Sba sop 51 00 On-Site Lender Reviews/Examinations Office of Lender Oversight

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b. Performance Rates

SBA has developed a set of performance statistics and rates upon which each SBA Lender’s performance can be assessed. These statistics and rates are subject to change periodically, at SBA’s discretion, but SBA expects to continue to focus on statistics and rates in the same areas.

The existing performance rates and definitions for SBA Lender performance analysis are listed below. All rates are based upon performance in the numbers, dollars and/or MIS loan status of individual SBA loans or, as applicable, in the SBA Lender’s entire SBA portfolio (as reported in SBA’s MIS records).
Currency Rate. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars in Current status and a denominator of total gross dollars outstanding.
Past Due Rate. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars in Past due and Deferred status and a denominator of total gross dollars outstanding.
Delinquency Rate. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars in Delinquent status and a denominator of total gross dollars outstanding.
Liquidation Rate. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars in Liquidation status and a denominator of total gross dollars outstanding.
The above Performance Rates do not include Active Purchases.
Problem Loan Rate for 7(a) Lender. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars of loans 90 days or more delinquent plus gross dollars in Liquidation and a denominator of total gross dollars outstanding. This rate does not include Active Purchases.
Problem Loan Rate for CDC. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars of loans 90 days or more delinquent plus gross dollars in Liquidation and a denominator of total gross dollars outstanding plus all total gross dollars in Liquidation and Purchase Pending (MIS status).
12-month Purchase Rate. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars purchased during the past 12 months and a denominator of total gross dollars outstanding plus gross dollars purchased during the past 12 months.
Cumulative Purchase Rate. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars purchased during the past five full fiscal years plus the current fiscal year-to-date and a denominator of gross dollars disbursed on loans approved during the past five full fiscal years plus the current fiscal year-to-date.
12-month Charge-Off Rate. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars charged-off during the past 12 months and a denominator of total gross dollars outstanding plus gross dollars charged-off during the past 12 months.
Cumulative Charge-Off Rate. Calculated using a numerator of total gross dollars charged off during the past five full fiscal years plus the current fiscal year-to-date and a denominator of gross dollars disbursed on loans approved during the past five full fiscal years plus the current fiscal year-to-date.

c. Credit Quality Rates

The existing credit quality rates and definitions for 7(a) lender credit quality analysis are listed below. All rates are based upon the Small Business Predictive Score (SBPS) of each loan, as provided by SBA’s Loan and Lender Monitoring System (L/LMS).

Mean SBPS. Calculated using as a numerator the sum of the SBA share of each loan’s outstanding dollars multiplied by the loan’s SBPS. The denominator is the 7(a) Lender’s total SBA share of outstanding dollars (i.e. weighted average SBPS).
Projected Purchase Rate. Calculated using a numerator of the sum of the SBA share dollars outstanding of each individual loan multiplied by the probability of its purchase (as determined by the SBPS of the individual loan). The denominator is total SBA share dollars outstanding.
The probability of a loan being purchased is based on the predictive credit scoring (SBPS) of the loan. Annually the SBPS credit scores are validated against SBA’s entire loan portfolio and a probability of purchase is calculated for each score possible based on the validation.
For 7(a) Lenders only: 3-month change in SBPS. The percentage change in the SBA share dollar weighted average of the SBPS from the previous quarter to the current quarter.

For CDCs only: SBPS Score Average. The weighted by SBA share dollars) average SBPS score for a CDC’s portfolio for the current quarter.

All of the above Credit Quality Rates do not include Active Purchases.
7(a) Lender Score Ranges
Lower Risk SBPS Score Breakdown. Percentage of the number of loans with SBPS of 180 or higher.
Moderate Risk SBPS Score Breakdown. Percentage of the number of loans with SBPS of 140 through 179.
Higher Risk SBPS Score Breakdown. Percentage of the number of loans with SBPS of 139 or lower.
CDC Score Ranges
Lower Risk SBPS Score Breakdown. Percentage of the number of loans with SBPS of 170 or higher.
Moderate Risk SBPS Score Breakdown. Percentage of the number of loans with SBPS of 130 through 169.
Higher Risk SBPS Score Breakdown. Percentage of the number of loans with SBPS of 129 or lower.
All of the above Score ranges do not include Active Purchases, and apply only to the SBA Lender’s SBA portfolio. These ranges are subject to change at the discretion of SBA, based upon current validation studies.

d. Active Purchase Rates

OLO evaluates loans that have been purchased from a 7(a) Lender that still have an outstanding balance separately from loans that have not been purchased. Purchased loans with an outstanding balance are referred to as Active Purchases. By separating the two types of loans, SBA is better able to understand the performance metrics of the performing portfolio without the characteristics being distorted by purchased loans being worked out or liquidated. At the same time, purchased loans need to be monitored and actively managed. The following rates are used to evaluate loans in this category.

Active Purchases Rate Percentage (in Numbers). Calculated using a numerator of the number of loans in Active Purchase Status. The denominator is the number of loans in Active Purchase Status plus the number of non-purchased loans outstanding.
Active Purchase Rate Percentage (in Dollars). Calculated using a numerator of the gross dollars outstanding in Active Purchase status. The denominator is the gross dollars outstanding in Active Purchase status plus gross dollars outstanding in non-purchased loans.

e. Peer Groups

Analysis of Lender performance compared to peer group performance is important. For peer group standards, SBA portfolios are defined as the SBA share of a Lender’s portfolio of SBA-guaranteed loans outstanding.

The current 7(a) Lender peer groups are:
Group B: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $10.0 million to $99,999,999;

Group C: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $4.0 million to $9,999,999;

Group D: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $1 million to $3,999,999;

Group E: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $0 to $999,999 (lenders that disbursed at least one SBA loan in past 12 months). Any such lender is considered “Active”; and

Group F: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $0 to $999,999 (lenders that did not disburse at least one SBA loan in past 12 months). Any such lender is considered “Inactive”.
The current CDC peer groups are:
Group A: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $100 million or more;

Group A: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $100 million or more;

Group B: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $30.0 million to $99,999,999;

Group C: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $10.0 million to $29,999,999;

Group D: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $5 million to $9,999,999;

Group E: Lenders with SBA portfolios of $0 to $4,999,999

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