Table SS2 Fennoscandia Sea level Sites (Selected)
Varangerfjord, NORWAY
Donner et al 1977
Tromso, NORWAY
Marthinussen 1960, 1962; Andersen 1968;
Hald & Vorren 1983
Frosta, NORWAY
Kjemperud 1986
Stabell & Krzywinski 1978, 1979;
Hakansson 1980; Krzywinski & Stabell 1984; Kaland et al 1984; Bondevik et al 2006;
Lohne et al 2007
Kragero, NORWAY
Gulliksen et al 1975; Stabell 1980
Ski Moraine, NORWAY
Gulliksen et al 1975; Sorensen 1979
Sandsjobacka, SWEDEN
Påsse 1987
Stockholm, SWEDEN
Ostlund & Engstrand 1963; Åse 1970; Hedenström & Risberg 1999;
Åse & Bergstrom 1982; Sohlenius et al 2003
Vasterbotten, SWEDEN
Renberg & Segerström 1981
Tammisaari-Pernio Area, FINLAND
Eronen et al 1993; Eronen et al 2001;
Miettinen et al 2007; Miettinen et al 2011
S Gulf of Finland, ESTONIA
Grudzinska et al 2013
Skagen Odde, DENMARK
Clemmensen et al 2001
Angermanalven, SWEDEN
Liden 1938; Cato 1987, 1992, 1998
Refs for Fennoscandia
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