Table of Contents Glide Programming Guide

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List of Tables

Table 1. Table Glide in Style.1 Vertex parameter requirements depend on the rendering function being performed. 11
Table 2. Table Getting Started.1 Specifying a window handle in grSstWinOpen(). 16
Table 3. Table Getting Started.2 Frame buffer color formats. 18
Table 4. Table Getting Started.3 Frame buffer resolution and configuration. 22
Table 5. Table Rendering Primitives.1 The location of the origin affects triangle orientation and the sign of its area. 34
Table 6. Table Color and Lighting.1 Configuring the color combine unit. 41
Table 7. Table Color and Lighting.2 The color combine function scale factor. 41
Table 8. Table Color and Lighting.3 Choosing local and other colors for the color combine unit. 42
Table 9. Table Color and Lighting.4 Overriding the local color when the high order bit of atexture is set. 47
Table 10. Table Using the Alpha Component.1 Combining functions for alpha. 50
Table 11. Table Using the Alpha Component.2 Scale factors for the alpha combine function. 51
Table 12. Table Using the Alpha Component.3 Specifying local and other alpha values. 51
Table 13. Table Using the Alpha Component.4 Alpha blending factors. 54
Table 14. Table Depth Buffering.1 The depth test. 59
Table 15. Table Special Effects.1 The fog mode shapes the fog equation. 64
Table 16. Table Special Effects.2 Configuring the fog and alpha blending units for multi-pass fog generation. 68
Table 17. Table Special Effects.3 Alpha test functions. 75
Table 18. Table Texture Mapping.1 The stw hints. 80
Table 19. Table Texture Mapping.2 Mapping pixels to texture coordinates in texture maps. 82
Table 20. Table Texture Mapping.3 Texture sizes and shapes. 85
Table 21. Table Texture Mapping.4 Texture combine functions. 90
Table 22. Table Texture Mapping.5 Scale factors for texture color generation. 90
Table 23. Table Texture Mapping.6 The number of TMUs affects texture mapping functionality. 91
Table 24. Table Managing Texture Memory.1 Texture formats. 97
Table 25. Table Managing Texture Memory.2 Glide constants that specify arguments to grTex functions. 100
Table 26. Table Accessing the Linear Frame Buffer.1 Interpreting data read from the LFB. 122
Table 27. Table Accessing the Linear Frame Buffer.2 16-bit LFB data formats. 125
Table 28. Table Accessing the Linear Frame Buffer.3 32-bit LFB data formats. 126
Table 29. Table Accessing the Linear Frame Buffer.4 Color, alpha, and depth sources. 127
Table 30. Table Accessing the Linear Frame Buffer.5 Source data formats for the grLfbWriteRegion() routine. 132
Table 31. Table Glide Utilities .1 Color combine functions. 140
Table 32. Table Glide Utilities .2 Alpha combine unit modes. 140
Table 33. Table Glide Utilities .3 Texture combine functions. 141

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