Page suppose that the human mind apprehends logical relations in a linear way (Leech, 1981: So, the logic of language which deals with synonymy,
inconsistency, semantic anomaly meaningless, meaningfulness,
ambiguity, entailment, tautology, etc, or as Katz said they areas
a model of semantic theory, are not only the task of linguists to construct, but it is even wider than what the logicians concern. Leech added the two items above (a and b. item a is applied or used in this book, for the essence of syntax and pragmatics are close to semantics. Like ambiguity as the property of sentence (syntax, and the pragmatic use of the definiteness the, of which both are logical.
Whereas as, item bid not
much concerned in this book, because this domain (psychological purpose) is closely linked to logic as the branch of philosophy.
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