Standard 1: The Great Experiment Name: Standard 1 Because of fertile land and a long growing season, plantations in the thirteen colonies developed in

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C. judicial legislation

D. unwritten constitution

Use this information to answer the next question.

There can be no liberty if the same man or the same group has executive, legislative, and judicial control.

127. _____ To what principle of the constitution is the statement referring?

A. states rights

B. separation of powers

C. socialism

D. federalism

Use this chart to answer the next question.

Principles of the U.S. Constitution

  • Consent of the governed

  • Checks and balances

  • Federalism

  • Separation of church and state

  • Popular sovereignty

128. _____ What purpose do the principles listed above serve?

A. end rebellion in the western territories

B. copy the British system of government

C. establish a strong militia

D. limit the powers of government

129. _____ Which newspaper headline shows the operation of the system of checks and balances?

A. “Senate Rejects President’s Choice of Supreme Court Justice”

B. “Florida To Gain Two Seats in the United States House of Representatives”

C. “Albany County Receives $4 Million from Congress for Transportation Development”

D. “New York State Rejects Federal Regulations on Drug Testing”
Standard 1.6
130. _____ Conflicts between Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians during President George Washington’s first administration led directly to the

A. end of the Era of Good Feelings

B. decision to replace the Articles of Confederation

C. addition of the elastic clause to the Constitution

D. start of the first political parties

131. _____ Which idea was part of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton’s plans in the 1790s?

A. incentives to encourage agricultural expansion

B. creation of a national bank

C. direct taxes on the states to support government operations

D. free trade with other nations

132. _____ Thomas Jefferson opposed Alexander Hamilton’s plan to create a national bank primarily because the plan would

A. weaken the nation’s currency

B. increase the national debt

C. promote the interests of farmers

D. depend on a loose interpretation of the Constitution
133. _____ Which action during Washington’s administration led to the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania?

A. passage of a new excise tax

B. establishment of a presidential cabinet

C. creation of the Bank of the United States

D. ban on slavery in the Northwest Territory

134. _____ One major reason that Alexander Hamilton proposed a national bank was to

A. improve the economic position of the United States government

B. help state governments collect taxes

C. make loans available to owners of small farms

D. reduce foreign investment in the United States
135. _____ One goal of Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan was the establishment of a

A. stock exchange

B. national sales tax

C. federal income tax

D. national bank

136. _____ Which action did Alexander Hamilton support during the 1790s?

A. restrictions on trade with England

B. distribution of free land

C. creation of the national bank

D. elimination of the whiskey tax

137. _____ Which heading best completes the partial outline below?

I. _______________________________

A. Creation of a national bank

B. Full funding of the national debt

C. Collection of an excise tax on whiskey

A. The Spoils System

B. The American System

C. Hamilton’s Financial Plan

D. Constitutional Amendments

138. _____ Which party was supported by farmers, artisans, and Southern frontier settlers?

A. Federalists

B. Democratic-Republicans

C. Loyalists

D. Whigs

139. _____ Which of the following would have been supported by Hamilton and his followers?

A. funding debts of the U.S. and states, creating a U.S. Bank and U.S. taxes

B. only states pay debts and collect taxes to assert state sovereignty

C. the thirteen state governors deciding the taxes and banks

D. repudiating state debt and paying fifty percent of old U.S. debts

140. _____ Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson had different viewpoints toward politics, including which one of the following?

A. slave labor

B. westward growth

C. governmental powers

D. national defense

141. _____ Which one of the following expresses the correct political viewpoint during the early republic?

A. The Federalists wanted the state governments to be stronger.

B. The Democratic-Republicans wanted the national government to be stronger.

C. The Federalists believed that both the state and national governments should be weaker.

D. The Democratic-Republicans believed the national government should be weaker.
142. _____ During the 1830s, the development of a national two-party political system was mainly the result of

A. conflicts over the use of the Monroe Doctrine

B. debates over the National Bank and tariffs

C. disputes over the Oregon boundary

D. controversy over the Indian Removal Act

143. _____ Alexander Hamilton’s proposal to create a national bank and Thomas Jefferson’s proposal to purchase the Louisiana Territory were criticized because both actions would

A. place too much power in the hands of Congress

B. violate protections in the Bill of Rights

C. increase foreign influence in the United States

D. require a loose interpretation of the Constitution

144. _____ One reason James Madison and Thomas Jefferson objected to Alexander Hamilton’s financial policies was that they believed

A. the establishment of a national bank was unconstitutional

B. a laissez-faire policy would not help the country’s economy

C. the government should encourage industrial development

D. high tariffs were needed to protect America’s economic interests
145. _____ To provide for change, the authors of the Constitution included the amendment process and the

A. commerce clause

B. elastic clause

C. supremacy clause

D. naturalization clause

146. _____ Which idea did the Founding Fathers include in the Constitution that allows Congress to meet the needs of a changing society?

A. federalism

B. separation of powers

C. the elastic clause

D. States rights

Standard 1.7
147. _____ In the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803), the Supreme Court increased its power by

A. establishing the practice of judicial review

B. upholding the presidential appointment power

C. expanding the meaning of individual liberties

D. declaring the principle of states’ rights Unconstitutional
148. _____ The power of judicial review allows the Supreme Court to

A. repeal amendments to the Constitution

B. determine the constitutionality of a law

C. break tie votes in the electoral college

D. impeach the president and other high-level officials

149. _____ The Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803) was important because it

A. established the principle of judicial review

B. led to the reelection of President Thomas Jefferson

C. showed that the states were stronger than the federal government

D. proved that the legislative branch was the most powerful branch of government
150. _____ Judicial review gives the United States Supreme Court the power to

A. declare state laws unconstitutional

B. override a congressional veto

C. impeach and remove the president from office

D. approve treaties with foreign nations

151. _____ Which headline illustrates the use of judicial review?

A. “Congress Passes a Civil Rights Bill”

B. “Conference Committee Meets to Finalize Budget”

C. “New York State’s Reapportionment Plan Ruled Unconstitutional”

D. “President Signs SALT Agreement with Russia”

152. _____ Judicial review, as practiced by the federal courts, resulted directly from

A. the decisions of colonial governors

B. the Articles of Confederation

C. the Bill of Rights

D. a Supreme Court decision

153. _____ The decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803) expanded the power of the Supreme Court by

A. restricting the use of the elastic clause

B. establishing the power of judicial review

C. upholding the constitutionality of the National Bank

D. interpreting the interstate commerce clause

154. _____ Which action is an example of judicial review?

A. The president proposes a bill to reduce the powers of the federal courts.

B. A state court finds a defendant guilty of murder.

C. The Supreme Court declares a federal law unconstitutional.

D. The Senate approves a president’s nominee for the Supreme Court.
155. _____ Many of the decisions made by the Supreme Court under John Marshall led directly to

A. a reduction of federal influence in economic affairs

B. an increase in the power of the federal government over the states

C. a greater role for Congress in foreign policy

D. a limitation on slavery in the states

156. _____ What was one outcome of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803)?

A. State governments could now determine the constitutionality of federal laws.

B. The principle of judicial review was established.

C. Congress expanded its delegated powers.

D. A method to approve treaties was developed.

157. _____ Which power did the Supreme Court gain through the decision in Marbury v. Madison?

A. judicial review

B. hearing appeals from lower federal courts

C. deciding cases involving two or more states

D. judicial independence through lifetime appointments
158. _____ Under Chief Justice John Marshall, the Supreme Court strengthened its authority by

A. applying judicial review to state and national laws

B. changing the operation of the electoral college

C. increasing the number of Justices on the court

D. expanding the freedoms included in the first amendment
159. _____ What was a significant effect of Supreme Court decisions under Chief Justice John Marshall?

A. The powers of the federal government were increased.

B. The extension of slavery was limited.

C. The president’s use of the veto power was restricted.

D. The states were given more control over interstate commerce.
Use this chart to answer the next question.

160. _____ What is the most appropriate title for this graphic organizer?

A. Influences on the Government of Virginia

B. Influences on the U.S. System of Government

C. Evolution of Government in Massachusetts Bay Colony

D. Evolution of Government in England

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