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When chroma-keying is enabled, color values are compared to a global chroma-key reference value set by grChromakeyValue(). If the pixel’s color is the same as the chroma-key reference value, the pixel is discarded. The chroma-key comparison takes place before the color combine function; the other color selected by color combine function is the one compared (see grColorCombine() in Chapter Chapter 5. ). By default, chroma-keying is disabled.
Chroma-keying is useful for certain types of sprite animation or blue-screening of textures. Only one color value is reserved for chroma-keyed transparency, while alpha blending reserves a variable number of color bits for transparency.
void grChromakeyMode( GrChromakeyMode_t mode )

Use grChromakeyMode() to enable or disable chroma-keying. The argument, mode, specifies whether chroma-keying should enabled or disabled. Valid values are GR_CHROMAKEY_ENABLE and GR_CHROMAKEY_DISABLE.

void grChromakeyValue( GrColor_t value )

The function grChromakeyValue() sets the global chroma-key reference value as a packed RGBA value in the format specified in the cFormat parameter to grSstWinOpen() (see Chapter Chapter 3. ).

Example Special Effects.7 Simulating a blue-screen with chroma-keying.
A blue screen is a compositing mechanism used in live video where a second scene overlays all the “blue” pixels in the first scene. This technique is used to stand a weathercaster in front of a weather map, for example, and explains why they don’t wear blue suits or ties! With chroma-keying, pixels of any one specific color can be discarded, not just blue.
/* draw the background */

/* enable chroma-keying */


/*set the reference color - assumes ARGB format */


/* draw the inserted scene - most of it is blue */


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