The Advanced User Guide for the Acorn Electron

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Bit Meaning if set

0 not readable by you

1 not writable by you
2 not executable by you
3 not deletable by you
4 not readable by others
5 not writable by others
6 not executable by others
7 not deletable by others
The term you here means the originator of the call and the term others means other users of a network filing system.
The action codes passed to OSFILE in the accumulator have the following effects:

Save a section of memory as a named file using the information supplied in the parameter block.


Re-write the catalogue information of an existing file using the information provided in the parameter block. i.e. load and execution addresses.


Re-write the load address (only) of an existing file identified by the name passed in the parameter block.


Re-write the execution address (only) of an existing file identified by the name passed in the parameter block.


Re-write the file attributes (only) of an existing file identified by the name passed in the parameter block.


Read the named file’s catalogue entry and return the file type in the accumulator. These are as follows:

0 returned in A Nothing found

1 returned in A File found

2 returned in A Directory found

Delete the named file.


Create a file with a catalogue entry representing the parameter block information but instead of transferring any data pad with null characters.


Load the named file into memory. If the first byte of the execution address field of the parameter block is zero then load to the load address given in the parameter block. If the first byte of the execution address is non-zero then use the file’s own load address.

During this call if an error occurs a BRK instruction will be executed which may be trapped if required. During this call interrupts may be enabled but the interrupt status is preserved.
On exit:

A contains the file type

X and Y are preserved

C, N, V and Z are undefined

Information may be written to the parameter block

addressed by X+Y.

5.2 OSARGS Read/write open file’s attributes

Return current filing system
Call address &FFDA Indirected through &214
This routine is used to manipulate files which are being used for random access. Files used in this way have to be opened using the OSFIND call. When data is being written to or read from the file OSBPUT, OSBGET and OSGBPB can be used but this call should be used to move the sequential pointer used by these calls when data is not transferred. This call is the only way of moving the sequential pointer backwards through a file. OSARGS may also be used to force an update of files onto the medium in use i.e. ensuring that the latest copy of the memory buffer is saved. A number of other functions are performed by this call as detailed below.
Entry parameters:

A contains a value determining the call’s actions

X contains a zero page address of a parameter block

Y contains the file handle (see OSFIND) or zero

The parameter block in zero page should be in the user’s allocation of zero page. A block of four bytes is required, this will contain the value of the sequential file pointer for read operations or should be set up with a value prior to the call for a write operation. It should be noted that because filing systems should not be languages and so are not copied across to a second processor this parameter block will always exist in the I/O processor even when a Tube is active. If called from the second processor, the parameter block will be copied across into the I/O processor before the filing system is called.
Interrupts may be enabled during a call but the interrupt status will be preserved.
If Y=0 and A=0 then return the current filing system in A.

value returned filing system

0 no current filing system
1 1200 baud cassette
2 300 baud cassette
3 ROM filing system
4 Disc filing system
5 Econet filing system
6 Telesoftware filing system
7 IEEE filing system
9 Reserved
10 Acacia RAM filing system
If Y=0 and A= 1 then return the address in the I/O processor of the rest of the command line will be returned in the two least significant bytes of the zero page parameter block. This enables software to access the parameters passed with ‘*’ commands.
If Y=0 and A=&FF then update all files onto the filing system medium; this ensures that the medium has the latest copy of the buffers.
If Y is non-zero then the value in Y is assumed to be a file handle (see OSFIND). The value passed in A determines the action on the open file specified by Y
Read sequential file pointer (written to the zero page parameter block). This pointer is the same as that used by BASIC called


Write sequential file pointer.
Read length of sequential file. This value is the same as that returned by EXT# in BASIC.

Write length of sequential file. This call is not implemented in all filing systems but where implemented may be used either to truncate a file or to extend it (in which case it will be padded with zeroes).

A= &FF
Update this file onto the filing system medium.
On exit:

A is preserved except on a call with A=0 and Y=0

X and Y are preserved
C, N, V and Z are undefined


5.3 OSBGET Get a single byte from an open file
Call address &FFD7 Indirected through &216
This routine returns the value of a byte read from a file opened for random access. The file should have been previously opened using OSFIND, The file handle required by this call will have been provided from this OSFIND call.
Entry parameters:

Y contains file handle

A byte is read from that point in the file determined by the sequential file pointer. During each call of OSB GET the sequential file pointer is incremented by one. Thus successive OSBGET calls can be used to read bytes from the file sequentially. This pointer may be read or written using the OSARGS call thus enabling the use of random access.
Interrupts may be enabled during a call but the interrupt status will be preserved.
A is returned containing the value of the byte read.
On exit:

X and Y are preserved

C= 1 if the end of file was reached i.e. invalid call , in which case A=&FE.
N, V and Z are undefined

5.4 OSBPUT Write a single byte to an open file
Call address &FFD4 Indirected through &218
This call is the complement to the OSBGET call described above. A file handle should be provided from a prior OSFIND call and the sequential file pointer is used to locate the point in the file where the byte is written.
Entry parameters:

A contains the byte to be written to the file.

Y contains the file handle.
During the call a byte will be written to the file and the sequential pointer will be incremented. If the sequential file pointer reaches the end of the file the file will be extended to accommodate any new data written where possible.
Interrupts may be enabled during a call but the interrupt status will be preserved over a call.
On exit:

A, X and Y are preserved

C, N, V and Z are undefined

5.5 OSGBPB Read/write a group of bytes to/from an open file
Call address &FFD1 Indirected through &21A
This routine enables the transfer of a group of bytes to or from an open file. This routine is implemented particularly for filing systems which have a high time overhead associated with each data transfer e.g. the Econet.
Entry parameters:

A contains a value which determines the action


X+Y contain a pointer to a parameter block in memory

The parameter block should contain information in the following format:
&00 file handle
&01 - &04 address of data for transfer
&05 - &08 number of bytes to transfer
&09 - &0C sequential file pointer to be used
The bytes in each parameter should be placed least significant byte first.
The address should include a high order address (see OSBYTE &82) to indicate if the data is in an i/o processor or a second processor.
The sequential file pointer passed in the parameter block will only replace the old value of this pointer when appropriate.
The action codes passed to the routine will have the following effects:

Write a group of bytes to the open file. The sequential pointer given will indicate the point in the file where these bytes are put and this pointer will be incremented by the number of bytes written.

Write a group of bytes to the open file without using the sequential file pointer value given in the parameter block. The existing value of the pointer will mark the point in the file where these bytes are put and the pointer will then be incremented by the number of bytes written.
Read a group of bytes from an open file. The sequential pointer given in the parameter block will indicate where the bytes should be read from within the file. The pointer will then be incremented by the number of bytes read.
Read a group of bytes from an open file disregarding the sequential file pointer value given in the parameter block. The existing pointer value will be used and subsequently incremented by the number of bytes read.
Return the title associated with the currently active medium and return boot/startup attribute, This information is written to the address pointed at by the X and Y registers. The format of the data is:
&00 n, the length of the title string

&01 - n+1 the title string, ASCII characters

n+2 value indicating boot/start up options
The start up information is filing system dependent.

Return the currently selected directory and device identity. Two items of data are written to the parameter block. The format of the data is:

&00 n, the length of the directory name
&01 - n+1 directory name, ASCII string
n+2 m, the length of the device identity
n+3 - n+m+3 the device identity
Read the currently selected library, and device, The data format is the same as that used for A=6.
This call is used to read file names from the current directory. The parameter block should be set up so that the number of file names to transfer is placed in the ‘No. of bytes to transfer’ field, For the first call the ‘sequential file pointer’ field should be set to zero. The sequential file pointer is incremented each time this call is made so that it points to the next file name for transfer.
The data is transferred to the specified address in the form of a list of file names. Each file name takes the form of an ASCII string preceded by a single byte value indicating the length of the string. The number of filenames in this list is determined by the value passed in the parameter block unless the end of the directory is reached.
This call also returns a cycle number in the ‘file handle’ field of the parameter block. This cycle number represents the number of times the current catalogue has been written to.

Exit conditions:

A, X and Y are preserved

N, V and Z are undefined

C= 1 if the transfer could not be completed
In the event of a transfer not being completed the parameter block contains the following information:
(a) the number of bytes or names not transferred in the ‘number of bytes to transfer’ field
(b) the ‘address’ field contains the next location of memory due for transfer
(c) the ‘sequential pointer’ field contains the sequential file pointer value indicating the next byte in the file due for transfer

5.6 OSFIND Open or close file for random access
Call address &FFCE Indirected through &21C
This call is used to allocate a file handle for subsequent use by OSARGS, OSBGET, OSBPUT and OSGBPB. This call should also be used to close a file when no further access is required. In this instance the file handle is released for re-allocation and the file medium is updated from the buffers in memory.
The file handle is a single byte value which uniquely identifies an open file. This provides a less cumbersome method of addressing the file in question than using the filename each time. The number of files which can be open at any one time is filing system dependent. The actual range of handle values allocated by each filing system is different. The ranges which have been allocated by Acorn are listed under OSFSC with A=&07.

Entry parameters

(a) To open a file
The accumulator contains a code indicating the type of access for which the file should be opened:
A=&40 input only

A=&80 output only (i.e. will attempt to delete file first)

A=&C0 input and output
X and Y contain the address of a file name string (low byte, high byte). The filename string should be terminated by a carriage return character (&0D).
The accumulator will be returned containing the file handle which has been allocated or zero if the file could not be opened. Note that if the filename is syntactically bad, or involves a non-existent directory, a BRK ‘Not found’ error may occur.
(b) To close a file
A=0 Y contains the handle of the file to be closed or Y=O to close all currently open files.
On exit:

A returns file handle on opening otherwise preserved

X and Y are preserved
C, N, V and Z are preserved

Interrupts may be enabled during call, status preserved

5.7 OSFSC Miscellaneous filing system control
No OS call address Indirected through &21E
This vector contains an entry point into the current filing system which may be used to invoke a number of miscellaneous filing system functions. Because there is no direct call address this call can only be made from within an I/O processor and is not
available for code running on a second processor. However many of the facilities are indirectly available via other OS calls which subsequently make calls through this vector.
Entry parameters:
The accumulator contains an action code determining which control function is performed.
A=0 *OPT command
The operating system makes this call in response to ‘*OPT’ being submitted to the command line interpreter or in response to OSBYTE &8B. X and Y contain the parameters passed with the

‘*OPT’ command.

A= 1 Check for end of file (EOF)
This call is made by the operating system in response to OSBYTE &7F. The call is entered with a file handle value in the X register. The X register should be returned containing the value &FF if an EOF condition exists, otherwise it should be returned containing zero.
A=2 ‘*/’ command
The filing system should attempt to *RUN the file whose name follows the ‘/’ character. The operating system command line interpreter will make this call in response to a command beginning ‘*/’. The X and Y registers contain the address of the file name string (not including the ‘*/’ characters).
A=3 Unrecognised *command
The operating system issues this call when an unrecognised command has been submitted to the command line interpreter. This call is made after the ‘unrecognised *command’ paged ROM service call has been made (see paged ROMs section 10.1). The command name string is addressed by the X and Y registers.

Filing systems will respond to this call by attempting to *RUN the file having the command name. The idea behind this is to enable the implementation of command like utilities which are stored on the filing system media. However in the case of a filing system being unable to execute the file without delay the filing system should respond to this call with a ‘Bad Command’ message instead.

A=4 *RUN attempted
The operating system passes on the file name given with a *RUN command to the current filing system using this call. The X and Y registers contain the address of the file name string, The filing system should then load and execute the code in this file.
A=5 *CAT attempted
This call is made by the operating system in response to a *CAT command. The X and Y registers contain the address of the rest of the command string where any parameters required by the routine may be found.
A=6 New filing system selected
This call is issued when the current filing system is being changed. The deselected filing system should respond by closing any *SPOOL or *EXEC files using OSBYTE &77 and prepare itself for the handover.
A=7 Return handle range
This call may be made to determine the range of values allocated as file handles by the currently selected filing system. Below is a list of the handle ranges that have been allocated by Acorn.
filing system handle range, inclusive
Tape filing system 1 (&01) 2 (&02)
*ROM filing system 3 (&03) 3 (&03)
Teletext filing system 14 (&0E) 15 (&0F)
Disc filing system 17 (&12) 21 (&15)
Network filing system 32 (&20) 39 (&29)

Winchester DFS 48 (&30) 57 (&39)

reserved values 64 (&40) 71 (&49)

Acacia RAM filing system 96 (&60) 101 (&65)

IEEE filing system 240 (&F0) 255 (&FF)
The X register is returned with the lowest value which may be allocated as a file handle and the Y register returned with the highest value used.

A=8 OS *command about to be processed

The operating system makes this call prior to executing a

*command. Acorn DFS uses this call to implement the ‘*ENABLE’ protection mechanism. This call may also be used by filing systems to output extra messages e.g. ‘Compaction recommended’ when free space has become highly fragmented on a disc.

On exit:

Registers returned as described above

Otherwise registers undefined

Status flags undefined

Interrupts may be enabled, status preserved

6 Operating System Vectors
Many of the operating system routines are indirected through addresses stored in RAM. This enables other software to intercept these calls as they are made.
During a reset the operating system stores the addresses of its internal routines for such things as reading and writing characters in locations in page two. The official entry point of these routines point to instructions like JMP (vector). If another piece of software replaces the address stored in the vector then each subsequent call is passed to the intercepting software.
Consider the following example:
This program assembles a routine which intercepts ‘$’ and ‘£’ characters passed to the OSWRCH routine and exchanges them.
10 DIM code% 100

20 WRCHV=&20E

30 FOR opt%=0 TO 3 STEP3

40 P%=code%

50 [

60 OPT opt%

70 .init LDA WRCHV \ A=lo byte of vector

80 STA ret_vec \ make a copy

90 LDA WRCHV+1 \ A=hi byte of vector

100 STA ret_vec+1 \ make a copy

110 LDX #intrcpt AND &FF \ X=lo byte of new routine

120 LDY #intrcpt DIV &100 \ Y=hi byte of new routine

130 SEI \ disable interrupts

140 STX WRCHV \ store new routine address

150 STY WRCHV+1 \ in WRCH Vector

160 CLI \ enable interrupts

170 RTS \ finished initialisation

180 .intrcpt CMP #ASC”£” \ trying to print a £ ?

190 BEQ pound \ if so branch

200 CMP #ASC”$” \ trying to print a $ ?

210 BEQ dollar \ if so branch

220 JMP (ret_vec) \ neither goto old routine

230 .pound LDA #ASC”$” \ replace £ with $

240 JMP (ret_vec) \ goto old routine

250 .dollar LDA #ASC”£” \ replace $ with £

260 JMP (ret_vec) \ goto old routine

270 .ret_vec EQUW 0 \ space for return vector

280 ]

290 NEXT

300 CALL init

This program, although not very long, illustrates a few points regarding the way in which vectors should be intercepted.
One of the most important aspects concerning the interception of calls through vectors is to make sure that the call is passed on to the previous owner of the vector. There are occasions when a routine is intended to be the sole replacement of a vector but as a rule it is good programming practice to copy the old vector contents to a returning vector. By returning via the old vector contents any number of intercepting routines can be daisy chained into the operating system call.
While the initialising routine is changing the vector contents to point at the new routine it is wise to disable interrupts, It would obviously be quite catastrophic if the OSWRCH routine were to be called when the vector was only half changed. An interrupt handling routine is unlikely to use the WRCHV but there is no reason why it should not.
The intention in this section has been to make programmers aware of the problems which may occur when intercepting these vectors. They have been implemented so that they may be used to insert extra code into some of the operating system routines and individuals should not be afraid of using them to this end. However, careful thought is required; take full account of the ramifications of altering the operating systems usual response to calls. If in doubt try out a routine. Play about with trivial examples such as the one given above. There is nothing to be lost and much to be learnt.

OS and filing system calls indirection vectors
The vector addresses associated with those operating system calls which are indirected are given in the detailed description of each call in chapter 2. The entry conditions with which the routine whose address is contained within these vectors will be unchanged from the initial OS call.

Other page 2 vectors
The other vectors reserved for containing the addresses of other operating system and miscellaneous routines are described below. These are:
Name addr. description
USERV &200 The user vector
BRKV &202 The BRK vector
IRQ1V &204 Primary interrupt vector
IRQ2V &206 Unrecognised IRQ vector
FSCV &21E File system control entry
EVNTV &220 Event vector
UPTV &222 User print routine
NETV &224 Econet vector
VDUV &226 Unrecognised VDU commands
KEYV &228 Keyboard vector
INSV &22A Insert into buffer vector
REMV &22C Remove from buffer vector
CNPV &22E Count/purge buffer vector
IND1V &230 unused/reserved for future expansion
IND2V &232 unused/reserved for future expansion
IND3V &234 unused/reserved for future expansion

6.1 The User Vector &200
The user vector is called by the operating system in three circumstances:
(a) When *CODE is passed to the command line interpreter
The *CODE command takes two parameters which are placed in the X and Y registers. The user vector is then called with an accumulator value of zero. OSBYTE &88 may also be used to generate a *CODE command.
(b) When *LINE is passed to the command line interpreter
The *LINE command takes a line of text as a parameter. The user vector is entered with the X and Y registers containing the address of this text and A= 1.
(c) When an OSWORD call &E0 to &FF has been made.
The user vector is entered with the register values they were when the original OSWORD call was made.
The default address stored in this vector points to a routine which generates an error with the message ‘Bad command’ and error number &FE.
This vector is fully implemented on the BBC microcomputer and the Electron. On a Tube machine only the vector on the I/O processor is offered these calls.

Listed below is a program which assembles a routine to intercept calls made to the user vector. It may be noticed that this routine does not offer the calls back to the original vector routine, this is because the default routine generates an error. There should only be one user vector handling routine active at any one time.

0 REM User vector handling routine

10 DIM code% &100


30 USERV=&200

40 FOR opt%=0 TO 3 STEP 3

50 P%=code%

60 [

70 OPT opt%

80 .init LDX #userrt AND &FF \ X=lo byte of routine addr.

90 LDY #userrt DIV &100 \ Y=hi byte of routine addr.

100 SEI \ disable interrupts

110 STX USERV \ set up vector with addr.


130 CLI \ enable interrupts

140 RTS \ and return

150 .userrt CMP #1 \ compare contents of A with1

160 BCC code \ A<1 then must be *CODE

170 BNE osword \ now if A<>1 must be OSWORD

180 STX &70 \ *LINE routine

190 STY &71 \ store text address in page0

200 LDY #&FF \ set Y as loop counter

210 .loop INY \ beginning of loop Y=Y+1

220 LDA (&70),Y \ load first byte of string

230 JSR OSASCI \ print it

240 CMP #&D \ was character a cr?

250 BNE loop \ if not get the next char.

260 RTS \ if it was return

290 .code TXA \ A=X

300 JSR prntbt \ print value of X

310 JSR space \ print a space

320 TYA \ A=Y

330 JSR prntbt \ print value of Y

340 JMP new_ln \ print newline and return

350 .osword PHA \ save contents of A

360 LDX #&FF \ set X as loop counter

370 .loop1 INX \ beginning of loop, X=X+1

380 LDA string,X \ load character from string

390 JSR OSASCI \ print it

400 CMP #ASC”&” \ & char. is end of string

410 BNE loop1 \ loop if not end of string

420 PLA \ reload the value of A

430 JSR prntbt \ print it out in hex

440 JMP new_ln \ print cr and return
450 .space LDA #&20 \ A=space character

460 JMP OSASCI \ print space and return

470 .new_ln LDA #&D \ A=carriage return character

480 JMP OSASCI \ print cr and return

490 .string EQUS “OSWORD &“ \ string for OSWORD routine

499 \*** This routine prints hex number given in A

500 .prntbt PHA \ save copy of accumulator

510 LSR A

520 LSR A

530 LSR A

540 LSR A \ shift nibble hi to lo

550 JSR nibble \ print hi nibble hex digit

560 PLA \ reload accumulator

570 .nibble AND #&0F \ mask out high nibble

580 CMP #&0A \ digit or letter?

590 BCC number \ A<10 print number

600 ADC #&06 \ otherwise add 7 (C=1)

610 .number ADC #&30 \ add &30 to convert to ASCII

620 JMP OSASCI \ print character and return

630 ]

640 NEXT

650 CALL init

Once assembled this routine will respond to *CODE by printing out the parameters passed with the command. A *LINE command will result in the parameter string being repeated on the screen and an OSWORD in the region &E0 to &FF will print out the number of the call.

>*CODE 1,2

01 02



>A%=&E0:CALL &FFF1



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