Review of the International Literature

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Appendix A: Search Terms (Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar)

(‘enabling tech*’ OR ‘converging tech*’ OR ‘emerging tech*’ OR ‘platform tech*’ OR ‘nano*’ OR ‘synthetic bio*’ OR ‘biotech*’ OR ‘ICT’)

AND (‘public perception’ OR ‘public opinion’ OR ‘survey’ OR ‘narrative’)

AND (‘public engagement’ OR ‘deliberation’ OR ‘stakeholder engagement’ OR ‘public participation’ OR ‘dialogue’ OR ‘consensus conference’)

AND (‘societal implication’ OR ‘ethic*’)

1 These reviews all focus specifically on nanotechnology (though see Siegrist 2010 for a discussion of how perceptions of nanotechnology relate to those of other technologies, such as biotechnology). Perceptions studies of other technologies (such as synthetic biology or genetic technologies) have shown similar results (Barnett et al 2007; Druckmen and Bolsen 2011; Peter D Hart Research Associates 2009).

2 See

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