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Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC)

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Edgewood Chemical Biological Center (ECBC)
A00-055 TITLE: Combinatorial Screening of Synthetic Nanomaterials for Chem/Bio Agent Detection
TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes

OBJECTIVE: To use a combinatorial strategy to screen a large number of synthetic nanomaterials produced from either biotic or non-biotic approaches. The ideal nanomaterials should contain well-defined receptors or receptor arrays (incorporated into nanofims or nanocomposites), and be able to detect both Chemical (CW), and Biological (BW) Warfare agents, as well as Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs).

DESCRIPTION: Current CW, BW, and TIC detection primarily relys on bulky detectors such as Mass Spectrometer, or antibody, DNA, or enzyme based instruments. These instruments are often too heavy for individual soldiers in the battlefield. In addition, logistics associated with these instruments (i.e. instrument maintenance, stability of consumable bioreagents, and extensive personal training requirements) have reduced the operational capability dramatically. Therefore, the need exists to develop novel nanomaterials that can detect CW, BW, and TICs simultaneously. These synthetic receptor based nanomaterials have to be stable in both air and water under conditions such as extreme temperatures (i.e. from -30ºC to 60ºC) and pHs (i.e. from 1 to 12). The ideal sensing mechanism is a reversible or regenerative process. Real-time sensing (simultanueous recognition and signal transduction) is highly desired. Low cost materials are preferred, but not required. The target CW and BW agents are mustard (desired), G- and V-type agents, as well as spores, viruses, bacteria, and toxins. The resulting sensor should be humidity insensitive and require very low power (i.e. battery).
PHASE I: Combinatorial screening of leading nanomaterial families that could detect CW, BW, and TICs. Appropriate signal transduction method(s) should also be tested during the screening process. The main goal of Phase I will be a proof of principle demonstration. The proof of principle system does not have to be miniaturized.
PHASE II: Combining nanomaterials or nanomaterial arrays in a sensor prototype, and miniaturization of the final sensor to handheld size. The prototype should be able to identify at least two types of CW simulants (i.e. 2-chloroethyl ethyl sulfide (blister agent simulant) and diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP, nerve agent simulant) and four different types of BW simulants (i.e. ovalbumin (toxin simulant), BG spores (spore simulant), EH (bacteria simulant), and MS2 (virus simulant).
PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Large scale production of miniaturized sensors. The contractor has to demonstrate the efficiency of the device in the Joint Field Trial (JFT) environment utilizing live agents. The proposed handheld sensors can be used for both military and domestic preparedness applications.
REFERENCES: 1) Lonergan, M. C.; Severin, E. J.; Doleman, B. J.; Beaber, S. A.; Grubbs, R. H.; Lewis, N. S. Chem. Mater. 1996, 8, 2298-2312. 2) Walt, D. Accounts of Chemical Research 1998, 31, 267-278. 3) Jenkins, A. L.; Uy, O. M.; Murray, G. M. Analytical Chemistry 1999, 71, 373-378.

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