Figure 5 depicts the most basic end user use case of the TaaS. The end user invokes the execution of a test run task with the TTCN-3 test suite to be executed on the TaaS as argument. The test suite and the target SUT must be compatible with TaaS-requirements. Within the MIDAS project, TaaS requirements have been extensively defined to the SOA based SUT [i.16]. The TaaS test execution system executes the TTCN-3 test suite, i.e. establishes the connection with the deployed SUT, runs the executable test cases and data, and produces the test log.
Figure 5: Direct Test Execution use case.
Direct execution use case can be applied, when the TTCN-3 test suits already exists. For example, ETSI has produced a number of TTCN-3 Abstract Test Suites that can be executed within TPaaS platform. In addition to TTCN-3 test suites, the tester must provide/upload the test adapter and codec/decodec files to TPaaS. In order the test cases are executed remotely from within TPaaS, the SUT must be configured in a way, that it allows the remote execution of test cases from the remote TPaaS test environment. The demonstration of the direct execution use cases with the existing TTCN-3 test suite is further demonstrated in Annex A.1.