Shoreline Community College annual outcomes assessment report—2002-03

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Learning Log Assignment

Learning Outcome:

The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop a useful reading process for various kinds of college reading. By practicing these steps, you will develop pre-reading strategies, methods to improve comprehension while reading, and techniques to remember what you read.


Pre-read to get warmed up or ready to learn:

Preview—survey the entire reading, looking at headings, chapters, summary, questions at the end, etc.

  1. Write down what you anticipate or guess will be in the reading.

  2. Write down questions you have about the subject.

  3. Write what you know about the subject.

Read to understand and to learn:

Keep in mind the author’s questions and your own. Remember you are reading to find major ideas and supporting details—what is the author trying to communicate to you?

  1. Write down the main idea of each paragraph, section or page (depending on length of reading).

  2. Write down answers to your questions from #2 above.
  3. Write down any interesting, confusing, or noteworthy ideas, etc.

  4. List words you don’t know.

Post-read to consolidate your learning:

  1. Go back and write down definitions of words you didn’t know.
  2. Write down the main idea of the reading in one sentence.

Formula: Title + author + main event (happening) + main message or lesson

  1. Write a summary paragraph of the entire reading (that continues from the main idea sentence you just wrote).

  2. Write a response to the ideas and issues raised by the reading. For example, you could write about one idea you noted in #6 above, or you could say whether the author’s ideas are true in your experience and give an example, or you could write a letter to the author, or to a friend recommending the reading. Or you could tell what emotions are raised by the reading and why.

Reading Log Evaluation Rubric




Doesn't meet


All entries are included and were turned in on time:

Rereading strategies are used effectively:

  • Guesses of reading content are thoughtful

  • Questions about the reading topic are original & interesting

  • List of what's known about topic is thorough and thoughtful

Reading strategies are used effectively (for understanding text):

  • Main ideas noted in own words--not too many or too few

  • Unknown vocabulary words are noted and defined

  • Student's questions are answered if possible

Post-reading strategies are accurate and effective:

  • Main idea sentence names author, title, major event, main message

C-6 Communication Assignment Cover Sheet

Discipline: Speech Communications
Course: SPCMU 101
Instructor: Brooke Zimmers
Course Prerequisites: English 101
Assignment Title: Communications Paper and Informative Presentation
Assignment Description: Students choose, observe (in themselves and others) and practice a communication skill learned in class. In an essay and presentation to their small group, they present their findings about their use of a communication skill.
Student Population:
Assignment Timeframe: Students get this assignment at the beginning of the quarter and turn it in at mid-quarter.
Communication Outcomes Addressed:

  1. Listen to, understand, evaluate and respond to verbal and non-verbal messages.

II. Comprehend, analyze and evaluate information in a given text (such as a story, essay, poem, textbook, etc.).

III. Formulate and verbally express focused, coherent, and organized information, ideas, and opinions, with style and content appropriate for the purpose and audience, in a variety of communication contexts, such as one-on-one situations, small groups and classes.

IV. Formulate and express information, ideas and opinions in mechanically sound written forms that have a clear purpose, focus, thesis and organization; that are appropriate for their audience in content and style; and that support, clarify, and expand complex ideas with relevant details, examples and arguments.

VI. Assess themselves as communicators, based on the standards of clear and effective communication expressed or implied above and make adjustments and improvements in their communication strategies.

    1. Other Outcomes Addressed

General Intellectual Abilities: I

Communication Paper and Informative Presentation
Paper and Presentation ASSIGNMENT: Interpersonal Communication Concepts

You are to choose a communication skill or concept, from any of the assigned chapters that you wish, to apply to your own communication/relationships. I suggest you choose a skill that you wish to practice or improve. Turn in a proposal for your idea no later than ________ to check your idea with me--this means you may want to look ahead at each chapter to see what interests you. Choose something you are particularly intrigued with and challenged by and be sure to choose an activity that you can write 3 to 5 pages about. You will be writing a paper and presenting a speech about this concept following these steps:

  1. WEEK ONE: Choose a skill/concept; research it in the book. Find out as much as you can about this skill/concept—what is its definition, its application, and any variations in understanding about this concept? You can use outside sources but be sure to cite them if you do.

  2. WEEK TWO AND THREE: Observe others and yourself using this skill/concept. What do you notice? How do you behave currently and why do you want to choose this skill? Observe others who are successful—what do they do? Watch television and movies that show people engaged in this skill—what does the media/society say about use of this skill?

  3. WEEK THREE-FIVE: Practice the skill and keep track of your progress. What are you doing to practice this skill? How does it feel to behave differently? Are you having success? If not, why not? What are you learning about yourself as a result of exploring this concept/skill in more detail?

When you write your paper, be sure to answer these questions:

  1. What is your skill/concept?

  1. Why did you choose this skill/concept? How is it relevant to you?

  1. What did you do to gain knowledge about the topic? What did you learn about it and how did your new knowledge influence your observations and practice?

  1. What did you observe in others in regard to their use/response to the topic?

  1. What did you observe about yourself—before and after analyzing the topic?

  1. What did you do to practice this skill? How does it feel to behave differently? Are you having success? If not, why not?

  1. What are you learning about yourself as a result of exploring this concept/skill in more detail?

It is most important that you apply communication concepts from our text/class time to your own personal experience and insights!

Your paper will be graded in the following way:

  • Organization: Is it a cohesive essay? Is there a logical order to your discussion? Do you have an introduction, body, conclusion? Do you have transitions to link paragraphs?

  • Evidence and Development,: Do you address all of the questions asked? Do you develop your discussion fully and demonstrate an accurate assessment? Have you taken a creative approach to the topic? Do you support any arguments / conclusions with evidence/examples? Write this paper as if your audience does not know the terms you are using. Teach your reader about the concept. A simple way to do this is to display a term, provide a definition, provide an example as it relates to you, and explain how that particular example exemplifies the term. Or, give an example of behavior, provide a term describing the behavior, define the term and infer the meaning. Be sure to cite your sources and include page numbers.

  • Critical Thinking, Analysis and Creativity: I will be looking for you to demonstrate that you have come to some valuable insights or conclusions about the concept/activity you explored. What did you learn about yourself? Others? Did your behavior always get the same results? Under what circumstances were the results different? Demonstrate to me your ability to analyze, evaluate, and question.

  • Style and Mechanics: Use appropriate vocabulary, creative language, variety and effectiveness of sentence structures, active voice, proper spelling and punctuation.

We will “workshop” these papers in your groups. Bring two copies of your first rough draft for your peers and a copy of the first two pages of your paper for me.

First Draft of Paper due _______________ for 20 points

Final Paper due on _____________________ for an additional 35 points

Presentation due on _________________ to be graded in groups (more on this later)
Suggestions for topic ideas:

At the end of every chapter there are a list of activities, thinking probes, skill builders and ethical challenges—these might be a good place to start for ideas—or see me if you want to try something not listed here. Make sure it is a communication-related topic!

  • communicative competence (p. 27)

  • self-concept/self-esteem, identity management and perceptions

  • faulty listening habits and or an aspect of listening (judgmental, empathic, etc.)

  • disruptive language or sexist/racist language (see pg 107)

  • your comfort level with touch, distance, and space. Change it.

  • styles of intimacy and comfort with self disclosure

  • Examine a relationship in terms of relationship development theories

  • confirming and disconfirming language—discussed in ch. 7

  • conflict or your conflict style

  • Say No, set boundaries and limits,

  • Pay attention to your role(s) in groups

  • Spend time alone, in silence. Turn off radio, TV. Meditate

Zimmers/SPCMU 101

Communication Skill Report Grading sheet

Peers: Put your initials on the line that best evaluates the paper for that criteria. Each evaluator can use this same page. I will assign the grade.

1st draft peer evals______/12

ORGANIZATION 1st draft______/2 Final draft _____/10

High Passing Pass Needs Attention:

Catches the audience’s attention ______ _____ _____

Warms the audience to the topic ______ _____ _____

Shows direction of paper-- Thesis ______ _____ _____

Uses transition to link unrelated points ______ _____ _____

Groups like ideas together ______ _____ _____

Puts ideas in logical order ______ _____ _____

Summarizes in conclusion ______ _____ _____

Ends with a bang ______ _____ _____

Uses paragraphs appropriately ______ _____ _____

EVIDENCE & DEVELOPMENT 1st draft______/2 Final draft _____/10

High Passing Pass Needs Attention:

Answers all assigned questions ______ _____ _____

Supports conclusions with evidence ______ _____ _____

Thoroughly examines the concept ______ _____ _____

Applies terms to experience ______ _____ _____

Cites sources internally (pages too) ______ _____ _____

Includes bibliography ______ _____ _____

CRITICAL THINKING 1st draft______/2 Final draft _____/5

High Passing Pass Needs Attention:

Asks relevant and probing questions ______ _____ _____

Expresses insights ______ _____ _____

Evaluates supporting material ______ _____ _____

Takes a creative approach to skill ______ _____ _____

STYLE AND MECHANICS 1st draft______/2 Final draft _____/5

High Passing Pass Needs Attention:

Spelling ______ _____ _____

Verb-tense consistency ______ _____ _____

Subject-verb agreement ______ _____ _____

Punctuation and Grammar ______ _____ _____

Watch word choice (wc) ______ _____ _____

Awkward wording (awk) ______ _____ _____

Write in complete sentences (nas) ______ _____ ____­­­­­

Improvement on Final draft ____/5
TOTAL ON 1ST DRAFT ______/20 TOTAL ON FINAL ________/35

Zimmers/SPCMU 101

Group Presentation

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