Science, and transportation united states senate

partments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Interior, and

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partments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Interior, and

Transportation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(NASA), and the National Science Foundation (NSF). In fiscal year

2 Although Federal agencies were excluded from the requirements of this not. upon agreement, the agencies also submit information on their weather mollification

projects to tlie Secretary of Commerce, so that there is a single repository for information

on nil weather modification activities conducted within the United States.


1978 six agency programs were reported, those of Transportation and

NASA having been phased out, while that of Agriculture was severely


Total funding for Federal weather modification research in fiscal

year 1978 is estimated at about $17 million, a decline from the highest

funding level of $20 million reached in fiscal year 1976. The largest

programs are those of the Departments of Interior and Commerce and

of the NSF. The NSF has supported weather modification research

over a broad spectrum for two decades, although its fiscal year 1978

funding was reduced by more than 50 percent, and it is not clear that

more than the very basic atmospheric science supportive of weather

modification will be sponsored hereafter by the Foundation.

The present structure of Federal organization for weather modifi-

cation research activities is characterized essentially by the mission-

oriented approach, whereby each of the agencies conducts its own

program in accordance with broad agency goals or under specific direc-

tions from the Congress or the Executive. Programs have been loosely

coordinated through various independent arrangements and/or advi-

sory panels and particularly through the Interdepartmental Commit-

tee for Atmospheric Sciences (ICAS). The ICAS, established in 1959

by the former Federal Council for Science and Technology, provides

advice on matters related to atmospheric science in general and has

also been the principal coordinating mechanism for Federal research

in weather modification.

In 1958 the National Science Foundation was designated lead agency

for Federal weather modification research by Public Law 85-510, a

role which it maintained until 1968, when Public Law 90-407 removed

this responsibility from NSF. No further action was taken to name a

lead agency, although there have been numerous recommendations to

designate such a lead agency, and several bills introduced in the Con-

gress would have named either the Department of the Interior or the

Department of Commerce in that role. During the 10-year period from

1958 to 1968 the NSF promoted a vigorous research program through

grants to various research organizations, established an Advisory

Panel for Weather Modification, and published a series of 10 annual

reports on weather modification activities in the United States. Since

1968 there has been a lapse in Federal weather modification policy and

in the Federal structure for research programs, although, after a

hiatus of over 3 years, the responsibility for collecting and disseminat-

ing information on weather modification activities was assigned to the

Commerce Department in 1971. An important consideration of any

future weather modification legislation will probably be the organiza-

tional structure of the Federal research program and that for admin-

istration of other related functions which may be the responsibility of

the Federal Government. Options include a continuation of the present

mission-oriented approach with coordination through the ICAS or a

similar interagency body, redesignation of a lead agency with some

autonomy remaining with the several agencies, or creation of a single

agency with control of all funding and all research responsibilities.

The latter could be an independent agency or part of a larger depart-

ment ; it would presumably also administer other aspects of Federal

weather modification responsibilities, such as reporting of activities,


regulation and licensing, and monitoring and evaluation of operations,

if a n}' or all of these functions should become or continue to be services

performed at the Federal level.

In addition to specific research programs sponsored bv Federal agen-

cies, there are other functions related to weather modification which

are performed in several places in the executive branch. Various Fed-

eral advisory panels and committees and their staffs — established to

conduct in-depth studies and prepare comprehensive reports, to pro-

vide advice and recommendations, or to coordinate Federal weather

modification programs — have been housed and supported within exec-

utive departments, agencies, or offices. The program whereby Federal

and non-Federal U.S. weather modification activities are reported to

the Government is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmos-

pheric Administration (NOAA) within the Commerce Department.

The State Department negotiates agreements with other nations which

might be affected by U.S. experiments and has arranged for Federal

agencies and other U.S. investigators to participate in international

meteorological projects, including those in weather modification. In

the United Nations, the United States has been active in promoting the

adoption of a treaty banning weather modification as a military


In accordance with the mandates of several public laws or self-ini-

tiated bv the agencies or interagency committees, the executive branch

of the Federal Government has undertaken a number of major weather

modification policy studies over the past 25 years. Each of the com-

pleted major studies was followed by a report which included findings

and recommendations. The most recent study is the one noted earlier

that is being conducted by the Weather Modification Advisory Board

on behalf of the Secretarv of Commerce, pursuant to requirements of

the National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976. Nearly all

previous studies emphasized the needs for designation of a lead agency,

increased basic meteorological research, increased funding, improve-

ment of support and cooperation from agencies, and consideration of

legal, socioeconomic, environmental, and international aspects. Other

recommendations have included improvement of program evaluation,

studv of inadvertent effects, increased regulation of activities, and a

number of specific research projects. Although some of the recom-

mended activities have been undertaken, many have not resulted in

specific actions to date. Almost invariably it was pointed out in the

studies that considerable progress would result from increased fund-

ing. Although funding for weather modification research has increased

over t he past 20 years, most funding recommendations have been for

considerably higher levels than those provided. Since fiscal year 1976,

the total Federal research funding for weather modification research

hn=. in fact, decreased.

Most States in the Nation have some official interest in weather

modification ; 29 of them have some form of law which relates to such

activities, usually concerned with various facets of regulation or con-

trol of operations within the Slate and sometimes pertaining to au-

thorization for funding research and/or operations at the State or

local level. A State's weather modification law usually reflects its gen-

eral policy toward weather modification; some State laws tend to en-


courage development and use of the technology, while others dis-

courage such activities.

The current legal regime regulating weather modification has been

developed by the States rather than the Federal Government, except

in the areas of research support, commissioning studies, and requiring

reporting of activities. The various regulatory and management func-

tions which the States perform include: (1) issuance, renewal, sus-

pension, and revocation of licenses and permits; (2) monitoring and

collecting of information on activities through requirements to main-

tain records, submission of periodic activity reports, and inspection

of premises and equipment; (3) funding and managing of State or

locally organized operational and/or research programs ; (4) evalua-

tion and advisory services to locally organized public and private op-

erational programs within the State; and (5) miscellaneous admin-

istrative activities, including the organization and operation of State

agencies and boards which are charged with carrying out statutory

responsibilities. Administration of the regulatory and managerial re-

sponsibilities pertaining to weather modification within the States is

accomplished through an assortment of institutional structures, in-

cluding departments of water or natural resources, commissions, and

special governing or advisory groups. Often there is a combination of

two or more of these agencies or groups in a State, separating func-

tions of pure administration from those of appeals, permitting, or ad-

visory services.

Involvement in weather modification operational and research pro-

grams varies from State to State. Some support research only, while

others fund and operate both research and operational programs. In

some cases funding only is provided to localities, usually at the county

level, where operational programs have been established. The recent

1976-77 drought led some Western States to initiate emergency cloud-

seeding programs as one means of augmenting diminishing water sup-

plies. Research conducted by atmospheric and other scientists at State

universities or other research agencies may be supported in part with

State funds but is often funded by one of the major Federal weather

modification programs, such as that of the Bureau of Reclamation or

the National Science Foundation. In a few cases. States contribute

funds to a Federal research project which is conducted jointly with

the States and partly within their borders.

In 1975, 1976, and 1977, respectively, there were 58, 61, and 88 non-

federally supported weather modification projects, nearly all opera-

tional, conducted throughout the United States. These projects were

sponsored by community associations, airlines, utilities, private in-

terests, municipal districts, cities, and States. Eighty-five percent of

all projects in the United States during 1975 were carried out west of

Kansas City, with the largest number in California. In that State

there were 11 proipets in each of the vears 1975 and 1976, and 20

projects during 1977. The majority of these operational projects were

designed to increase precipitation; others were intended for sup-

pression of hail or dispersal of fogs, the latter principally at airports.

In most instances, the principal beneficiaries of weather modification

are the local or regional users, who include farmers and ranchers,

weather-related industries, municipalities, airports, and utilities —


those individuals and groups whose economic well-being and whose

lives and property are directly subject to adverse consequences of

drought or other severe weather. It is at the local level where the need

to engage in weather modification is most keenly perceived and also

where possible negative effects from such activities are most apparent

to some sectors of the population. It follows that both the greatest sup-

port and the strongest opposition to weather modification projects are

focussed at the local level. The popularity of a particular project and

the degree of controversy surrounding it are frequently determined by

the extent to which local citizens and local organizations have had a

voice in the control or funding of the project. At the local level, deci-

sions to implement or to withdraw from a project can most often be

made with minimum social stress. Indeed, studies have shown that most

people are of the opinion that local residents or local government offi-

cials should make decisions on whether or not to use weather modifica-

tion technology in a given situation.

Many of the operational weather modification services provided for

private groups and governmental bodies within the States are carried

out under contract by commercial firms who have developed expertise

in a broad range of capabilities or who specialize in particular services

essential to both operational or research projects. Contracts may cover

only one season of the year, but a number of them are renewed an-

nually, with target areas ranging from a few hundred to a few thou-

sand square miles. In 197G, 6 of the 10 major companies having

substantial numbers of contracts received about $2.7 million for op-

erations in the United States, and a few of these companies also had

contracts overseas. Owing to increased demand for emergency pro-

grams during the recent drought, it is estimated that 1977 contracts

totaled about $3.5 million.

The initial role of the private weather modification operators was to

sustain activities during the early years, when there was often heated

scientific controversy with other meteorologists over the efficacy of

cloud seeding. Later, their operations provided a valuable data base

which permitted the early evaluation of seeding efforts and estimates

of potential prospects for the technology, meanwhile growing in com-

petence and public respect. Today, more often than not, they work

hand in hand with researchers and, in fact, they often participate in

research projects, contributing much of their knowhow acquired

through their unique experiences.

Important among private institutions concerned with weather modi-

fication are the professional organizations of which research and op-

erational weather modifiers and other interested meteorologists are

members. These include the American Meteorological Society, the

Weather Modifical ion Association, and the Irrigation and Drainage

Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Through the

meetings and publications of these organizations the scientific, tech-

nical, and legal problems and findings on weather modification are

aired and discussed. These groups also address other matters such as

statements of weather modification policy, opinions on pending legis-

lation, social implieations. and professional standards and certifica-

tion. Tn addition, the North American Interstate Weather Modifica-

tion Council is an organizai ion whose membership consists of govern-


ments of U.S. States and Canadian Provinces and the Government of

Mexico, which serves as a forum for interstate coordination and ex-

change of information on weather modification.

Weather modification is often controversial, and both formal and

informal opposition groups have been organized in various sections

of the country. Reasons for such opposition are varied and are based

on both real and perceived adverse consequences from weather modifi-

cation. Sometimes with little or no rational basis there are charges

by these groups that otherwise unexplained and usually unpleasant

weather- related events are linked to cloud seeding. There are also cases

where some farmers are economically disadvantaged through receiving

more, or less than optimum rainfall for their particular crops, when

artificial inducement of such conditions may have indeed been planned

to benefit those growing different crops with different moisture re-

quirements. Opposition groups are often formed to protect the legiti-

mate rights of farmers under such circumstances.

While the United States is the apparent leader in weather modifi-

cation research and operations, other countries have also been active.

Information on foreign weather modification activities is not uni-

formly documented and is not always available. In an attempt to

assemble uniform weather modification activities information of its

member nations, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in

1975 instigated a system of reporting and of maintaining a register on

such activities. Under this arrangement 25 nations reported weather

modification projects during 1976, and 16 countries provided similar

information in 1975. The largest weather modification effort outside

the United States is in the Soviet Union, where there are both a con-

tinuing research program and an expanding operational program. The

latter is primarily a program designed to reduce crop damage from

hail, the largest such effort in the world, covering about 5 million

hectares (15 million acres) in 1976. Other countries with weather modi-

fication programs of some note include Canada, Israel, Mexico, and

the People's Republic of China. Projects in Rhodesia and the Republic

of South Africa are not reported through the WMO register since

these countries are not WMO member nations.

Recent years have seen increased international awareness of the

potential benefits and possible risks of weather modification technology

and increased international efforts to control such activities. The major

efforts of the international community in this area are to encourage

and maintain the high level of cooperation which currently exists in

weather prediction and research and to insure that man's new abilities

will be used for peaceful purposes. There has been exchange of ideas

on weather modification through international conferences and

through more informal exchanges of scientists and research documents.

As with many scientific disciplines, however, the problems arising

from use of and experiments with weather modification are not just

scientific in nature, but are political problems as well.

In addition to the problems of potential damage to countries through

commercial or experimental weather modification activities, another

growing area of concern is that weather modification will be used for

hostile purposes and that the future will bring weather warfare be-

tween nations. The United States has already been involved in one


such instance during the Vietnam war when attempts were made to

impede traffic by increasing rainfall during the monsoon season. In the

future, even the perception that weather modification techniques are

available or in use could lead to an increase in international tensions.

Natural drought in a region, or any other natural disaster will be

suspect or blamed on an enemy.

In light of these problems the international community has made

scattered attempts both to further the study of weather and its modifi-

cation and to insure the peaceful use of this new technology. One such

attempt was the development of the Convention on the Prohibition

of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification

Techniques, which was adopted by the General Assembly of the United

Nations and opened for signature on May 18. 19TT, at which time it was

signed by the United States and 33 other nations (though it has not

yet been submitted to the U.S. Senate for ratification) . Another exam-

ple of promotion of peaceful use of weather modification is the Pre-

cipitation Enhancement Program, sponsored by the WMQ, whose aim

is to plan, set up, and carry out an international, scientifically con-

trolled precipitation experiment in a semiarid region of the world

under conditions where the chances are optimal for increasing pre-

cipitation in sufficient amounts to produce economic benefits.

The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, held

in June 1972 in Stockholm, has been the pivotal point in much recent

international environmental activity. It too has been an important

catalyst in international activities relating to weather modification

through portions of its "Declaration," its "Action Plan for the Human

Environment," its "Earthwatch Program," and its "Study of Man's

Impact on Climate."

Legal issues in weather modification are complex and unsettled.

They can be considered in at least four broad categories : private rights

in the clouds, liability for weather modification, interstate legal issues,

and international legal issues. Since the body of law on weather modi-

fication is slight, existing case law offers few guidelines to determine

these issues. Regarding the issue of private rights in the clouds, there

is no general statutory determination of ownership of atmospheric

water, so it is often necessary to use analogies to some general common

law doctrines pertaining to water distribution, although each such

doctrine has its own disadvantages when applied to weather modifica-

tion. Some State laws reserve ownership or right to use atmospheric

water to the State.

Issues of liability for damage may arise when drought, flooding,

or other severe weal her phenomena occur following attempts to modify

the weather. Such issues include causation, nuisance, strict liability,

trespass, negligence, and charges of pollution of the air and water

through introduction of artificial nucleants. Statutes of 10 States dis-

cuss weather modification liability: however, there is much variation

among the specific provisions of the laws in those States. Before a

case can be made for liability based on causation, it must be pro\en

that the adverse weather conditions were indeed induced by the wen: r

modifier; but, in fact, no one lias ever been able to establish causation

of damages through such activities in view of the scientific uncer-

tainties of weather modification.


Significant issues may arise when weather modification activities

conducted in one State affect another State as well. There may be, for

example, the claim that seeding in one State has removed from the

clouds water that should have fallen in an adjacent State or that

excessive flooding resulted from cloud seeding in a State upwind.

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