able to "preserve the brand experience by going directly from the website
right to the application, and that Windows Phone "enables advertisers to connect with consumers overtime Mallios continued "you're now able to push
information as an advertiser, and stay in touch with your customer. It's a dynamic relationship that is created and provides for an ongoing
dialog with the consumer Bluetooth Windows Phone supports the following Bluetooth profiles Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (ADP 1.2)
Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP 1.3)
Hands Free Profile (HFP 1.5)
Headset Profile (HSP 1.1)
Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP 1.1)
Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX) (from Windows Phone 7.8) Windows Phone BTF support is available from Windows Phone 7.8, but is limited to
the transferring of pictures, music and videos via a 'Bluetooth Share' app.
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