“May You Pass Every Test 131
Why continue the argument Each one having
aright to his own opinion, let us discuss another avenue. For by another avenue, an approach to God or to art or to science, we may come to a point of agreement. Not as compromise but as agreement do we build the kingdom of God. Thus, we find the fundamental points of agreement and build on these.
Whenever there is agreement in a principle of God, a nucleus is formed—a bond of love. And that bond of love actually begins to consume the area of disagreement and error that maybe in the mind of your friend
or maybe in your own mind, for we ourselves must see our own misconceptions,
n’est-ce pas?Perhaps you have noticed on a number of occasions that by your words and actions you may have caused some great grief and burden. You may have brought in the dark clouds through negativity, pessimism,
criticism, barking and clamoring and having your way. And on another occasion, by doing what you know so well how to do, everyone has come away feeling good,
feeling satisfied, feeling equally loved and equally important, and
enjoying supremely a soul-satisfying evening or experience together. Thus, you seethe carnal mind takes pride in itself, in its ability to control and hurt
and put down and best another, and to rise and puff up as the puffing up of the snake.
Go Within the Heart and Send Love to Each OneYes, you can do these things, but I admonish you to choose not to do them—to not attempt to be the most important person in the room or the one who wins all the arguments or makes all the brilliant points. Far
better to go within the heart, send love to each one, and encourage by your conversation some precious point of wisdom or expression to be forthcoming from another because you make it easy, you provide a point of relaxation and warmth. And someone who perhaps has had a much harder life than you, who has been silenced perhaps by great
darkness through loved ones, can finally feel at home and free to speak without being criticized.
Beloved ones, assume that those who come to you are injured and maimed and scarred, for they
“May You Pass Every Test 133
are. They have been in many battles of life. If you find
them ornery or thick-skinned, this is a defense mechanism they have setup fora very deep hurt. Heal the hurt, not in such an obvious manner as self-proclaiming oneself as the healer Now I am going to do this for you, now I am going to do that for you”—but simply do it in the quietness of your heart. Learn to pray for people and not to
prey upon them.
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