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Historical Introduction to the English Language

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102. Historical Introduction to the English Language

1st Cycle; annual; 7 Credits.

The origin of language and languages. The “shock treatment” technique. Indo-European geography and chronology. Britain, the country of adoption of English history. The linguistic hegemony of Wessex: Ancient Classical English. Medieval English. The language of Chaucer. The “natural grammar” of Shakespeare and his time. The Great Dictionaries. Scots and Irish English. American English, BBC English and Black English.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


BAUGH, A.C. (1959) A History of the English Language, Nueva York.

BLAKE, N.F., ed. (1992) The Cambridge History of the English Language, vol. II, Cambridge.

BOLTON, W.F. (1969) The English Language, Essays by Linguists and Men of Letters 1490-1839, Cambridge. ---(1974) A Short History of Literary English, Londres.

de la CRUZ, J., CAÑETE, A. y MIRANDA, A. (1995) Introducción Histórica a la Lengua Inglesa, Málaga. ---(1974) “Ortografía e historia lingüistica. Contrastes significativos entre el inglés y el español”, Filosofía Moderna, 50-51, pp. 269-348.

---(1983) La Prosa de los Anglosajones, Málaga y Salamanca. ---(1986) Iniciación práctica al inglés antiguo, Madrid.

HOGG, R., ed. (1992) The Cambridge History of the English Language, vol. I, Cambridge.

JESPERSEN, O. (1909-49) A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles, 7 vols., Londres.

LEITH, D. (1983) A Social History of English, Londres

PYLES, T. Y ALGEO, J. (1964) The Origins and Development of the English Language, Nueva York.

ROBINSON, O.R. (1992) Old English and its Closest Relatives, Londres.

STRANG, B. (1970) A History of English, Londres.

103. English Language I

1st Cycle; annual; 7 Credits.

English grammar. Study of the English Lexicon. Developing the “four skills”.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


DAWSON, A.S. y SANCHEZ BENEDITO, FCO. 1996. Manual Práctico de Uso de Inglés. Madrid: Alhambra-Longman.

MORENO ORTIZ, A. 1994. Ponte al día en inglés: verbos frasales. Madrid: Alhambra-Longman.

NAUNTON, J. 1989. Think. First Certificate. Londres: Longman.

ROMERO, M. y ROZAS M.I. 1993. Ponte al día en inglés: modismos. Madrid: Alhambra-Longman.

SANCHEZ BENEDITO, FCO. 1994. Diccionario Bilingüe de Modismos, Inglés-Español. Madrid: Alhambra-Longman.

SANCHEZ BENEDITO, FCO. 1995. Ejercicios Complementarios a la Gramática Inglesa (3ª edición).

SANCHEZ BENEDITO, FCO. 1995. Gramática Inglesa (7ª edición). Madrid: Alhambra-Longman.

SUMMERS, DELLA (ed.). 1987. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Londres: Longman.

SUMMERS, DELLA. (ed.).1993. Language Activator. Londres: Longman.

The Oxford Spanish Dictionary. 1994. Oxford: OUP.
1st Four-month Period

104. Spanish Language

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 6.5 Credits.

The past and present of the Spanish language. Phonetics, phonology and spelling. Grammar. Spanish vocabulary.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


ALARCOS LLORACH, E., Gramática de la lengua española, Madrid, 1994. ---Estudios de gramatica funcional del español, Madrid, 1984. --- Fonología española, Madrid, Gredos, 1965.

ALCINA FRANCH, J. y J. M. BLECUA, Gramática española, Barcelona, 1982

BELLO, A., Gramática de la lengua castellana, Tenerife, 1981.

FERNANDEZ RAMIREZ, S., Gramática española, Madrid, 1986.

GILI GAYA, S., Curso superior de sintaxis española, Barcelona, 1981.

HERNANDEZ ALONSO, C., Sintaxis española, Valladolid, 1982. ---Gramática funcional del español, Madrid, 1986.

MALMBERG, B., “La estructura silábica del español: estudio de Fonética”, en B. Malmberg, Estudios de Fonética Hispánica, Madrid, CSIC, 1965, pp. 3-28.

NAVARRO TOMAS, T., Manual de entonación española, Madrid, Guadarrama, 1974.

R.A.E., Esbozo de una nueva gramática de la lengua española, Madrid, 1975

ROJO, G., Aspectos básicos de sintaxis funcional, Málaga, 1983.

ROJO, G. y T. JIMENEZ, Fundamentos del análisis sintáctico funcional, Santiago de Compostela, 1989.

SECO, M., Gramática esencial del español, Madrid, 1989
105. English Literature I

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 6.5 Credits.

An introduction to English narrative using a selection of classic and contemporary short stories. Irony, the lexical register and syntax, characterisation and character types, speech (direct and indirect) used in texts and the genre to which they belong. Cultural and historical context.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


ROY JOHNSON, Studying Fiction: A Guide and Study Programme. Manchester: Manchester U. P., 1992.

MICHAEL AND MOLLIE HARDWICK, The Sherlock Holmes Companion, Londres: John Murray, 1962.

ANTHONY ALPERS The Life of Katherine Mansfield, Londres: Oxford U.P., 1982.

KIRSTIN BRADY, The Short Stories of Thomas Hardy, Londres: Macmillan, 1990.

MICHAEL MILLGATE, Thomas Hardy: A Biography, Londres: Oxford U.P., 1982.

JOCELYN BAINES, Joseph Conrad. A Critical Biography, Londres: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1960.,

FREDERICK R, Karl, Joseph Conrad: The Three Lives, Londres: Faber, 1975.

PHILIP HOBSBAUM, A Reader's Guide to D. H. Lawrence, Londres: Thames and Hudson, 1981.

F. B. PINION, A D. H. Lawrence Companion, Londres: Macmillan, 1978.

EDGAR JOHNSON, Charles Dickens: Tragedy and Triumph, Londres: Gollancz, 1953.

PETER ABBS & JOHN RICHARDSON, The Forms of Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 1990.

M. H. ABRAMS, A Glossary of Literary Terms, Londres: Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1986.

ED GILES GORDON & DAVID HUGHES, The Minerva Book of Short Stories, Londres: Heineman, 1988.

ED. DEREK HUDSON, Classic English Short Stories, Oxford: Oxford U.P., 1972.

ED. CHRISTOPHER Dolley, The Second Penguin Book of Short Stories, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

106. Theory of Literature

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 6.5 Credits.

Literary and historical reviews of literature. Art and literature. Twentieth-century literary theories. Literary genres. The two forms of expression: Prose and verse. Non-linear literature.

Lecturers: Hipólito Esteban Soler and Ana María Gómez Torres.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


BRIOSCHI, F. y GIROLAMO, C. di, Introducción al estudio de la literatura, Barcelona, Ariel, 1988.

HERNANDEZ GUERRERO, J. A. (coord.), Manual de teoría de la literatura, Sevilla, Algaida, 1996.

VILLANUEVA, D. (coord.), Curso de teoría de la literatura, Madrid, Taurus, 1994.

AGUIAR E SILVA, V. M., Teoría de la literatura, Madrid, Gredos, 1984.

KAYSER, W., Interpretación y análisis de la obra literaria, Madrid, Gredos, 1972.

WELLEK, R. y WARREN, A., Teoría literaria, Madrid, Gredos, 1981.

MARCHESE, A. y FORRADELLAS, J., Diccionario de retórica, crítica y terminología literaria, Barcelona, Ariel, 1986.

REIS, C., Comentario de textos. Metodología y diccionario de términos literarios, Salamanca, Almar, 1979

FOKKEMA, D. W. e IBSCH, E., Teorías de la literatura del siglo XX, Madrid, Cátedra, 1981.

GIROLAMO, C. di, Teoría crítica de la literatura, Barcelona, Crítica, 1982.

LOTMAN, Y. M., Estructura del texto artístico, Madrid, Istmo, 1978.

POZUELO YVANCOS, J. M., Teoría del lenguaje literario, Madrid, Cátedra, 1989.

REYES, G. (ed.), Teorías literarias en la actualidad, Madrid, El Arquero, 1989.

SELDEN, R., La teoría literaria contemporánea, Barcelona, Ariel, 1987.

SHUMAKER, W., Elementos de teoría crítica, Madrid, Crítica, 1974.

VV. AA., Estilo del lenguaje, Madrid, Cátedra, 1974.. ---Lingüística y estilo, Madrid, Cátedra, 1974.
2nd Four-month Period

107. Linguistics

1st Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 6.5 Credits.

The concept of general linguistics. Object and method of research. History of linguistics. Linguistic theory and general linguistics.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


AKMAJIAN, A. et alii, Lingüística. Una introducción al lenguaje y la comunicación, Alianza Univ., Madrid, 1984.

CRYSTAL, D., Enciclopedia del lenguaje de la Universidad de Cambridge, Taurus, Madrid, 1994.

LEROY, M., Las grandes corrientes de la lingüística, FCE, Madrid, 1974.

LOPEZ, A et alii, Lingüística general y aplicada, Universidad de Valencia, 1990.

LYONS, J., Introducción en la lingüística teórica, Teide, Barcelona, 81986.

LYONS, J., Introducción al lenguaje y a la lingüística, Teide, Barcelona, 1993.

MANTECA, A, Lingüística general, Cátedra, Madrid, 1987.

MARTIN VIDE, C.(ed.) Elementos de lingüística. Octaedro, Barcelona, 1996.

MARTINEZ CELDRAN, E., Bases para el estudio del lenguaje, Octaedro, Barcelona, 1994.

MORENO, J.C., Curso universitario de lingüística general, I-II, Síntesis, Madrid, 1991ó1994.

MORENO FERNANDEZ, F. Sociolingüística y sociología del lenguaje. Ariel, Barcelona, 1998.

NEWMEYER, F.J., El primer cuarto de siglo de gramática generativo- transformacional (1955-1980), Gredos, Madrid, 1982.

NEWMEYER, F.J. (ed.), Panorama de la lingüística moderna de la Universidad de Cambridge, I-IV, Visor, Madrid, 1990ó1992.

ROBINS, R.H., Breve historia de la lingüística, Paraninfo, Madrid, 1981.

SIMONE, R., Fundamentos de linguistica, Ariel, Barcelona, 1990.

TUSON, J., Aproximación a la historia de la linguística, Teide, Barcelona, 1982.

TUSON, J., La escritura. Octaedro, Barcelona, 1996.

108. Second Language and its Literature I: Arabic

1st Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 5 Credits.

The Arabic language and its history: Classical and dialectical Arabic. The Arab alphabet. Arab grammar. Verbal conjugations. The noun. Origins of Arab literature. Classical Arab literature in the East. Literature of al-Andaluz.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


CORRIENTE, F.: Gramática árabe, 2ª ed., Madrid, 1983.

CORRIENTE, F. : Introducción a la gramática y textos árabes, Madrid, 1986.

LECOMTE, G. : Grammaire de l'arabe classique, 2ª ed., Paris, 1976.

LECOMTE, G. y GHEDIRA, A.: Méthode d'arabe littéral, vol. I, Paris, 1970.

CABANELAS, D. y TORRES, M.P.: Poesía arábigoóandaluza. Málaga, Litoral, 1984.

CORRIENTE CORDOBA, F.: Las mu allaqat: Antología y panorama de Arabia preislámica. Madrid, 1974.

CORTÉS, J.: El Corán . Madrid, 1979.

GABRIELI, F.: La literatura árabe. Buenos Aires, 1971.

GARCIA GOMEZ, E.: Poemas arábigo andaluces. Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1971.

GARCIA GOMEZ, E.: Poesía arábigo andaluza. Beve síntesis histórica. Madrid, Instituto Faruk I de Estudios Islámicos, 1952.

MARTINEZ MONTAVEZ, P.: Poesía árabe clásica oriental. Antología de poemas. Málaga, Litoral, 1988.

PÉRES, H.: Esplendor de Al-Andalus. La poesía andaluza en árabe clásico en el siglo XI. Madrid, Hiperion, 1983.

RUBIERA MATA, M.J.: Bibliografía de la literatura hispano-árabe. Alicante, Universidad, 1984.

SOLA SOLÉ, J. M.: Corpus de poesía mozárabe (Las hargas andalusíes). Barcelona, Hispan, 1973.

SOLA SOLÉ, J. M.: Las jarchas romances y sus moaxajas. Madrid, Taurus, 1990.

VERNET, J. : El Corán. Barcelona, Plaza y Janés, 1980.

VERNET, J. : Literatura árabe. Barcelona, Labor, 1968.

109. Second Language and its Literature I: French

1st Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 5 Credits.

The study of French phonetics. Grammar. Nineteenth-century French literature.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


A.A. V.V. Grammaire du Français Contemporain. Paris: Larousse, 1974.

CANTERA & DE VICENTE Gramática francesa. Madrid: Cátedra, 1986.

MAUGER, A. Grammaire pratique du français d'aujourd'hui, langue parlée, langue écrite. Paris: Hachette, 1968.

A.A. V. V. 350 exercices de grammaire. Niveau débutant. Paris: Hachette, 1990.

LAGARDE & MICHARD. Les Grands Auteurs Français, 6 vols. Paris: Bordas, 1973.

A.A. V.V. Historia de la Literatura Francesa. Madrid: Cátedra, 1994.

DICTIONNAIRE FRANÇAIS-ESPAGNOL. Paris: Larousse (Coll. Saturne), 1967.

LE PETIT ROBERT. Dictionnaire alphabétique et analogique de la langue franéaise. Paris: Le Robert, 1984.
110. Second Language and its Literature I: Italian

1st Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 5 Credits.

Notional and functional subject matter. Grammatical subject matter.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


CARRERA DIAZ, M., Curso de lengua italiana , Ariel, 1992.


RENZI, L. (ed.), Grande grammatica italiana di consultazione , Il Mulino, vol. I: 1988, vol. II: 1991, vol. III: 1995.

SERIANNI, L., Grammatica italiana , UTET, 1989.

SALVI, G. y VANELLI, L., Grammatica essenziale di riferimento della lingua italiana , Le Monnier, 1992.

BENISCELLI, A. y COLETTI, V., Strumenti per lo studio della letteratura italiana , Le Monnier, 1992.

PETRONIO, G., Historia de la literatura italiana , Cátedra,1990.

DE RIQUER, M. y J.M. VALVERDE , Historia de la literatura universal , Planeta, 1984-86.

FERRONI, G., Storia della letteratura italiana, Einaudi Scuola 1995.

BRIOSCHI, F. y C. DI GIROLAMO, Manuale di letteratura italiana, Bollati Boringhieri 1993.

BECCARIA, G.L., Italiano , Garzanti, 1988.

BERTOCCHI, D. et alii , I fili del discorso , La Nuova Italia, 1988.
138. Second Language and its Literature I: German

1st Cycle; 2nd Four-month Period; 5 Credits.

An introduction to the German Language in its sociocultural context. A brief introduction to German phonetics. Grammar.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


AUFDERSTRASSE, H., BOCK, H. y MÜLLER, J., Themen neu 1. Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Kursbuch. Max Hueber Verlag, Ismaning, 1992

DREYER, H./SCHMITT, R.,Lehr und übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. München, 1985 (alemán y español)

EISENBERG, P., Grundriss der deutschen Grammatik. Stuttgart, 1994.

EINZENSBERGER, H/EISMANN,V., Die Suche, Langenscheidt, München,1993

FISCHER, P., Begleitübungen zur Grundstufe, Hueber Verlag, München, 1993

GRIESBACH, H., Sprachlehre Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Grundstufe, Max Hueber, Ismaning

GÖTZ, D. y HAENSCH, G, Langenscheidts Grosswörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Langenscheidt, München, 1993.

HEIDERMANN, W., Testheft zum Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik Neubearbeitung. Verlag für Deutsch 1999

HELBIG, G/BUSCHA, J. Übungsgrammatik Deutsch. Berlin, Langenscheidt, 1991.

JAN, E., DALLAPIAZA, R.M y SCHÖNHERR,T, Tangram 1A, Kursbuch + Arbeitsbuch. Max Hueber Verlag 1997

KRÖEHER, O., Liederreise-77 deutsche Lieder, (1 Compact-Cassete) Klett Verlag, Stuttgart, 1987.

LUSCHER, R.y SCHÄPERS, R., Gramática del alemán contemporáneo, ed. Max Hueber, Ismaning.

LUSCHER, R., Übungsgrammatik DaF für Anfänger. Verlag für Deutsch 1998

MEINERT, R., Die deutsche Deklination und ihre didaktische Probleme, München 1989.

OTTO, E, y RUPPERT, E., Gramática suscinta de la lengua alemana. Barcelona, 1990

REIMANN, M. Grundstufen-Grammatik. Huever Verlag, München, 1996.

SUBIK, VON B.,/ KURDYNOVSKY, H., Alltagssituationen. 49 Arbeitstransparente für den Tageslichtprojektor, Hueber, München, 1993.

WAHRIG, G., Deutsches Wörterbuch, Bertelsmann Lexikon
2nd Year


113. Linguistic Sciences: A Specific Introduction for Anglicists

1st Cycle; annual; 7 Credits.

The nature of human language: Origins and properties. The grammatical, social and biological aspects of language. Acquiring and putting into practice the necessary techniques and methods for producing texts with an academic format.

Teaching Method: Lectures and practicals.

Examination Method: Written exam.


AITCHISON Teach Yourself Linguistics. Sevenoaks: Hodder and Stoughton, 1978.

AITCHISON, J. Language Change: Progress or Decay?. Suffolk: Fontana Press, 1981.

AKMAJIAN, A., Demers, R., and Hamish, R. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press, 1984.

BAUGH, A. and CABLE, T., History of the English Languaje. London: Routledge, 1957/1978.

BROWN, G. AND YULE, G. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

CHAMBERS, J. K. AND TRUDGILL, PETER. Dialectology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

COLLINGE, N. E., ed. An Encyclopedia of Language. London: Routledge, 1989.

FROMKIN, V. and Rodman, R. An Introduction to Language. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1978.

GRADDOL, D., CHESHIRE, J. AND SWANN, J. Describing Language. Milton Keynes: Open Up, 1987.

GUMPERZ, J. Discourse Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

HARRIS, R. AND TAYLOR, T. L. Landmarks in Linguistic Thought. London: Routledge, 1989.

HUDSON, R. A. Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

HURFORD, J. AND HEASLEY, B. Semantics. A Coursebook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

KENWORTHY, J. Language in Action. Longman: 1991

LEVINSON, STEPHEN C. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

NAPOLI, Donna Jo. Linguistics: An Introduction, OUP, 1996.

O'GRADY, W., Drobrovolsky, M. and Aronoff, M. Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. New York: St Martin's Press, 1989.

SMALZER, WILLIAM R. Write to Be Read. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

STUBBS, M. Educational Linguistics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986.

114. Applied English Language

1st Cycle; annual; 8 Credits.

Introduction. A comparative study of American and British English. Journalistic English. Types of correspondence. Commercial and Business English. Formal and Colloquial English. Legal English.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


BADDOCK, B., Press Ahead, Pergamon, 1983

BADEL, D. F. BENOIT, O’NEILL, K., Cómo aprender a leer las noticias económicas en inglés, Ediciones Deusto S.A.

BROOK, G.L., Varieties of English, Macmillan, 1988

COOK, G., The Discourse of Advertising, Routledge, 1992

CRYSTAL, D. & DAVY, D., Investigating English Style, Longman, 1969

FLOWER, J., Build your Business Vocabulary, LTP, 1990

FOWLER, R., Language in the News, Routledge, 1994

FREEBORN, D., LANGFORD, D. & FRENCH, P. Varieties of English (2nd ed.) Macmillan, 1993

GHADESSY, M. Register Analysis, Pinter Publications, 1992

GOWER, Sir E., The Complete Plain Words, Pelican, 1983

HAYNES, J., Introducing Stylistics, Routledge, 1992

HERVEY, S., HIGGINS, I., & HAYWOOD, L., Thinking Spanish Translation, Routledge, 1995

HOWARD, P., The State of the Language, Penguin, 1986

JOOS, M., The Five Clocks, HBJ, 1967

JORDAN, R., Advanced Writing Course, Collins, 1992

JUCKER, A., Social Stylistics, Mouton de Gruyter, 1992

LEECH, G., English in Advertising, Longman, 1966

LEWIS, M., Out and About, LTP, 1990

LEWIS, M. & WILBERG, P., Business English, LTP, 1990

LITTLE, P., Communication in Business, Longman, 1983

MCCARTHY, M. & O'DELL, F., English Vocabulary in Use, CUP, 1995

O'DONNELL,W.&TODD,L.,Variety in Contemporary English, George Allen&Unwin, 1980

QUIRK, R., Use of English, Longman, 1968

TRUDGILL, P., Sociolinguistics, Penguin, 1975

VESTERGAARD & SHROEDER, The Language of Advertising, 1985

1st Four-month Period

111. English Language II

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 6.5 Credits.

The level of syntax. Categories, functions and thematic relationships. Basic sentential structure. Subcategorisation. Structural ambiguity. Lexicon: nouns, adjectives and verbs.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


DE LA CRUZ, J. & P. TRAINOR (1989), Gramática Inglesa. Madrid: Cátedra.

MCCARTHY, M. & F. O`DELL (1995), English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: C.U.P.

QUIRK, R. et al. (1985), A Comprehensive Grammar of English. London: Longman.

SANCHEZ BENEDITO, F. y A. Dawson (1996), Manual Práctico de Uso de Inglés. Madrid: Alhambra -Longman

SINCLAIR, J (1990), Cobuild English Grammar. London: Harper/Collins.

SWAN, M. y C. Walters (1997), How English Works. Oxford: O.U.P.

SWAN, M. (1989), A Practical English Usage. Oxford: O.U.P.

YULE, G. (1985), The Study of Language. Cambridge: C.U.P.
112. English Literature II

1st Cycle; 1st Four-month Period; 5.5 Credits.

Ancient English. Medieval English. The Renaissance. The Commonwealth and the Restoration. The birth of the novel. Journalism and review. Romanticism. The Victorian era. The 20th century until 1939. Contemporary literature.

Teaching Method: Lectures.

Examination Method: Written exam.


Abbs, P. y Richardson, J. 1990. The Forms of Narrative, Cambridge: C.U.P.

Abrams, M.H. 1986. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 5™ edición. Nueva York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Abrams, M.H. 1979 (1962) (eds.) The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 4™ edic. (2 vols.). Nueva York y Londres: W.W. Norton.

Booth, W.C. 1983. The Rhetoric of Fiction. 2™ edic. Chicago: U. of Chicago P.

Boulton, M. 1988 (1953). The Anatomy of Poetry. Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Daiches, D. 1994 (1960). A Critical History of English Literature. (2 vols). Londres: Secker & Warburg.

Fowler. A. 1989. A History of English Literature. Oxford: Blackwell.

Ford, B (ed.). 1987 (1954). The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. (9 vols). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Gill, R. 1985. Mastering English Literature. Londres: Macmillan.

Jeffares, A.N. (ed.) 1982 Macmillan History of Literature. Londres: Macmillan.

Maone, K. y Baugh, A.C. 1980 (1948). Literary History of England. 4 vols. Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Montgomery, M. et alii. 1996 (1992). Ways of Reading. Advanced Reading Skills for Students of English Literature. Londres: Routlede.

Moody, H.L.B. 1987 (1968). Literary Appreciation. A Literary Guide. Harlow: Longman.

Newton, K.M. 1990. Interpreting the Text. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Ricks, C. (ed.) 1988 (1971). The Sphere History of English Literature. Londres: Sphere Books.

Sampson, G. 1979 (1941). The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature. 3™ edic. Cambridge: C.U.P.

Sanders, A. 1994 The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon P.

Stephen, M. 1991. English Literature. A Student Guide. Londres: Longman.

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