ANNEX _______
Sample Survey Report
Report on: Electrician (MOS 21R10)
Submitted to: U.S. Army Engineer School, Ft Leonard Wood, MO
Submitted by: U.S. Army Maneuver Support Center, Quality Assurance Office
Point of contact: Mr. Harold Drossel/Ms. Sandra Pardue
Target population: Graduates and Supervisors of Graduates of MOS 21R10 6-12 months post graduation.
Statistical Sampling:
FY 03 Class NOs.
Population Size:
Actual Responses:
*Statistical Sample Size Req1
NOTE: Due to the limited responses, the results of this survey should not be used as the sole basis for making changes to training.
1. The margin of error used in the data is a 5%. (Reference for sampling size requirement is TRADOC Job Aid 350-70-4.4d-Guidelines for determining Sample Size).
2. Supervisors of graduates addresses could not be acquired, therefore only the addresses identified by the graduates were used.
Date: 31 May 2004
1. General: The Quality Assurance Office (QAO) administered the Electrician (MOS 21R10) Graduate and Supervisors of Graduate Surveys during the period from Jan – Mar 04. The purpose of the survey was to determine if graduates of MOS 21R10 and their supervisors felt that graduates could perform individual tasks to standard. Surveys are not included due to their length; surveys are located in the QAO office.
2. Demographics:
a. Twenty-three requests went to graduates requesting input. Five graduates responded to the survey. Twenty percent were active Army, 40% were Army National Guard, and 40% were Army Reserve.
b. Twenty percent were E1s, 60% E3s, and 20% E6s. Forty percent were assigned to a Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) unit, 20% indicated they were not, and 40% did not know what type unit they were assigned.
c. Forty percent of the graduates had not deployed, 40% indicated they deployed at least once, and 20% were deployed at least two times during the past year.
3. Graduate Analysis:
a. Forty critical tasks were included in the survey. Graduates rated their ability to perform the critical tasks ranged from 40-100%. In the instance where the task, Install Service Pane, rated 40% the remaining 60% did not perform the task.
b. Survey participants were asked to comment on any areas that the unit expected them to know but they were not trained/prepared for adequately at the Engineer School. The only comment from graduates of the 21R10 was: “This was some great training, but since I am in a Training Support Battalion, I very rarely use the 21R skills. My day is primarily filled with training Soldiers NBC tasks to prepare them for deployment overseas.”
4. Supervisor’s Analysis.
a. Only one response from an E-3 was received from the five supervisors identified to participate in the survey. The responder did not know what type of unit he was assigned to.
b. The responder rated the ability of the graduate to perform all forty tasks at 100%.
5. Conclusions/Recommendations:
a. As previously stated, the results of this survey should not be used at this stage as a justification for changing training, due to the fact that responses are statistically insignificant. The data does not statistically represent the total population.
b. Efforts should be continued to update the survey to obtain the desired input on training.
APPENDIX________IDT_Report_Format'>APPENDIX _____
IDT Report Format
1. Report Types.
a. Interim Accreditation Report. Documents results of an IDT evaluation conducted during the battalion’s accreditation year.
b. Re-look Report. Documents the results of an IDT re-look evaluation. Re-look reports are prepared using the same format as a normal IDT accreditation report, but are usually less lengthy. The first paragraph will specify that the report is a re-evaluation of the same site.
2. Format. The report will be prepared in a memorandum format, IAW AR 25-50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence, dated 3 Jun 02.
a. Paragraph 1, Recommendation. Identify the training site observed, the course(s) in session at the site, and whether or not the site operation IAW TR 350-18, 23 May 00.
b. Paragraph 2, Strengths. List significant strengths which merit general officer attention.
c. Paragraph 3, Shortcomings. List major shortcomings. If the training site is not operation IAW TR 350-18, this paragraph will immediately follow paragraph 1.
d. Paragraph 4, Higher Headquarters Issues. Identify problems that require action by some agency beyond the control of the school battalion commander.
e. Paragraph 5, General Comments. List anything that does not fall under the first four paragraphs. This could include problems that are not yet higher headquarters issues but could become so if not resolved.
f. Paragraph 6, Team Chief and Evaluators. List name, rank, and title of team members.
g. Paragraph 7, Point of Contact (POC) information.
h. Enclosures. Attach a copy of the Evaluation Checklist and a notes page if necessary.
i. Signature authority for this report is the proponent school’s QAE.
3. Report staffing procedures.
a. Prepare a staffing paper for signature by the proponent school’s Assistant Commandant (AC).
b. Report should be staffed through the MSCOE QAO and the proponent school’s DOT to the proponent school’s AC.
c. Furnish copy (CF) proponent school’s Deputy Assistant Commandant-Reserve Component (DAC-RC).
1. Purpose. Documents results of an AT evaluation conducted during the battalion’s accreditation year. The complete accreditation packet includes the Evaluation Report, Commandant’s Memorandum, and Accreditation Certificate (if applicable).
2. Format. The report will be prepared in memorandum format, IAW AR 25-50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence, dated 3 Jun 02.
a. Paragraph 1, Recommendation. Identify the training site observed, the training sites evaluated during the training year to include IDT sites, and the accreditation rating.
b. Paragraph 2, Other Evaluation Input. Include source and location of other accreditation evaluations considered in the recommendation.
c. Paragraphs 3, Strengths. List significant strengths which merit general officer attention.
d. Paragraph 4, Shortcomings. List major shortcomings. If the recommendation in paragraph 1 is LEVEL I, Candidate for Accreditation”, then this paragraph will immediately follow paragraph 1. If any of the battalion’s IDT sites received a “LEVEL I” rating, ensure documentation of those shortcomings as well.
e. Paragraph 5, Higher Headquarters Issues. Identify problems that require action by some agency beyond the control of the school’s battalion commander. Also, list any units that had Soldiers who were either denied enrollment for not meeting course prerequisites, or enrolled without meeting them.
f. Paragraph 6, General Comments. List anything that does not fall under the first five paragraphs. This could include problems that are not yet higher headquarters issues but could become so if not resolved.
g. Paragraph 7, Team Chief and Evaluators. List name, rank, and title of team members.
h. Paragraph 8, Point of Contact (POC) Information.
i. Enclosures. Attach a copy of the Evaluation Checklist and a notes page if necessary.
j. The report should be signed by the QAE Chief.
3. Report Staffing Procedures.
a. Prepare a staffing paper for signature by the proponent school’s Assistant Commandant (AC).
b. Prepare a Certificate of Accreditation for signature by the proponent school’s Commandant, if applicable.
c. Report should be staffed through the MSCOE QAO, proponent school’s DOT to the proponent school’s AC.
d. Provide a copy furnished to the proponent school’s DAC-RC.
1. Purpose. Documents results of an IDT or AT assessment conducted by the proponent school’s QAE at the request of the battalion.
2. Format. The report will be prepared in memorandum format, IAW AR 25-50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence, dated 3 Jun 02.
a. Paragraph 1, Introduction. Identify the training site observed, and the dates of the SAV.
b. Paragraph 2, Synopsis. Describe the conduct of the SAV, and the areas evaluated. Include a brief summary of the results (shortcomings/strengths) of each area evaluated.
c. Paragraph 3, Higher Headquarters Issues. Identify problems that require action by some agency beyond the control of the school battalion commander.
d. Paragraph 4, General Comments. List anything that does not fall under the first four paragraphs. This could include the specific checklist items that apply to each deficiency and/or follow-up actions required.
e. Paragraph 5, Point of Contact (POC) Information.
3. Report Staffing Procedures.
a. Signature authority for report is the proponent school’s DAC-RC.
b. Report should be coordinated through the QAO and proponent school’s Chief of Staff.
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