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Morning Procedures


  1. Walk to the right/pass on the left.

  2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  3. Talk in a conversational tone.  Avoid yelling/screaming/ making loud noises.

  4. Use your passing time wisely.  Take care of restroom/lockers before you socialize to avoid being late to class.

  5. Avoid blocking the hallways in large groups

  6. Respond appropriately and immediately to adult directions.

  7. Have a hall pass if you are in the hallway during class time.

  1. Enter through the main entrance of the school. (Dispose of open containers)

  2. Turn in excuses for previous absences/tardies to attendance office.

  3. Go directly to the cafeteria if you intend to eat breakfast. 7:30a.m. - 8:00a.m.

  4. Sit down upon entering the cafeteria.

  5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  6. Talk in a conversational tone.

  7. After eating breakfast dispose of tray and go to homeroom from 7:45a.m. – 8:05a.m. Students remain in homeroom until 8:05a.m.

  1. Go directly to the cafeteria at your scheduled time.

  2. Be polite to cafeteria personnel.

  3. Avoid wastefulness by taking only napkins/straws/ condiments you need.

  4. All food must be consumed in the cafeteria at a provided table.

  5. Keep the tables and floors clean.

  6. Dispose of all trash in the proper receptacles.

  7. Only restrooms available during 4th period are the ones in concession area.

  8. Remain in designated areas while you are at lunch.

  9. Disturbing a class in session (i.e., the gymnasium, agriculture room, reading lab, band room or any other class) is prohibited and may result in a discipline referral.

Afternoon Procedures



  1. Go immediately to your bus, or assigned waiting area.

  2. Student drivers are to exit the campus immediately after dismissal, without loitering in the parking lot.

  3. Students need to wait in their assigned area for busses. Middle school students waiting for busses need to wait inside building in the gym depending.

  4. Stay on campus in your assigned area and out of the parking lot until your bus arrives, or as a driver or walker you are dismissed.

  1. Keep the restroom clean for yourself and others.

  2. Have a hall pass if you are in the restroom during class.

  3. Use the facilities properly, the way they were designed to be used.

  4. Do not gather in groups, congregating and loitering in the restrooms.

  5. Report any problems in the restrooms immediately to a staff member.

  6. Only one person allowed in a stall at a time.

  1. Respond appropriately to the presenter, based on the type of assembly:

    1. Formal – Students sit quietly and attentively.

    2. Educational – Students interact appropriately and respectfully with presenter.

    3. Festival – Students actively participate.

  2. Be polite and attentive.

  3. Questions should be relevant and pertain to the topic at hand, not asked to draw attention to you.

  4. Use the aisle to get to your seat, avoiding climbing over or on the chair backs.

  5. Exit quickly when dismissed.

  6. Students are not to sit in the top two rows of bleachers in the upper level.

Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students have the right to:

  • An appropriate and free public education in the least restrictive environment.

  • Receive academic grades based only on academic performance.

  • Be kept informed as is reasonably possible of all rules, regulations, policies, and penalties to which they may be subjected and be assured of all due process rights.

  • Personal safety and security while at school and school-sponsored activities.

  • Involvement in school activities without being subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, marital status, sex, economic status, or handicapping condition.

  • Present complaints or grievances to school authorities and receive authoritative replies from school authorities.

  • Receive consultation or counseling in academic, personal, social and career related concerns.

  • Protection of their personal property.

Students have the responsibility to:

  • Attend school regularly and to arrive on time.

  • Show consideration for the rights of others within the total school environment.

  • Refrain from conduct that disrupts the educational process, creates disorder, or damages or destroys private or public property.

  • Immediately report student threats to harm others to a teacher, counselor or school administrator.

  • Give their best effort to tasks assigned by their teachers, coaches or other persons who work with them.


Vending machine used by students shall be in compliance with current federal and state regulations. Carbonated beverages may not be sold or served to any student during the school day.

Foods and beverages sold or served at school (including vending, concessions, a la carte, student stores, and fundraising) will meet the nutrition recommendations of the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and requirements of 702 KAR 6:090.

In keeping with new state and federal guidelines on nutrition Greenup County Board of Education and GCHS have made stringent changes in food service. If you would like to read more about the new requirement you can access them through       702 KAR 6:090. Minimum nutritional standards for foods and beverages available on public school campuses during the school day; required nutrition and physical activity reports.

Search and Seizure

See Board Policy 09.436

Students have the right to be secure from unreasonable searches of their person and property. However, school authorities are authorized to search a student if they have reasonable suspicion that the search will reveal evidence that the student has violated or is violating the Code or a school rule or the law. Also, school authorities may conduct general inspections of jointly held property on a regular basis. All searches will be conducted in accordance with Board policy.

Students cannot expect to have complete privacy in their use of school property assigned for their use, such as desks and lockers.

Physical Restraint/Corporal Punishment

See Board Policy 09.433

Student Records

See Board Policy 09.14

Reports to Law Enforcement Officials

When principals have a reasonable belief that certain violations have taken place, they are required by law to immediately report them to law enforcement officials. Violations at school or at a school-sponsored function requiring a report to law enforcement officials include:

  • assault resulting in serious physical injury

  • a sexual offense

  • kidnapping

  • assault involving the use of a weapon

  • possession of a firearm in violation of the law

  • possession of a controlled substance in violation of the law

  • damage to school property

In addition to violations of this Code, students may also be charged with criminal violations.


See Board Policy 05.48

Students are never allowed to bring a weapon to school. This includes knives of all sizes.

Suspension, Expulsion, and Due Process

See Board Policies 09.434; 09.435; 09.431


See Board Policy 09.4281
Students and parents wishing to express an educational concern or grievance shall observe the following order of appeal:

  1. Teacher

  2. Principal

  3. School council

  4. Superintendent;

  5. Board.

Information on filing a formal complaint or grievance is available at each school and at the Central Office.

See Board Policy 9.42811

Please visit the district website at for the latest revisions of this policy and related procedures.
Damages to School Property

See Board Policy 9.421

Any pupil, organization, or group of pupils participating in activities who destroys, defaces, damages or removes school property shall be subject to disciplinary action and liability for the cost of restoring the property.
Use of Alcohol, Drugs and Other Controlled Substances


  1. Students in possession or with any drugs or alcohol in their system at school or school activities (this includes illegal use of medications whether prescription or over-the-counter, herbs, or other substances producing mind-altering effects), on field trips, or during any school sponsored activity or event will be subject to the following action:

  1. They will be removed from the class or activity and will be isolated from others and illegal items confiscated.

  2. Law enforcement officials may be contacted and the facts reported to them.

  3. The students’ parents, guardians, or other designated responsible person will be notified and will need to come to the school.

  1. Students who sell or distribute illegal drugs, medications (prescription or over-the-counter), substances capable of producing mind-altering effects, or alcohol will be subject to the following action:

  1. The drug/s or alcohol will be confiscated.

  2. The violation will be reported to the police.

  3. Parents or guardians will be asked to come to the school and will be informed that the matter has been reported to the proper law enforcement officials.

C. A student will be suspended for 5 days, placed in the Success Academy for 5 days (5+5), and then transition back into regular schedule.

See Board Policy 9.423
For access to complete board policies, visit the district website at

2014-15 Handbook (submitted July 29, 2013) updated 5/27/14

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