Struthionidae 1/2

Mohoidae 1/1 Moho braccatus Kauai O'o 1 117 117* 195 Ptilogonatidae 4/4

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Mohoidae 1/1

Moho braccatus Kauai O'o 1 117 117* 195

Ptilogonatidae 4/4

Phainoptila melanoxantha Black and-yellow Silky-flycatcher 1e 1f 45 269

Ptilogonys cinereus Grey Silky-flycatcher 1e 1m 38 52 210 257

Ptilogonys caudatus Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher 1e 1f 121 269

Phainopepla nitens Phainopepla 1e 1f 1h 24 38 147 149 185 186 282


Dulidae 1/1

Dulus domincus Palmchat 1e 1f 22 22*

Hylocitreidae 0/1

Hylocitrea bonensis Hylocitrea nr

Hypocoliidae 1/1

Hypocolius ampelinus Hypocolius 1e


Peucedramidae 1/1

Peucedramus taeniatus Olive Warbler 1e 1f 1h 24 38 70 147 149 210 257 266 282

Calcariidae 5/6

Calcarius lapponicus Lapland Longspur 1e 1f 5 12 24 25 99 122 139 149 157 165 190 192 196 204 231 242 244 251 270 273 281 282 287 291

Calcarius ornatus Chestnut-collared Longspur 1e 1f 24 122 148 149 192 282 291

Calcarius pictus Smith's Longspur 1e 1f 24 122 139 149 192 282 291

Rhynchophanes mccownii McCown's Longspur 1e 1f 24 122 149 192 282 291

Plectrophenax nivalis Snow Bunting 1 1e 1f 5 9 12 23 24 25 99 118 122 128 139 148 149 157 165 190 192 196 204 231 242 244 251 270 273 281 282 287 291

Plectrophenax hyperboreus McKay’s Bunting unrecorded

Parulidae 112/114

Seiurus aurocapilla Ovenbird 1e 1f 18 23 24 122 139 140 148 156 190 192 205 206 210 211 223 234 250 269 275 282 291

Helmitheros vermivorum Worm-eating Warbler 1e 1f 23 148 156 192 223 250 269 275 282 291

Parkesia motacilla Louisiana Waterthrush 1e 1f 18 23 65 148 156 192 205 211 223 250 266 269 275 282 291

Parkesia noveboracensis Northern Waterthrush 1e 1f 1g 5 18 23 24 65 100 115 122 139 140 148 149 156 190 192 202 206 209 210 211 223 243 250 251 252 254 261 262 266 269 275 282 283 291

Vermivora bachmanii Bachman's Warbler 14 282

Vermivora chrysoptera Golden-winged Warbler 1e 1f 23 148 156 192 205 269 275 282 291

Vermivora cyanoptera Blue-winged Warbler 1e 1f 23 148 156 192 205 269 275 282 291

Mniotilta varia Black-and-white Warbler 1e 1f 5 23 24 115 122 140 148 156 190 192 205 206 210 211 223 250 261 266 269 275 282 291

Protonotaria citrea Prothonotary Warbler 1 1e 23 123 148 156 192 205 210 211 223 250 269 275 282 291

Limnothlypis swainsonii Swainson's Warbler 1e 23 123 148 156 192 282

Oreothlypis superciliosa Crescent-chested Warbler 1e 30 38 70 147 210 262 266 282

Oreothlypis gutturalis Flame-throated Warbler 1e 70 121 269

Oreothlypis peregrina Tennessee Warbler 1e 1f 5 23 24 139 148 156 190 192 206 210 211 223 243 247 250 266 269 275 282 291

Oreothlypis celata Orange-crowned Warbler 1e 1f 1h 24 122 139 146 147 148 149 186 192 206 210 251 269 278 282 291

Oreothlypis crissalis Colima Warbler 1e 24 70 149 185 210 282

Oreothlypis luciae Lucy's Warbler 1e 1f 1h 24 147 149 186 210 282

Oreothlypis ruficapilla Nashville Warbler 1e 1f 23 24 148 149 156 186 192 205 206 210 251 269 278 282 291

Oreothlypis virginiae Virginia's Warbler 1e 24 122 147 149 210 251 282

Leucopeza semperi Semper’s Warbler unrecorded

Oporornis agilis Connecticut Warbler 1e 23 24 148 156 192 206 275 282 291

Geothlypis poliocephala Grey-crowned Yellowthroat 1e 1g 38 45 70 93 121 210 243 252 257 262 266 269 282

Geothlypis aequinoctialis Masked Yellowthroat 1e 1f 58 70 101 163 193 199 202 208 209 211 220 223 230 254 261 267 268 275 283 289

Geothlypis aequinoctialis Masked Yellowthroat 1e 202 211 223 230 275

Geothlypis chiriquensis Chiriqui Yellowthroat 70

Geothlypis auricularis Black-lored Yellowthroat 1e 1f 70 193 199 208 261 283

Geothlypis velata Southern Yellowthroat 1e 58 70 101 163 209 220 223 254 261 267 268 289

Geothlypis tolmiei MacGillivray's Warbler 1e 1f 24 122 139 146 149 186 210 251 266 269 278 282 291

Geothlypis philadelphia Mourning Warbler 1e 23 24 45 65 148 156 192 206 210 211 223 269 275 282 291

Geothlypis formosa Kentucky Warbler 1e 1f 23 148 156 192 210 211 223 250 269 275 282

Geothlypis semiflava Olive-crowned Yellowthroat 1e 1f 70 93 116 193 199 230 269 275 283

Geothlypis semiflava Olive-crowned Yellowthroat 1e 116 193 199 230 269 275 283

Geothlypis bairdi Baird’s Yellowthroat 1e 1f 70 93 269 275

Geothlypis speciosa Black-polled Yellowthroat 1e 52 70 210

Geothlypis beldingi Belding’s Yellowthroat 1e

Geothlypis rostrata Bahama Yellowthroat 1e 70 250

Geothlypis flavovelata Altamira Yellowthroat 1e 52 70 210

Geothlypis trichas Common Yellowthroat 1 1e 1f 1h 5 18 23 24 38 65 70 122 123 139 140 146 147 148 149 156 186 190 192 205 206 210 250 251 211 223 234 269 275 278 282 291

Geothlypis nelsoni Hooded Yellowthroat 1e 1m 52 70 257

Catharopeza bishopi Whistling Warbler 1e 70 153 156 234 250

Setophaga plumbea Plumbeous Warbler 1e 70 153 234 250

Setophaga angelae Elfin-woods Warbler 1e 1f 70 156 250

Setophaga pharetra Arrowhead Warbler 1e 70 140

Setophaga citrina Hooded Warbler 1 1e 1f 5 23 123 148 156 190 192 205 210 211 223 250 269 275 282 291

Setophaga ruticilla American Redstart 1 1e 1f 5 23 24 65 122 139 140 148 149 156 190 192 205 206 209 210 211 223 250 251 254 261 269 275 278 282 283 291

Setophaga kirtlandii Kirtland's Warbler 1e 1f 14 148 192 205 250 282 291

Setophaga tigrina Cape May Warbler 1 1e 1f 23 24 139 148 156 190 192 206 250 269 275 282 291

Setophaga cerulea Cerulean Warbler 1e 1f 23 148 156 192 205 210 211 220 223 269 275 282 283 291

Setophaga americana Northern Parula 1e 1f 5 18 23 123 140 148 156 190 192 205 210 211 223 250 269 275 282 291

Setophaga pitiayumi Tropical Parula 1e 1f 24 58 70 90 93 100 101 115 116 142 149 152 163 185 193 199 202 209 210 211 220 223 230 254 257 261 267 268 269 275 282 283

Setophaga magnolia Magnolia Warbler 1e 1f 23 24 139 140 148 156 192 205 206 210 211 223 250 266 269 275 282 291

Setophaga castanea Bay-breasted Warbler 1e 23 24 148 156 192 206 223 269 275 282 291

Setophaga fusca Blackburnian Warbler 1 1e 1f 23 24 100 115 116 148 156 192 193 206 209 210 211 223 261 269 275 282 283 291

Setophaga petechia Yellow Warbler 1e 1f 1g 1h 5 18 22 22* 23 24 32 45 65 70 115 122 123 139 140 146 147 148 149 153 156 186 190 192 193 199 202 205 206 209 210 211 223 234

243 250 251 252 261 262 264 266 269 275 278 282 283 291

Setophaga petechia Golden Warbler 1e 1f 22 22* 65 70 115 123 140 153 156 209 210 211 223 234 250 261 282

Setophaga erithachorides Mangrove Warbler 1e 1g 32 45 70 193 199 210 211 223 243 252 261 262 266 269 275 282 283

Setophaga aestiva Yellow Warbler 1e 1f 1h 5 18 23 24 70 122 139 146 147 148 149 186 190 192 202 205 206 210 211 223 243 251 264 266 269 275 278 282 283 291

Setophaga pensylvanica Chestnut-sided Warbler 1 1e 1f 1g 18 23 24 148 156 192 205 210 211 223 234 269 275 282 291

Setophaga striata Blackpoll Warbler 1e 1f 5 24 115 139 148 149 156 190 192 206 209 210 211 220 223 250 258 261 269 275 282 283 291

Setophaga caerulescens Black-throated Blue Warbler 1e 1f 23 140 148 156 192 250 269 275 282 291

Setophaga palmarum Palm Warbler 1e 1f 23 24 65 139 140 148 156 190 192 206 250 269 275 282 291

Setophaga pityophila Olive-capped Warbler 1e 65 70 250

Setophaga pinus Pine Warbler 1e 1f 22 22* 23 123 148 156 192 205 250 282 291

Setophaga coronata Yellow-rumped Warbler 1e 1f 1h 5 23 24 122 139 147 148 149 156 186 190 192 206 210 211 223 250 251 252 269 275 278 282 291

Setophaga coronata Myrtle Warbler 1e 1f 5 23 24 139 148 149 156 190 192 206 250 252 282 291

Setophaga auduboni Audubon’s Warbler 1e 1h 24 122 147 149 186 210 211 223 251 269 275 278 282

Setophaga nigrifrons Black-fronted Warbler nr

Setophaga goldmani Goldman’s Warbler 1e

Setophaga dominica Yellow-throated Warbler 1e 18 23 123 148 156 192 210 250 269 275 282

Setophaga flavescens Bahama Warbler 1e 156 250

Setophaga vitellina Vitelline Warbler 1e 1f 70 250

Setophaga discolor Prairie Warbler 1e 1f 23 123 140 148 156 192 210 234 250 269 275 282 291

Setophaga adelaidae Adelaide's Warbler 1e 1f 70 156 250

Setophaga subita Barbuda Warbler 1e 156 250

Setophaga delicata St. Lucia Warbler 1e 153 156 234 250

Setophaga graciae Grace's Warbler 1e 1f 1h 24 122 147 149 210 262 266 282

Setophaga nigrescens Black-throated Grey Warbler 1e 1f 24 122 146 147 149 186 210 251 278 282 291

Setophaga townsendi Townsend's Warbler 1e 1f 24 122 139 146 149 156 186 251 275 278 282 291

Setophaga occidentalis Hermit Warbler 1e 1f 24 149 186 251 266 269 278 282

Setophaga chrysoparia Golden-cheeked Warbler 1e 14 24 148 149 156 185 192 266 269 282

Setophaga virens Black-throated Green Warbler 1e 1f 5 23 24 140 148 156 190 192 206 211 220 223 250 266 269 275 282 291

Basileuterus lachrymosus Fan-tailed Warbler 1e 70 147 210 262 266 282

Basileuterus rufifrons Rufous-capped Warbler 1e 1f 1g 38 45 70 121 147 185 210 223 230 243 247 257 262 266 269 275 282

Basileuterus rufifrons Rufous-capped Warbler 1e 38 70 147 185 210 257 269 282

Basileuterus delattrii Chestnut-capped Warbler 1e 1f 1g 45 70 121 223 230 243 247 262 266 269 275

Basileuterus melanogenys Black-cheeked Warbler 1e 1f 70 124 269

Basileuterus ignotus Pirre Warbler 1e 275

Basileuterus belli Golden-browed Warbler 1e 1f 38 70 210 257

Basileuterus culicivorus Golden-crowned Warbler 1e 1f 38 58 70 71 93 101 115 133 144 149 154 202 209 210 211 220 221 223 226 230 254 257 262 266 268 269 275 282

Basileuterus culicivorus Golden-crowned Warbler 1e 1f 38 58 70 71 93 101 115 133 144 149 154 202 209 210 211 220 221 223 226 230 254 257 262 266 268 269 275 282

Basileuterus hypoleucus White-bellied Warbler 1e 70 209 220 254 268

Basileuterus tristriatus Three-striped Warbler 1e 1f 1g 45 70 93 100 101 115 116 142 152 155 187 193 211 223 230 261 269 275 283

Basileuterus tristriatus Three-striped Warbler 1e 100 115 116 142 155 193 211 223 230 261 269 275 283

Basileuterus melanotis Black-eared Warbler 1e 1f 1g 45 70 93 187

Basileuterus tacarcunae Tacarcuna Warbler 1e

Basileuterus punctipectus Yungas Warbler 1e 101 152

Basileuterus trifasciatus Three-banded Warbler 1e 1f 45 70 93 193 199 261 283

Basileuterus griseiceps Grey-headed Warbler 1e 115 211 223

Myiothlypis basilica Santa Marta Warbler 1e 228 247 275

Myiothlypis luteoviridis Citrine Warbler 1e 70 100 101 115 126 151 181 193 223 230 261 275 283

Myiothlypis leucophrys White-striped Warbler 1e 70 220 268

Myiothlypis flaveola Flavescent Warbler 1e 1f 70 101 115 133 135 209 211 220 223 254 268 275

Myiothlypis leucoblephara White-browed Warbler 1e 1f 58 70 133 135 154 209 220 254 268

Myiothlypis signata Pale-legged Warbler 1e 1f 58 70 101 126 163 230 254 261

Myiothlypis nigrocristata Black-crested Warbler 1e 1f 70 100 115 116 151 155 181 193 211 223 225 230 261 275 283

Myiothlypis fulvicauda Buff-rumped Warbler 1e 1f 1g 70 78 93 101 104 121 141 180 181 193 230 243 258 262 269 272 275 283 284

Myiothlypis rivularis Riverbank Warbler 1e 1f 58 70 101 115 152 209 211 220 221 223 239 254 256 261 264 268

Myiothlypis bivittata Two-banded Warbler 1e 1f 58 70 101 115 126 142 152 163 209 211 223 254 261

Myiothlypis bivittata Two-banded Warbler 1e 1f 58 70 101 126 142 152 163 223 254 261

Myiothlypis roraimae Roraiman Warbler 1e 115 209 211 223

Myiothlypis chrysogaster Golden-bellied Warbler 1e 1f 70 116 126 142 180 193 261 275 283

Myiothlypis chrysogaster Golden-bellied Warbler 1e 126 142 261

Myiothlypis chlorophrys Choco Warbler 1e 1f 70 116 180 193 275 283

Myiothlypis cinereicollis Grey-throated Warbler 1e 115 211 223 230 275

Myiothlypis conspicillata White-lored Warbler 1e 1f 70 228 247 275

Myiothlypis fraseri Grey-and-gold Warbler 1e 1f 70 193 199 261 283

Myiothlypis coronata Russet-crowned Warbler 1e 1f 70 100 101 115 116 142 151 155 181 193 211 223 230 261 275 283

Cardellina canadensis Canada Warbler 1e 1f 23 24 100 148 156 192 193 206 220 261 269 275 282 283 291

Cardellina pusilla Wilson's Warbler 1e 1f 1h 23 24 65 122 139 146 148 149 156 186 192 206 210 243 251 266 269 275 278 282 291

Cardellina rubrifrons Red-faced Warbler 1e 1f 1h 24 70 147 149 210 282

Cardellina rubra Red Warbler 1e 38 52 70 210

Cardellina versicolor Pink-headed Warbler 1e 1f 38 70 210

Myioborus pictus Painted Redstart 1e 1f 1h 24 38 70 147 149 210 262 282

Myioborus miniatus Slate-throated Redstart 1e 1f 1m 30 38 45 70 93 100 101 115 116 121 142 147 155 187 193 210 211 223 226 228 230 247 257 261 269 275 282 283

Myioborus brunniceps Brown-capped Redstart 1e 58 70 101 143 163 254

Myioborus castaneocapilla Tepui Redstart 1e 1f 70 209 211 223

Myioborus pariae Paria Redstart 1e 223

Myioborus cardonai Saffron-breasted Redstart 211 223

Myioborus albifacies White-faced Redstart unrecorded

Myioborus torquatus Collared Redtart 1e 1f 1g 70 82 187 269

Myioborus flavivertex Yellow-crowned Redstart 1e 228 247 275

Myioborus ornatus Golden-fronted Redstart 1e 1f 181 223 230 275

Myioborus melanocephalus Spectacled Redstart 1e 70 100 101 116 151 193 230 261 275 283

Myioborus albifrons White-fronted Redstart 1e 115 211 223

Zeledonia coronata Wrenthrush 1e 1f 45 70 121 124 187 269 272

Icteria virens Yellow-breasted Chat 1e 1f 1h 18 23 24 38 70 122 123 147 148 149 185 186 210 251 257 269 278 282 291

Xenoligea montana White-winged Warbler 1e 1f 22 22* 70

Microligea palustris Green-tailed Warbler 1e 1f 22 22* 70

Teretistris fernandinae Yellow-headed Warbler 1e 65 70

Teretistris fornsi Oriente Warbler 1e 65 70

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