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PHASE II: In Phase II the contractor’s filtration or filtration component concept design or designs will be modeled and prototyped after performing additional theoretical analysis and computational fluid dynamics (or equivalent). If there happens to be more than one design concept, a trade-off analysis will be performed and the best design concept will be selected. The selected filtration concept design prototype will be up-dated and re-engineered prior to manufacturing the prototype parts and assembling the complete unit. Any changes to original prototype concept will be re-assessed to verify it meets performance objectives including service life improvements and reliability. The contractor will continue to harden the selected design concept by making design improvements which show improvements in performance and reliability which will be weighted against a required operation and support cost (OSCR) benefit to the affected military vehicle(s). Continued and repeated experimental evaluations of a full scale prototype will be conducted to demonstrate the reliability of the filtration concept design until the requirement goals are met. The contractor will also evaluate and study the new filtration prototype and consider manufacturing methods and innovations which could produce a new product with a projected design to cost equal to or better than current production filtration component it is replacing. Continued upgrades will be assessed to design harden the filtration or filtration component design concept so that it can withstand rigorous lab simulation tests depicting future field testing of the filtration prototype in Phase III. The Phase II prototype will demonstrate an increased technical capability verified by lab tests and technical assessment by contractor’s cognizant technical experts in the field. At the conclusion of Phase II the contractor will deliver at least one (1) prototype filtration or filtration component.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Success of the program described above will lead directly to the military and commercial market. Cost savings are one reason for new technological products. Commonality between the Army’s tactical wheeled vehicles and commercial wheeled vehicle is wide spread including the commercial Hummer and the military HMMWV. Also commonality exists between the M915/M916 Series Truck which is a commercial truck but bought by the Army with slight modifications for use in line-haul applications.

1) M915 Family of Vehicles (FOV) Purchase Description, requiring vehicle to be equipped with reusable/clean-able oil filter, Paragraph in ATPDs 2286, 2289 and 2288.

2) Air Filter Element for HMMWV has a maximum dust capacity/service life requirement of only 16 hours. Minimum of 20 hours service life or more is desired.

3) HMMWV TM Manual limits Air filter specifies a maximum of three cleanings. Requirement exists for a new design air filter for longer service life.

4) Eleftherakis, John G., TITLED: Optimizing Automotive Transmission Filtration, SAE Paper 99PC-418, Dated 1998, Society of Automotive Engineers Inc., Warrendale, PA.
KEYWORDS: Filtration, Transmission Oil Filter, Engine Oil Filter, Engine Fuel : Filter, Engine Air Filter, Extended Service Life, Smart Fuel Pump

A03-232 TITLE: Point of Use Oil Quality Analysis

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: The Army's next generation of weapon systems and tactical vehicles will be designed and built to stringent requirements of efficiency, performance and reliability. Simultaneously, legacy systems need to be maintained in full operational condition with high availability at minimal operating cost. Total Operating Cost Reductions (TOCR) are being taken in every possible arena. As indicated by the Chief of Ordnance, one particularly burdensome program is the Army's Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). While its primary objective is to preclude readiness degradation, the current program suffers from excessive testing costs, a 95% return of normal oil condition result, a book keeping burden on the user units and the need to dispose of HAZMAT (HAZardous MATerial) contaminated equipment.
DESCRIPTION: The goal of the project is to develop a portable, self-contained analyzer that can be used at the vehicle with a minimal sample withdrawal. A control and logging capability inherent to the analyzer that could be tied to hood numbers would reduce the book keeping burden and be downloadable to the Army's computer network. Internal, self-calibration is a requirement. A secondary objective, more long term,would be to reduce the testing suite to an on-board system.
PHASE I: Evaluate the applications, existing designs, the state of micro and nano scale technologies available and requirements for improvements over current oil analysis tests. Determine the optimal design for independent operation based on current and emerging oil analysis technologies. Applicability to both commercial and military vehicles will be an important criteria in the design selection.
PHASE II: Design and build oil analyzers for the selected sub-tests. Characterize the combined oil analyzer performance in independent operation, document performance and demonstrate viability in a field environment. Reengineer where necessary to meet the defined performance objectives. The prototypes shall clearly demonstrate accuracy of analysis, robust operation and autonomous functionality for extended periods.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Next generation vehicles are a major research and development activity within the automotive industry. Oil analysis is used widely in the commercial sector. Any sensor and testing equipment developed for this program would have direct application in the broader, oil analysis market. The development, demonstration and integration of robust, economically priced, oil analysis equipments will be directly applicable to both the military and private sectors. By taking lessons learned from Phase II, the contractor will be able to manufacture a ruggedized design suitable for both military and commercial vehicles.


1. Manual on Significance of Tests for Petroleum Products; George V. Dyroff, Editor; ASTM Manual Series:MNL 1, Sixth Edition, ASTM PCN 28-001093-12, ISBN 0-8031-2050-8, 1993

2., Area Support Responsibilities 1.6.O Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP).
KEYWORDS: Oil Analysis, AOAP, real time, lubrication, HAZMAT, green technology

A03-233 TITLE: Advanced Military Diesel Engine Technologies

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: The topic is to solicit advanced research and development with the objective to examine and develop technologies to increase fuel economy, increase power density with respect to volume and or weight, reduce specific heat rejection and provide RAM-D improvements for high output military vehicle and small stationary diesel engines.
DESCRIPTION: Anticipated future military FCS-type, high output vehicle engine operating conditions include cylinder heat loading greater than 4 HP per square inch (piston surface area), 4 cycle brake mean effective pressure exceeding 300 psia and brake specific heat rejection to coolant of 12 BTU per HP-Min or lower. Technology areas addressing these targets include: fuel injection system/combustion enhancement (technologies to be considered include ultra-high pressure injection or other combustion technologies enabling enhanced diesel combustion toward stoichiometric conditions without fuel economy degradation without increased smoke, and operation on heavy-hydrocarbon fuels including DF-2 and JP-8); and high efficiency broad range turbomachinery (military diesels require compact, high efficiency, broad range, low inertia devices that are tolerant to high exhaust pressure and temperature). Turbocharger and supercharger concepts that increase power density of small stationary power/auxiliary power units (up to 20 kW) and include relevant demonstration will be considered within this topic. Technologies that address these military performance targets for FCS and encompass commercial applicability are desirable.
Engine RAM-D goal of 1000-hour life expectancy shall be pursued in all designs or concepts proposed. Also, concepts designs presented shall be consistent with Army initiatives to reduce operating and support costs. Two generic cost drivers: 1) causes of electrical/mechanical replacement costs; and 2) causes of fuel/fuel distribution costs are directly applicable to this topic.
PHASE I: Proof of concept with a relevant bench-test for proposed technology(s) is desirable for this initial phase.
PHASE II: Technology(s) should be experimentally demonstrated on a relevant power plant under various operating conditions.
PHASE III: Any demonstrated technology maybe applicable to both the military and commercial marketplaces and thus the appropriate applications should be targeted based on the concept.

1) Blue Ribbon Committee Report, "Research Needed for More Compact Intermittent Combustion Systems for Army Combat Vehicles", November 1995, DTIC No. A301691.

2) W. Bryzik, "Future Diesel Engines for Both Military and Commercial Engines", ISATA International Conference, Paper No. 97MOB028, 1997.
KEYWORDS: diesel, turbochargers, superchargers, high pressure injection

A03-234 TITLE: High Efiiciency, Compact Heat Exchanger for Mobile Equipment Applications

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: The next generation of vehicles, tactical and commercial, may incorporate fuel cells, electric or electric– internal combustion hybrid propulsion systems, requiring complex control systems, and “drive by wire” auxiliary systems, each of which poses unique cooling problems and which will require improved heat exchanger technologies. The goal of this effort will be to develop a compact, cost effective, and efficient heat exchanger for small and confined space applications from vehicle cooling to cabin HVAC or accessory and electronics cooling. The program will take advantage of the emerging technologies in heat exchanger development including materials, configurations, and construction techniques.
DESCRIPTION: A study of current heat exchanger materials, construction, and configurations will serve as basis for potential applications of various system options that could benefit from emerging technologies. Based on evaluation of current heat exchanger performance and the processes used to create these products, the best available technologies will be identified and applied to create a specific heat exchanger for the target application..
PHASE I: Evaluate the applications, existing designs and technologies available, and requirements for improvements/innovation in current heat exchangers. Determine the optimal design based on current and on emerging heat exchanger technologies. Validate the selection through computer simulation and modeling. Applicability to both commercial and military vehicles will be an important criteria in the design selection.
PHASE II: Design and build heat exchangers for the selected application(s). Characterize the heat exchanger performance, install in the system, and document the heat exchanger performance in the application. Reengineer where necessary to meet the defined performance objectives. The prototypes shall clearly demonstrate increased performance capability and efficiency for the selected application, including electrically powered accessories.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICAITONS: Next generation vehicles are a major research and development activity within the automotive industry. The development, demonstration, and integration of robust, space saving, economically priced, high performance heat exchanger technologies into electric and hybrid-electric vehicles will be directly applicable to both the military and private sectors. By taking lessons learned from Phase II, contractor will be able to manufacture a military ruggedized design suitable for military vehicles.

1) T. G. Gonda, et. al. "MuSES: A New Heat and signature Management Design Tool for Virtual Prototyping." Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Ground Target Modeling & Validation Conference, Houtghton, MI, August 1998.

2) Thermal Modeling of Exhaust System Isolators, Fluent Newsletter Vol 10, Issue 2, Winter 2001.

3) A. R. Curran, et al. "Automated Radiation Modeling for Vehicle Thermal Management", 1995 SAE International Congress & Exposition, Exhaust Systems & Shielding session, Paper Number 950615, Detroit, MI, February 1995.

KEYWORDS: Heat exchanger, new materials, new design, militarized, thermal management.

A03-235 TITLE: Next Generation Thermal Management Rapid Prototype Tool for Future Combat Systems (FCS) and 21st Century Truck

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: To research, design, prototype, and demonstrate an innovative next generation thermal management design tool applicable for the Army’s Future Combat Systems, the 21st Century Truck, Air Force, and Navy systems as well as commercial vehicles. The rapid prototyping tool will eliminate the need for meshing commercial geometry by working on solid elements or, if need be, to automesh a commercial geometry maintaining all material properties for a full 3D thermal model with little to no preparation time required.
DESCRIPTION: The effectiveness of thermal virtual prototyping tools is reaching a limit. While vehicle designers in industry and in the military have some valuable tools available for designing both standard diesel and the newer hybrid electric vehicles, there still exists a bottleneck in moving from the designer’s CAD geometry into the thermal analysis and management tools. Currently, a design engineer must take the CAD geometry for a vehicle and convert it into a surface mesh before it can be thermally analyzed. This process can be painstaking and lengthly and can require a good deal of expertise. This act contradicts the very idea of "rapid" in rapid prototyping. Commercial and the military engineers require a design tool that predicts temperatures and radiances without meshing--or at a minimum an auto-meshing capability that retains thickness and material properties. If there must be a need for meshing, it should not require a high quality mesh, instead a low quality mesh should suffice (i.e., one that allows for disjoint meshes and face conduction). In addition to reducing prep time, this improved vehicle rapid prototype tool should give the user the flexibility to tailor the calculation of radiation view factors (a serious problem in the engine compartment) which takes considerable run time and if possible only run view factor calculations when specific geometry has changed or when parts have been articulated (moving parts--which would change view factors). One way to accomplish this might be to have the solver become a user defined solver in a commercial code such as Pro/E Mechanica.
PHASE I: This phase will investigate innovative approaches to eliminating the need for a mesh in automotive thermal virtual prototyping—exploring meshless or automeshing techniques using with a commercial CAD package as the source of geometry. A requirements document and implementation plan will be developed for execution and proof of concepts will be demonstrated.
PHASE II: This phase will implement the inventive solver from the plan outlined in Phase I. A demonstration of the capability will include a typical full ground combat vehicle system including internals, such as propulsion system, auxiliary power units and wheels and/or tracks. This phase will demonstrate the feasibility of reducing the time needed to prepare commercial CAD geometry for thermal prediction, by using an innovative approach to creating a thermal model from commercial geometry and by using the innovative solver to obtain results.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: This highly innovative tool would be invaluable to the commercial and military market and Phase III dollars from the FCS program are assured. Since the currently available tools, that rely on meshes have already been commercially successful, this next generation tool has a built-in market in the auto companies, DoD acquisition system designers (such as FCS contractors), Air Force training programs, the 21st Centry Truck plus any industry interested in thermal management.

1) PITAC - Report to the President Information Technology: Transforming our Society, Chapter 1.7 Transforming How We Design and Build Things,

"High-end computing technologies are needed for concept design, simulation, analysis with interactive control and computation steering, the mining of archived data, and the rendering of data for display and analysis." 2) Army Science and Technology Master Plan: ( STOs III.GC.2000.03—Future Combat Systems (FCS) , III.GC.2001.01—Signature Management for Future Combat Systems, III.GC.1996.01—Ground Propulsion and Mobility.

3) "Modeling, material, and metrics: the three-m approach to FCS signature solutions", T. Gonda, et al, Proceedings of SPIE conference on Aerospace Sensing, Orlando 2002 (

KEYWORDS: Signature management, signature reduction, automotive exhaust, ground vehicles, thermal management, thermal modeling, CFD, automesh, meshing, CAD

A03-236 TITLE: MEMS Smart Battery Monitoring System

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: To develop a miniaturized battery monitoring system applicable to commercial and military vehicle batteries utilizing Miniaturized Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Technology.
DESCRIPTION: With the ever expanding hybrid electrical propulsion systems designs for vehicles, the electrical vehicular battery, the "heart" of the system, has become the critical item in the development of the systems. As a result, obtaining optimal performance from the vehicular batteries has become of paramount importance. To facilitate the availability of the optimal performance, several efforts have been exerted in designing a battery monitoring/management system. However, all of these systems rely on popularly available technologies and result in systems that do not lend themselves to "seamless" integration into the batteries due to their size.

This effort will result in the development of a miniaturized battery monitoring/management system that will be small enough to be installed in vehicular batteries without adversely affecting their performance or increasing the size of the battery. The new MEMS based system will be capable of measuring all cell voltages, via a single signal conductor, battery temperature, and battery current, filtering and reducing the data in real time, storing the data and making it available by wireless communications. As a minimum, the system will include determination of the state-of-charge, status of the internal resistance, indication of electrolyte loss, and indication of permanent capacity loss of the battery through out the life of the battery. An added bonus would be for the system to be expandable and software reconfigurable, to support other, non-electrical, systems such as transmissions, trans axles, etc

PHASE I: Establish the feasability to transform the battery controller into an MEMS type syste, with corresponding production cost savings. Determine the extent to which parts of the system can be mimiturized and integrated into a single chip. Define the software task and layout of the software flow and task distribution among the various elements of the system and determine programming environment. Design definition of voltage and temperature sensors of the single wire signal as a single wire chip that can easily be attached at arbitrary locations in the battery, to the single wire. Integrate control and data aquisition functions into a single chip.
PHASE II: Establish technical resoources for the development and prototype production of the chip, develop a detailed management plan and define and design the test environment for the system. Design, develop and produce a fully functional prototype system, establish resources necessary for mass production and establish industrial partners for the distribution of the system on commercial markets.
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATION: Next generation vehicles are a major research and development activity within the automotive industry. Two of the more promising concecepts being explored are the hybrid and the electrical power packs. The most important component of both these systems is the power/energy storing device - the battery. To achieve optimum performance, a battery management system is required. The battery monitoring system developed under this project will become a core component of battery management systems for military and commercial vehicles, as well as the automotive industry, applications.

1) Nowak, Dieter,"Pulse charging recombinant lead-acid batteries with variable frequency tied to the state of charge",Labat '93,Proceedings of the International Conference on Lead-Acid Batteries ,Varna, Bulgaria,07-11 June, 1993.

2) Schoener, Hans-Peter,"Monitoring of the state of the battery using the voltage response on drive currents", Proceedings of Drive Electric Conference, Sorrento, Italy,1985.

3) Nowak, Dieter,"Battery voltage measurement system", U.S. Patent 5,099,211.

KEYWORDS: MAMS technology, power managemen, battery management, transparent and nonintrusive miniturised application.
A03-237 TITLE: Heavy Duty Vehicles Cold starting System
TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Ground/Sea Vehicles
OBJECTIVE: To develop a cold starting system capable of starting heavy duty vehicles (such as the M 915 military vehicle) down to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit, without external assist equipment.
DESCRIPTION: The standard military SLI battery, the 6 TMF battery, was designed as a dual purpose battery - to deliver maximum energy (for operating on board electrical components) and maximum power (for starting the vehicle engine). As such, these requirements are, basically, self-excluding, i.e., batteries can be designed for either maximum power or maximum energy. Therefore, the military battery was designed as a compromise, to be able to deliver power for starting engines with some energy delivering capability for the electrical requirements. This design has served the Army well in the past. However, with the advent of the Digitized Battle Field capability and the ever expanding vehicle "silent watch" requirements, the current battery systems in military vehicles are unable to adequately support all weather vehicle operations. One possible solution would be to develop a vehicle "power" system utilizing batteries designed for maximum energy delivery, such as "traction" type batteries, Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries, both Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) and GEL batteries, and Ultra Capacitors for the vehicle starting requirements, satisfying the maximum power requirements. This project will design, build, and validate such a system for starting heavy duty vehicles (such as the M 915 military vehicle) down to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
PHASE I: Baseline current vehicle starting system for a selected heavy duty military vehicle. Determine requirements for an improved, optimized dual electrical starting system, for maximum power and maximum energy delivery. Review potential technologies for optimization of the new system. As a minumum, evaluate all current and near term available battery designs and chemistries, ultracapacitors, fuel cells, and 42 Volt electrical systems for vehicles. Define the new system and develop a model for it. Demonstrate the model validating potential improvements.
PHASE II: Build the new system, test and validate its improved performance in a laboratory environment. Based on testing results, redefine the systtem and build a new system. Demostrate the performance of the new system on a selected heavy duty application vehicle, test and validate improvements. Define the effectiveness of the new system and upgrade the model. Define the cost of the system and identify potential improvement technologies. Perform producibility study.

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