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**** Chapter Thirty Three: GOOD PLAN, BAD PLAN

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**** Chapter Thirty Three: GOOD PLAN, BAD PLAN

I don't know for how long I sat there doubting my fears and my resolve both.

My whole body shivered with an odd kind of fever and I held my head to keep it from spinning. I was close to hurling again when a strange sound distracted me. It sounded like a chirp of a tiny bird. I looked around but couldn’t see anything. I stood up. Just then I spotted a butterfly flutter in from the balcony and settle on the floor of the room. It was about the size of my palm, shiny and blue.


“Azure!” I cried as the butterfly morphed into a man and scooped me up in a big bear hug.

“Oh honey!” he said passionately. “What are you doing here? I was worried sick! Are you okay?”

“I’m so sorry!” I was almost crying again. “It was very impulsive!”

“And stupid.” A familiar voice put a cork in my sobs and made me look toward the balcony. “And bratty and very inconvenient for me.”

“You found me.” I smiled in spite of everything. I wasn’t sure how to react to him but just then I was simply happy to see him again. “How did you find me?” “Lily led us here.” Azure released me from his loving grasp.

“Wow!” I was amazed. “She’s a smart horse!”

“Yes, adorable.” Demon cut in. “Could we please discuss this on our way out?”

Moment of truth – and I wasn’t quite sure of what I would say. “I – I’m not leaving.”

“Look,” Demon said. “I know last night was rough but – I forgive you. Now let’s go!” Excuse me! “You forgive me?” I could always count on Demon to make me mad even when I didn't intend to! “What the hell did I do?”

“Exactly what happened between you two last night?” Azure looked from one to the other of us.

“She slapped me.” Demon said.

“You what?” Azure stared at me as if I’d stripped naked and was doing the hula.

“Don’t you judge me! He asked for it!”

“Asked for it? How?” Azure’s face was a study of confusion and disbelief. “Why?”

“Well he –” I was about to let it all pour out when it hit me – what exactly would I say? I looked at Demon and he looked so calm and cool. I sighed and decided to call it quits at this game. “Look, it was a mistake! I’m sorry!”

“You’re forgiven.” Demon said. “Now let’s move!”

“I’m not leaving.”

“Just grab her.” Demon nodded wearily at Azure.


“Aoife, I don't understand.” Azure still looked confused. “Why won’t you come?”

“I met Aoibheann today.”

“Gorgeous!” Demon smiled. “But I don't think she’s into women.”

“Will you please!” Jerk! I drew a deep breath. “She and Arela offered me a deal. They have a way around breaking the Scepter. That actually frees you from being tied to me.”

“Interesting,” Demon said. “And you’ve decided to take it.”

“Maybe. It’s a good plan and –”

“And here I thought that we had a deal.” His tone wasn’t calm any more. “You destroy my enemies for me and I destroy the Scepter for you and we live, sing, be happy ever after and all that crap. Remember that one?”

“But –”

“No, Aoife,” Azure said. “No, no that is a very bad plan. You cannot trust them!”

“If you’d just hear me out!”

Namir tanol masai muz Aoife!” Demon growled. “Get your ass back on that horse woman! I don't have time for your nonsense!”

“Look!” I hurriedly picked up the black ring from the nightstand and held it out for

Demon and Azure. “Arela gave me this. Do you know what this is?”

Demon took it. “Rehn?” He knotted his brows and looked at me.

Azure quickly peered in. “It’s a circle of vows. Why’d she give it to you?”

“She made a few promises to me,” I said, my heart beating crazily. “She said this ring is proof that she is bound to her word and if she breaks it, you’ll own her.” “Me? Did she swear on it in the name of Krâl?” he asked.

I nodded.

“That refers to the ruling Krâl, then.” Azure explained. “As in whoever is in power at the time. What did she promise?”

“Never mind that,” I said. “Is this true? Is she bound?”

“Yes. She is.” Demon frowned. “What did she say?”

I felt like some mountainous weight had been lifted over my chest. I took a deep breath and didn’t stop the laugh of relief that escaped with it. “Then, it’s settled!”

“What is?” Demon glared at me, angry and confused. “What the hell have you done?”

“Arela promised to not touch you if I gave her the Scepter.” I smiled. “Plus she can make sure I don’t fall victim to the curse.”

Demon stared at me for a minute and then smiled. “Well, that’s awfully nice of her.” But before I could read the darkened expression of his eyes, soft smoke rose from his clenched fist in which he was holding Arela’s ring.

“Demon!” I couldn’t believe it! “What did you just do?”

“I freed her.” He dusted his hands, depositing blue ash on the cold floor. “Now let’s go.”

I narrowed my eyes and felt my tongue burn. But I didn’t lash out. “No worries.” I crossed my arms. “I’ll ask her to make another.”

“You will do no such thing!”

“It’s safer for you if I take the deal,” I tried to reason.

“Charmed!” His eyes flashed. “But it’s not your job to ensure that.”

“I think I’ll decide what my job is, thank you very much! I know what I’m doing! I’m not a baby!”

“Oh, well, cheers all around!” His lip curled. “L’il Miss Muffet has found a way to scare the spider away!”

“I know what this is about.” I was losing my own temper fast. “This is about your stupid ego!”


“Yeah! Really! You just can’t handle the fact that I’ve reached an alliance with people you’ve known for centuries but could never overcome!”

“Uhm – Aoife!” Azure tried to intervene. “That’s not the case here –”

“Oh, but I think that’s very much the case Noble Phromaz, don't you see how smart our little Princess is!” Demon’s eyes had begun to smolder red. “Also I am very hurt that you would have me waste all my days and time on you to train you and now you’ll simply cut me out and join hands with the enemy. How rude!”

“Be sarcastic all you like but this is good for you.” I held my ground but honestly, he was scaring me. “They don’t want to fight you. A fortnight more and you’ll be human again. You won’t be a threat to them. They won’t come after you.”

“Why the hell are you so worried about me?” He was nearly yelling with rage. “This isn’t about me!”

“Demon, I know this is hard for you to understand but –”

“Bullshit! Who put you up to this? Aoibheann?”

“She made sense!”

I thought someone was at the door but Demon’s rage drowned that sound.

“I can’t believe you would side with her!” He growled.

“Yes, I would! If it means saving you then I would!” I said.

“O batushtra meih–” He scowled. “Who do you think you are to defy me?” Knock! Knock!

“Hush guys!” Azure gestured urgently. “The door!”

“I am who I am Demon and I’m not a child nor am I your subject!” I hissed. “You can’t keep telling me what to do!” “Guys! Someone’s at the door!”

Yago fen!” Demon yelled at Azure.

“Princess Aoife! Are you all right?” A voice from behind the door spoke.

A stunned silence filled the room.

Fen,” Demon swore under his breath as Nivis’s loud knocking resounded through the room.

“He must’ve heard you.” I was angry. “And you swore in Akina! I don't speak Akina!”

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Demon snapped back. “I’ll carry a translator in my pocket next time!”

“Princess Aoife! It is I, Nivis. Please open the door!” “Oh, no, it’s the sorcerer!” Azure panicked.

“Good! Let’s end this!” Demon charged toward the door but I grabbed his arm.

“No!” I whispered. “I don't want you to end this!” “Princess! I’m coming in!” Nivis called again.

“No!” I shouted in response but quickly regained composure. “Wait outside I’m – putting my clothes back on!”

“Oh yes! She likes to strip naked when alone and admire herself in the mirror!” Demon said, though not loudly and more to me than to Nivis.

“Out!” I glared and pushed him toward the balcony. “Get out! Now!”

“Dee! Come on!” Azure morphed into a butterfly and flew out onto the balcony.

Demon pursed his lips but then without another word, and a glance at my face, he followed Azure outside into the night.

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