Seiches and Harbour Oscillations

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1 In many papers and text books [cf. Wiegel, 1964; Wilson, 1972; Chapman and Giese, 2001] this mode is considered the “first mode”. However, it is more common to count nodal lines only inside the basin (not at the entrance) and to consider the fundamental harbour mode as the “zeroth mode” [cf., Raichlen, 1966; Raichlen and Lee, 1992; Mei, 1992; Rabinovich, 1993; Sorensen and Thompson, 2002]. This approach is physically more sound because this mode is quite specific and markedly different from the first mode in a closed basin.

2 This approach is used for numerical computation of eigen modes in natural two-dimensional basins [cf. Rabinovich and Levyant, 1992].

3 This is the reason for calling this the “zeroth mode”.

4 The Russian name for these waves are ‘anemobaric’ [Rabinovich, 1993] because they are induced by atmospheric pressure(“baric”) and wind (“anemos”) stress forcing on the ocean surface

5 Figure 5 does not include all possible types of IG-waves and mechanisms of their generation; a more detailed description is presented by Bowen and Huntley [1984] and Battjes [1988].

6 A famous example of this kind is the French port Le Havre. Before World War II it was known for very common and strong surging motions that created severe problems for ships. During the war a German submarine torpedoed by mistake a rip-rap breakwater, creating a second harbour opening of 20-25 m width. After this, the surging in the port disappeared [Rabinovich, 1993].

7 The resonant characteristics of each location are always the same; however, different sources induce different resonant mode, specifically, large seismic sources generate low-frequency modes and small seismic sources generate high-frequency modes.

8 For this reason a wave specialist in New Zealand (Derek Goring) suggested to apply the term “rissaga” to all rissaga-like meteorological seiches in other areas of the World Ocean [Goring, 2005]. However, if we were to adopt this term, then we would loose information on the cause of the oscillations and the fact that they are part of a family of events that include seismically generated tsunamis, landslide tsunamis, volcanic tsunamis and meteotsunamis.

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