Unicode has a number of solidi and reverse solidi, which have various mathematical semantics. The most well-known solidus is U+002F / solidus (slash, virgule), which appears on most keyboards. It is used to separate alternatives, to separate fields in URLs (or more generally, in IRIs), and in mathematical contexts to denote division, although U+2215 ∕ division slash is the official division operator. The most well-known reverse solidus is U+005C \ reverse solidus (backslash), which is used in a variety of ways, notably in file path names, TeX macro names, and as a surrogate for mathematical operators such as U+2216 ∖ set minus. Table 2.7 displays various Unicode solidi. In addition there are small form and full-width variants (U+FE68 ﹨, U+FF0F /, U+FF3C \) and the empty-set symbols (U+29B0 ⦰.. U+29B4 ⦴).
Table 2.7 Solidi and Reverse Solidi
002F / Solidus
= slash, virgule
005C \ Reverse Solidus
= backslash
0338 ◌̸ Combining Long Solidus Overlay
0337 ◌̷ Combining Short Solidus Overlay
20E5 ◌⃥ Combining Reverse Solidus Overlay
2044 ⁄ Fraction Slash
• for composing arbitrary fractions
29F5 ⧵ Reverse Solidus Operator
2215 ∕ Division Slash
• generic division operator
2216 ∖ Set Minus
233F ⌿ Apl Functional Symbol Slash Bar
2340 ⍀ Apl Functional Symbol Backslash Bar
2341 ⍁ Apl Functional Symbol Quad Slash
2342 ⍂ Apl Functional Symbol Quad Backslash
2298 ⊘ Circled Division Slash
29B8 ⦸ Circled Reverse Solidus
2571 ╱ Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Right To Lower Left
• might not have 45° slope
• not used in math
2572 ╲ Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Left To Lower Right
• might not have 135° slope
• not used in math
27CB ╱ Mathematical Rising Diagonal
= \diagup
• must have 45° slope
27CD ╲ Mathematical Falling Diagonal
= \diagdown
• must have 135° slope
29C4 ⧄ Squared Rising Diagonal Slash
29C5 ⧅ Squared Falling Diagonal Slash
29F6 ⧶ Solidus With Overbar
29F7 ⧷ Reverse Solidus With Horizontal Bar
29F8 ⧸ Big Solidus
= \xsol
29F9 ⧹ Big Reverse Solidus
= z notation schema hiding
= \xbsol
U+2044 ⁄ FRACTION SLASH is typically used to build up simple skewed fractions in running text. It applies to immediately adjacent sequences of decimal digits, that is, to spans of characters with the General Category property value Nd. For example, 1⁄2 should be displayed as ½. In ordinary plain text, any character other than a digit delimits the numerator or denominator. So 5 1⁄2 should be displayed as 5½ since a space follows the 5. In general mathematical use, a more versatile method for layout of fractions is needed (see, for example, Section 2.1 of [UnicodeMath]), however parsers of mathematical texts should be prepared to handle FRACTION SLASH when it is received from other sources.
U+27CB mathematical rising diagonal and U+27CD mathematical falling diagonal are mathematical symbols for specific uses, to be distinguished from the more widely used solidi and reverse solidi operators as well as from nonmathematical diagonals. U+27CB corresponds to the LaTeX entity \diagup and U+27CD to \diagdown. Their glyphs are invariably drawn with 45° and 135° slopes, respectively, instead of the more upright slants typical for the solidi operators. The diagonals are also to be distinguished from the two box drawing characters U+2571 and U+2572. While in some fonts those characters may be drawn with 45° and 135° slopes, respectively, they are not intended to be used as mathematical symbols. One usage recorded for U+27CB and U+27CD is in the notation for spaces of double cosets.
All remaining Unicode characters may appear in mathematical expressions, typically in spelled-out names for variables in fractions or in simple formulae, but they most commonly appear in ordinary text. An English example is the equation
distance = rate × time,
which uses ordinary ASCII letters to aid in recognizing sequences of letters as words instead of products of individual symbols. Such usage corresponds to identifiers as discussed elsewhere in this report.
The period (U+002E FULL STOP) and U+002C COMMA are widely used as numerical punctuation, however, their meaning depends on local conventions. See [CLDR]. For Arabic, U+066B ARABIC DECIMAL SEPARATOR or U+002C COMMA are used. Note that U+0660 ARABIC-INDIC DIGIT ZERO is easily confused with a period, which leads to the fact that it is often spelled out.
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