Submission of proposals

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The described, desirable attributes could, perhaps, be met via fuel cell powered systems. While such (fuel cell) systems are already being examined under on-going programs, it is not obvious, at this time, that a fuel cell system will be able to meet the expected, difficult engine compactness and power density goals. Therefore, this solicitation seeks new, innovative ideas/concepts and/or modifications to conventional (e.g., internal combustion, or gas turbine) heavy fuel engine cycles which will result in the following desired attributes: 1) high fuel efficiency; 2) high power density; 3) ultra low signature; and 4) water recovery potential which does not compromise the power density of the engine.
PHASE I: The proposer must demonstrate a thorough understanding of conventional, heavy-fuel engine cycles. The proposer must also demonstrate the ability to analytically model his/her proposed concept(s), and show understanding of the underlying physical principles.
In Phase I the proposer shall demonstrate (analytically, or, preferably, via experiments) the feasibility of his/her approach to meet the program goals of ultra-low engine pollutant and thermal emissions, along with the ability to condense water from the engine?s exhaust. The proposed water extraction mechanism must not compromise the power density of the engine. The proposed concept(s) must be based on variations of, or modifications to, conventional (e.g., internal combustion, or gas turbine) heavy fuel engine cycles. Proposals based on fuel cell technology are specifically excluded from this solicitation.
The proposer shall submit a comprehensive plan for follow-on work to be performed under a Phase II program. The proposer shall also submit plans for commercializing his/her concept(s) under a Phase III program.
PHASE II: The proposer shall design, build and test his/her engine concept and conclusively quantify reduced engine pollutant and thermal emission levels. The proposer shall also demonstrate and quantify the ability to extract water from the engine's exhaust.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Engines with ultra-low emissions and the ability to extract water from the exhaust have many uses besides powering Army vehicles. The described attributes are ideal for military and/or civilian power generation at remote sites, for both large, fixed- site, as well as for small, portable, distributed power applications. The ability to extract water is also ideal for ship-board propulsion or power applications.

1) Panting, J. R., “Optimizing the Super-turbocharged Aeroengine”, Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, 1998.

2) Acurio, J., “Small Gas Turbines in the 21st Century”, Tenth Cliff Garrett Turbomachinery Award Lecture”, SAE SP-981, 1993.
KEYWORDS: Heavy-Fuel, Propulsion, Emissions, Water Extraction

A03-038 TITLE: True Time Delay Multiple Beam Antenna System Design Tool

ACQUISITION PROGRAM: Space & Terrestrial Communications Directorate
OBJECTIVE: To develop an integrated electromagnetic simulation and computer aided design (CAD) software package for multi-wavelength structures that enables the user to complete an end-to-end design for true time delay multiple beam antenna systems.
DESCRIPTION: Multiple beams and electronic scan over a broad band offer significant improvements in system performance for future Army combat system applications. Millimeter wave frequency operations (i.e., Ka-Band) of such systems are desirable for many operational applications. True time delay beam forming networks, such as a Rotman lens, can provide multiple beams over a wide instantaneous bandwidth. However, the current state of the art in electromagnetic simulation tools does not provide a single synthesis, design, analysis, and layout tool for multiple wavelength structures such as a Rotman lens. An integrated software package capable of handling multiple wavelength structures, where different scales of the structure are modeled using an appropriate numerical technique (i.e., method of moments (MoM) or finite element method (FEM) for small scales, and physical optics (PO) or geometrical optics (GO) for larger scales), as well as a CAD output capability such as generation of a dxf file is desired. Commercially available products should be leveraged as much as possible to reduce the development time and cost.
PHASE I: Develop a baseline for the integrated numerical techniques for multiple scales in a structure, demonstrate the capability of the design tools, and their functionality with the CAD environment.
PHASE II: Advance the baseline design tools by leveraging commercial products and demonstrate the functionality of the final product by the design of a stripline Rotman lens.
PHASE III: The development of the simulation package capable of multi-wavelength applications will significantly reduce the design time and cost for complex structures such as Rotman lens antennas, which has been receiving attention from military (i.e., Multi-Function Radio Frequency System) and commercial applications (such as multiple beam satellite communication systems).

1) B. Scheiner et al, “Architecture of a Multi-function System Based on Army Requirements,” 26 June 2002, 48th TSRS, Monterey, CA.

2) E. Adler et al, “Low-Cost Technology for Multimode Radar,” IEEE AES Magazine, June 1999, pp. 23-27
KEYWORDS: antenna system, electronic scan, multibeam, multi-wavelength, radar, communication, electromagnetic simulation, CAD, FCS, MMW

A03-039 TITLE: High Energy, Fast-Rise Film Capacitors

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes
OBJECTIVE: Develop materials and technology for film capacitors to be used in pulse-forming networks for electromagnetic defense and electric weapons.
DESCRIPTION: For the applications mentioned above, a single capacitor may be of 100-1000 joules capacity with a voltage of 1 kV when fully charged. A rise-time of <100 microseconds and an energy density greater than 2.5 J/cc are required, with good charge retention. The present baseline capacitor provides 0.6 J/cc and utilizes polypropylene film. Such film provides a dielectric strength of 700-1000 V/micrometer and a dielectric constant of 2.2. What is required is identification/development of a new dielectric film material with higher dielectric strength and/or dielectric constant and associated manufacturing technology, including impregnants, surface treatments, metallization, etc., to accomplish high energy density, fast rise-time, good charge retention, high reliability, etc.
PHASE I: Prove feasibility by identifying a new film material and demonstrating dielectric properties required for the applications mentioned above. The research can include development of impregnants and other associated technology and/or the demonstration of a scaleable laboratory prototype capacitor.
PHASE II: Develop all required technology for the capacitor requirement and demonstrate a scaleable capacitor.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: High potential for use in compact defribrillators, other medical electronic implants, electric utility energy storage, filtering component for a variety of civilian electronic circuits.

1) LAGHARI J R, IEEE T NUCL SCI 39 (1): 21-24 FEB 1992 .

2) Andreyev A M, IEE P-SCI MEAS TECH 147 (2): 95-96 MAR 2000.
KEYWORDS: film capacitor, dielectric film, energy storage capacitor, capacitors

A03-040 TITLE: Mixed Signal for Multifunction RF (Radio Frequency) Sensor

OBJECTIVE: The Army has a documented need to develop enabling RF technologies that are both affordable and flexible with growth potential to address many radar and communication requirements. An area that best demonstrates a need for both affordable and flexible technology is in the transmitter architectures. Digitally generating highly complex wide bandwidth waveforms at the highest possible frequency instead of down near baseband would considerably reduce the transmitter architecture in terms of size, weight and power requirements as well as cost. These waveforms are used for high range resolution radars in sorting targets from clutter and low probability of intercept communication applications.
DESCRIPTION: A digital synthesis approach operating at carrier frequencies of greater than 10 GHz and bandwidths of greater than 1 GHz would greatly reduce transmitter complexity while improving the opportunity to pursue more multi-purpose RF sensors. Another issue to be addressed is spectral purity in which a goal of greater than 60 dB over the modulation bandwidth is suggested. Waveform configurations should include chirp, step frequency, phase modulation, limited impulse, pulsed RF and other hybrid modulations.
PHASE I: The goals for a Phase I study should explore the feasibility of emerging technologies (e.g., sigma-delta) that can meet the above specifications. Highly linear ultra fast D/As, integrated control and memory, and modularize construction (e.g., VME/VXI/PCI).
PHASE II: Design, build, test, deliver and report on the chosen synthesis approach. Performance as well as addressing affordability should be the emphasis of this effort.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: High potential in many commercial RF systems, like satellite HDTV, air traffic and weather radars and other wireless communication networks.

1) M. Conn, E. Adler, R. Innocenti, “Digital Excitation and Signal Extraction for Modern Low-Cost Radars

KEYWORDS: direct digital synthesis, sigma delta

A03-041 TITLE: Efficient Atmospheric Extinction Algorithms for Line of Sight Transmission

OBJECTIVE: Develop rapid and efficient algorithms, and implement modular computer software to allow calculation of Beer's law atmospheric transmission losses for path segments near the earth's surface, for infrared window bands.
DESCRIPTION: Parameterized approximations to the obsolete LOWTRAN transmission model are being used to calculate line of sight transmission losses in target acquisition software. The current MODTRAN software has implemented a new correlated-k capability that could be used to provide Beer-Lambert law compatible extinction coefficients suitable for calculating transmission loss for a series of path segments through a layered atmosphere describing the temperature, pressure and humidity structure. In order to provide rapid calculations in deployed target acquisition and mission planning software an optimized set of wavelength intervals covering the visible, near-, mid-, and far-infrared atmospheric windows is needed. The atmospheric transmission for these intervals can then be captured in a new parameterization with only a few terms suitable for representing transmission for sensor wavebands. These atmospheric transmission models must be suitable for covering a layered atmosphere extending from sea level to 15 km in addition to horizontal and near-earth paths and path lengths ranging from 100 meters to 50 kilometers.

The goal is an accurate (within 2%) fast running (100 times faster than MODTRAN's 1-inverse cm resolution) calculation capability.

PHASE I: Demonstrate the feasibility of a fast running transmission calculation by generating accurate Beer-Lambert law compatible representation of the mid IR (3.0 -- 5.0 micron) atmospheric window region. Quantify the number of sub-bands required, and their individual contribution to the total error budget. Develop an efficient implementation of a parameterization of the optimized band calculations suitable for use in a line of sight ray tracing application.
PHASE II: Extend the process to cover other atmospheric window regions (vis, near and far IR).

Potential benefits for the government and contractor are demonstrated through a full understanding of the optimization process documented in detailed reports and/or prototype software implementations.

PHASE III: The resulting analysis tools will be valuable in speeding up and simplifying weather dependent atmospheric transmission effects calculations needed for determining sensor coverage or placement decisions for other military or commercial surveillance applications. It may also be adapted to modeling of infrared imaging simulations.

The resulting phase 3 products will be a valuable analysis tool used by designers and analysts to include atmospheric transmission effects in system design efforts such as simulation based acquisition for the Army's Future Combat System multi-sensor trade-off.


1) Bernstein, L. S., A. Berk, P. K. Acharya, D. C. Robertson, G. P. Anderson, J. H. Chetwynd and L. M. Kimball, Very Narrow Band Model Calculations of Atmospheric Fluxes and Cooling Rates, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 53, No. 19, pp. 2887-2904 (1996).

KEYWORDS: Atmospheric Transmission; MODTRAN; Target Aquisition Weather Software TAWS)

A03-042 TITLE: Agent-Based Knowledge Enablers for the Unit of Action

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Information Systems
OBJECTIVE: Development of tools and methodologies to support network centric warfare (NCW) that effectively target software agents technology against the critical information requirements associated with the Army’s Unit of Action (UA).
DESCRIPTION: A key tenet to NCW is the translation of information superiority to combat power [1]. With that, the US Army has euphemistically traded 70 tons of rolled homogeneous steel for 70 tons of information. Consequently, tomorrow’s digitized battlefield will not only provide unprecedented access to data and information, but threatens to overload commanders and staff with this information [2]. One of the challenges to effective NCW is the development of systems that will provide accurate, relevant and timely information to the right entities at the right time. Knowledge is the key enabler of the Objective Force [3].
The scope of this effort is the development of an agent-based system that improves a commanders ability to collect, process, manage and answer the critical information requirements (CCIRs) associated with a UA. CCIRs are designed to feed important, time-sensitive information to the commander so important decisions can be made that dramatically affect the fight. Needed are improved methods in retrieving and disseminating data, information and knowledge across the battle functional areas (BFAs) that do not require direct user intervention. Structured and semi-structured data sources from across disparate sources will need to be monitored, filtered, and fused against the CCIRs with appropriate alerts given the UA commander/staff. Areas of related research include: clustering and categorization algorithms, advanced data mining and fusion techniques, adaptable human-computer interfaces, dynamic ontology development, and knowledge management.
PHASE I: Identify and document a systematic approach for codifying and capturing the CCIRs against selected major sources of information. An appropriate data representation (ontologies) and agent architecture will be designed and proof-of-concept demonstrated.
PHASE II: Design, build and demonstrate a prototype agent environment that fully demonstrates the monitoring and management of all battlefield functional information sources against a UA’s CCIRs.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATION: The system will be integrated with current Future Combat System/Objective Force systems and provide real-time data monitoring/filtering against the UA CCIRs. The development of an agent-based knowledge discovery system that operates across disparate sources of information would have huge applicability for the commercial market.

1) David Alberts, John Garstka, Frederick Stein, Network Centric Warfare, CCRP, July 2002.

2) NATO Research & Technology Organization Report 8, “Land Operations in the Year 2020 (LO2020)", March 1999.

3) Battle Command O&O (draft) -- Annex D Appendix D, 14 Jun 02.

KEYWORDS: Software Agents, Knowledge Discovery, data fusion

A03-043 TITLE: Natural Hearing Restoration for Encapsulating Helmets

OBJECTIVES: Develop a system that will restore natural hearing to a soldier wearing a fully encapsulating helmet.
DESCRIPTION: Current designs for future Army's helmets, e.g., the Objective Force Warrior (OFW) helmet, focus on a fully encapsulating helmet integrated into the war fighter ensemble. It has been historically shown that soldiers performing tasks that require listening for auditory queues will doff their helmet so they can use their own natural hearing to its fullest capability. Directional information about the dynamically changing acoustic environment is critical to their mission execution and force protection. Encapsulation of the soldier's head will greatly reduce their situational awareness and thus their ability to complete their mission. The hearing restoration system can be integrated into or developed as a part of an encapsulating helmet. A soldier wearing this system would perceive the acoustic environment around himself or herself as if they were hearing it without a helmet. The system is intended to restore natural listening ability of the soldier wearing an encapsulating helmet without affecting the ballistic or Nuclear Biological and Chemical (NBC) protection provided by the helmet.
Restoration of natural hearing can be accomplished by physical design or electrical means. Special molded forms or microphones or microphone arrays can be used to capture the surrounding acoustic environment. The sounds from these systems can be further processed or filtered to restore the effects of the soldier's head and torso on the received natural sounds. The particular avenue for development of the acoustically transparent helmet is left up to the contractor. Additional capabilities of the system such as noise reduction and selective signal filtering should be considered if feasible.
Along with development of the system, the contractor will also devise a test to measure the attenuation, speech intelligibility, and signal localization of their system in realistic noise conditions. The test data should include bare head and un-restored encapsulating helmet measurements for comparison. The contractor may perform these tests in-house or use government furnished equipment and expertise.
PHASE I: Develop and provide a working concept demonstration of natural hearing restoration. The demonstration can use proprietary or commercial off the shelf (CoTS) devices. Deliverables shall include a written report that includes the expected values of signal loss (attenuation), speech recognition and sound localization of the proposed system as compared with bare head measurements. As a minimum, the proposed design should provide significant performance improvement over the un-restored encapsulating helmet with the bare head measurements being the goal.
PHASE II: Develop and demonstrate a cost effective prototype system that incorporates the findings from phase I into an encapsulating helmet. The government can provide the encapsulating helmet if so required. Deliverables at the end of this phase will include the prototype system and technical documentation describing the system and providing operational data.
PHASE III: Integrate the prototype system into the current OFW encapsulating helmet. This phase will include utilizing mil spec components, ruggedizing any of the hardware, and miniaturizing the system. Devise and execute testing procedures to evaluate the subjective and objective measures of the system including attenuation of the restored sounds, helmet attenuation of natural sounds, speech recognition, and degrees of accuracy of signal localization in azimuth and elevation.
DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: There is a current need in military and civilian applications for the development of a system that restores natural hearing in an encapsulating helmet. The OFW has a current specification for an encapsulating helmet. This system can also be used for civilian operations such as HASMAT operations and search and rescue where the operators are wearing head encapsulating gear.
[1] Shinn-Cunningham, B. G., Lehnert, H., Kramer, G., Wenzel, E. M., and Durlach, N. I. (1997) Auditory Displays. In R. Gilkey and T. Anderson (Eds.), Binaural and Spatial Hearing in Real and Virtual Environments. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 611-664.
[2] Durlach, N. I., and Wenzel, E.M. (1994) Auditory displays. In Durlach, N. I. and Mavor, A. S. (Eds.) Virtual Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges. Report of the Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
[3] Durlach, N. I. (2003) Supernormal Listening Systems, accessed at
[4] Vause, N.L., and Grantham, D. W. (1999) Effects of Earplugs and Protective Headgear on Auditory Localization Ability in the horizontal Plane, Human Factors 41(2), 282-294.

KEYWORDS: Natural Hearing, Encapsulating Helmet, Sound Localization

A03-044 TITLE: Polymers for Lightweight Small Arms Cartridge Cases
TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes
ACQUISITION PROGRAM: Joint Services Small Arms Program (JSSAP) Office
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to assess the performance of polymer materials or filled-polymer systems, exposed to a range of environmental conditions, when used as a cartridge shell casing that is subjected to normal feed, firing, and extraction operations.
DESCRIPTION: The U.S. Army currently utilizes brass as the material of choice for cartridge cases for small caliber (5.56mm and 7.62mm) ammunition. Significant weight savings could be attained if a lightweight material were substituted for the cartridge shell body. These rounds are widely used in a variety of weapon systems and any material or design changes must be such that no modifications to the weapon system are required.
PHASE I: Propose and assess candidate materials capable of withstanding all the various load conditions experienced by a 5.56mm cartridge case. Guidelines for appropriate polymer materials include a minimum Tg of 150º C, a modulus reduction of less than 15% over the temperature range of -55º C to 65º C, and water uptake of less than three (3) weight percent at room temperature saturation. At a minimum during Phase I, coupon testing of samples shall be done to fully characterize candidate materials mechanical and thermal properties to assess their utility in a cartridge case application. Development of this material property database will provide information to allow for determination of the feasibility of a given material for cartridge applications. Also, processing issues related to the level of effort and cost associated with producing a particular candidate material in a cartridge-like configuration should be addressed.
PHASE II: Demonstrate the feasibility of candidate materials with appropriate sub-scale testing that simulates extraction loads on the cartridge base, feed loads on the cartridge neck, and the internal pressure loads imparted on the cartridge body. Design and fabricate demonstration rounds that are 35% less massive than the complete round weight of the M855, 5.56mm cartridge case while providing at least 90% of the internal volume currently available for propellant in the M855. The rounds should then be experimentally tested under a variety of environmental conditions that mimic the service environment. This should, at a minimum, include subjecting materials to long-term exposure to moisture, as well as examining performance when thermally conditioned at hot (65º C) and cold (-55º C) temperatures prior to firing.
Phase III: Material solution may be applied to various small and medium caliber munitions, including 5.56mm, 7.62mm, and 50 cal.
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: Development of composite cartridge shell cases would have application to other caliber ammunition that is sold commercially for use by police and security agencies. The technology would also be applicable to the sporting goods industry for use by hunters and target shooters.

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solicitations -> Navy small business innovation research program submitting Proposals on Navy Topics
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solicitations -> Armament research, development and engineering center
solicitations -> Army 17. 1 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions
solicitations -> Navy 11. 3 Small Business Innovation Research (sbir) Proposal Submission Instructions

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