UNIT SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES CONTENT TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES EVALUATION UNIT 5 FORCES AND FRAMED STRUCTURES The student will be able to 4.5.1 explain forces as vector quantities. 4.5.2 determine the resultant and equilibrant of forces. 4.5.3 determine the reaction fora framed structure. 4.5.4 determine the magnitude and nature of forces in the members of framed structures. Forces (co-planar, concurrent and parallel. Resolution of forces (triangle, parallelogram and polygon of forces. Simple framed structure determination by Bows Notation. Magnitude and nature of Forces in members of framed structure. Group students to brainstorm and come outwith the fact that forces have magnitude and direction. Guide students to draw a system of given forces. Discuss the differences between parallel and concurrent forces. Demonstrate the construction of triangle and polygon of forces. Guide students to draw the magnitude and direction of forces to scale. Note Stress that static forces are always in equilibrium. Demonstrate the construction of triangle and polygon of forces. Illustrate graphically the use of Bows Notation and polygon of forces to determine the reaction of structures. Guide students to use the concept of triangle and polygon of forces to determine forces in framed structures and on beams. Group students to discuss the nature of forces in framed structures or on beams. Use illustrations to explain the principles of Bows Notation with students. Organise visits for students to industries to observe members of framed structures and write group report. Students to draw given forces. Students to differentiate between the resultant and equilibrium of forces. Students to determine the reactions of a loaded framed structure. Students to explain the principles of Bows Notation. Students to determine the magnitude and nature of forces in the members of framed structure graphically. Students to write group report after visits and discuss in class.