rights?

    1. wealthy landholders

    2. Roman Catholic clergy

    3. successful industrialists

    4. military leaders

    1. Post-Cold War “Hot Spots”

  1. Recent events in the former nations of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia reflect a nationalist trend of

    1. dividing nations along ethnic lines

    2. encouraging multiethnic cooperation

    3. uniting nations with similar interests

    4. supporting the development of a command economy

  1. Disputes over India’s control of Kashmir, Jammu, and Punjab are examples of the continuing problem of

    1. territorial claims based on religion

    2. Chinese claims to this region

    3. terrorist actions by Serbian refugees

    4. the policy of nonalignment

  1. One reason North Korea has been the focus of worldwide attention in the mid-1990’s is because of its

    1. nuclear weapons development programs

    2. commitment to increasing political freedoms

    3. development of a strong and expanding economy

    4. efforts to revive communism in Eastern Europe

  1. Since the end of the Cold War, Cuba has experienced

    1. the loss of a major source of its foreign financial support

    2. increased economic growth from expanded trade

    3. expanded political influence in Latin American affairs

    4. greater independence from Communist China

    1. Global Interdependence

  1. In France, a person drinks coffee imported from Brazil, works at a computer made in Japan, and uses gasoline from Saudi Arabia in a German automobile. This situation illustrates the concept of

    1. empathy

    2. scarcity

    3. interdependence

    4. world citizenship

  1. Global problems of uneven economic development, environmental pollution, and hunger reflect the need for

    1. a return to policies of economic nationalism

    2. increased military spending by all nations

    3. a reduction in foreign aid provided by industrialized nations

    4. increased international cooperation

  1. In recent years, a major success of the European Union (EU) has been the

    1. creation of a single military force

    2. rejection of national sovereignty

    3. adoption of a single language

    4. elimination of trade barriers

  1. The major reason the Mexican Government strongly supported the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was that this agreement would

    1. raise tariffs on United States products entering Mexico

    2. reduce Mexico’s economic dependence on Europe

    3. promote investment and economic growth in Mexico

    4. stimulate trade between Asia and Latin America

  2. Modern Japan must trade to maintain its industry and living standard because Japan has

    1. a limited amount of investment capital

    2. little access to the sea

    3. a lack of communication systems

    4. few mineral resources

  1. The principal aim of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union is to

    1. keep communism out of the Western Hemisphere

    2. reduce environmental pollution

    3. increase economic cooperation between the member nations

    4. eliminate global terrorism

  2. Modern Issues: Economic Trends

  3. In many Latin American nations, reliance on the production of a single cash crop has led to

    1. economic dependence on other nations

    2. rapid repayment of foreign loans

    3. a high per capita Gross National Product

    4. development of a strong industrial economy

  1. Which fact about China has been the cause of the other three?

    1. the economy of China has trouble providing for all the needs of the people

    2. the Chinese government has set limits on the number of children families may have

    3. Chinese cities have a severe shortage of housing

    4. China’s population exceeds one billion

  2. Which conclusion is valid concerning the food shortages some nations of Africa and Asia during the 1970’s and 1980’s?

    1. misuse of the land has destroyed many rich food-producing regions

    2. too few people in Africa and Asia are involved in food production

    3. acid rain has been the major cause of crop failures

    4. European nations stopped shipping food to these regions

  3. The main idea of this cartoon is that Japan

    1.   practices free trade

    2. restricts foreign imports

    3. has a policy of balanced trade

    4. imports most of its ships

  4. Modern Issues: Science & Technology

  5. In Mexico and India, the Green Revolution has been successful because it has

    1. promoted democratic reform

    2. increased agricultural productivity

    3. introduced western culture and values

    4. established economic equality among the people

  1. The major goal of the Green Revolution has been to

    1. decrease the use of modern farm machinery

    2. decrease population growth

    3. increase agricultural output

    4. increase the number of traditional farms

  1. Modern Issues: The Environment

  2. A major environmental problem affecting Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia has been

    1. air pollution

    2. Deforestation

    3. disposal of nuclear waste

    4. acid rain

  1. Many scientist believe that the greenhouse effect is the result of

    1. overgrazing on land in developing nations

    2. using large amounts of gasoline, oil, and coal in developed nations

    3. testing nuclear weapons in violation of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    4. using natural fertilizers to increase crop production

  2. A major factor contributing to the destruction of the Amazon rain forests is the

    1. movement of people from rural to urban areas

    2. attempt of native peoples to end illegal drug traffic

    3. need for more farmland

    4. spread of Christianity

    1. Modern Issues: Human & Women's Rights

    2. What harms the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor, but the silence of the bystander.

    3. -Elie Wiesel

  1. In this quotation, the author is suggesting that

    1. totalitarian governments generally support civil liberties

    2. nations of the world must always condemn human rights violations whenever they occur

    3. ethnic cleansing is not an issue to be addressed by the United Nations

    4. demonstrations against human rights violations are of limited value

  • United States Adopts Economic Sanctions Against South Africa

  • Chinese Dissidents Imprisoned After Student Protest

  • Kurds Forced To Flee Northern Iraq

  1. These headlines are similar in that each refers to the issue of

    1. imperialist expansion

    2. peasant revolts

    3. human rights violation

    4. isolationist policies

  2. The Tiananmen Square massacre in China was a reaction to

    1. Deng Xiaoping?s plan to revive the Cultural Revolution

    2. student demands for greater individual rights and freedom of expression

    3. China’s decision to seek Western investors

    4. Great Britain’s decision to return Hong Kong to China

    5. Answer Sheet

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