St Jago High School Handbook tware, information, and ownership s explicit prior permission; deliberate attempts to spread computer viruses and other types of malicious software. Consequences of Abuse All suspected or known violations of this Internet Usage Policy will
be referred to the Principal, Vice Principal or Deans of Discipline who will decide on the appropriate sanction. Any student found to be involved in/associated with lewdness, nudity, violence, drugs, printing and distribution of false and/or slanderous
material via the internet, and/or any other action that could adversely affect the reputation of the school will face immediate disciplinary action as outlined below ne (or another member of the Administration) will confront the student regarding the suspected or known violation. parent(s)/guardian(s) to state the issue, review this policy, and explain the potential disciplinary consequences. ction which the parent may choose to take is separate from the disciplinary action taken by the school. nded from use of the Internet facilities at St Jago High. expulsion from school.
e enough to warrant expulsion, the standard procedures for expulsion, including an evidentiary hearing, shall be followed.
66 St Jago High School Handbook
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