Seminar: Dod decision Support Systems Like Share Report 506 Views Download Presentation

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DAU-DoD Decision Support Systems(PPT
Senior IAMD Systems Engineer, DoDAF资料全收集
JCIDS Highlights • KPPs– six “mandatory” (Force protection, survivability, sustainment, net-ready, training, and energy). If not used, must justify why not. • Affordability – cost is considered in FCB/JCB/JROC document review and validation processes. • Tripwires – Return to JROC or JCB for: • Cost growth over 10% (current APB) or • 25% (original APB), and for • IOC or FOC slips of 12 months or greater, and for • Quantity reductions greater than 10% (of targets set in document validation JROCM).

  1. Requirements “Lanes” “Keep right, except to pass” • Deliberate Requirements • Emergent Requirements • Urgent Requirements • Info Sys / Technology (IS / IT) • Business Systems • (Outside of the • JCIDS Process) 0+ to 5 YRS 2-6+ YRS B U S I N E S S S Y S U R G E N T E M E R G E N T D E L I B E R A T E IS IT M O O R E S L A W 0 – 2 YRS CONFLICT LANE ONLY POTENTIAL CONFLICT LANE

  1. JCIDS Deliberate Response • Outputs of the JCIDS process are used to: • Facilitate Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy (DOTmLPF-P) changes • Drive the Defense Acquisition System (DAS) • Inform the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) processes

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