The importance of transparency to the effectiveness of philanthropic initiatives is a strong theme in recent literature, as is the importance of positive social impact to HNWI donors. The globalisation of giving perspectives and practices among HNWIs and UHNWIs in particular is not surprising in a world in which the global wealthy are increasingly global citizens (Chia 2015; Leat 2007; Mickiewicz, Sauka and Stephan 2015).
‘The Impact’ is an initiative brought to the attention of many involved in structured philanthropy in Asia Pacific at the 2015 Philanthropy New Zealand conference by keynote speaker Justin Rockefeller (Rockefeller 2015). It is an example of innovation and hybridity in this environment; it is a business whose clients are a global network of families who make investments intended to generate financial return and measurable social benefit. Those who sign up commit to making their data available in detail, and in turn get access to the data of all others who are participating.
Other issues that are engaging HNWIs and foundation staff and trustees/directors alike include:
impact investing (Addis, McLeod and Raine 2013; Addis, Bowden and Simpson 2014; Burkett 2013) is an issue that is increasingly talked and written about; however, in the Australian foundation arena it remains embryonic, though very much an area of interest for post-founder, next generation donors
evaluation of grantmaking and grant effectiveness and learning from the evaluation process (Barraket and Yousefpour 2013; Grantmakers for Effective Organizations 2009, 2012; Zappalà and Lyons 2009)
collaboration among major donors at greater levels of depth (Exponent Philanthropy; Grantmakers for Effective Organizations 2014; Huang and Seldon 2014) than evident in Anderson’s 2013 study of a sample of significant Australian foundations
crowdfunding platforms are an emergent process for foundations engaging with and helping develop the infrastructure for civil society (Bernholz, Reich and Saunders-Hastings 2015), and
envisaging the future has become an integral part of the philanthropic milieu since the advent of the first Philanthropy and Social Economy Blueprint series, now held annually by Lucy Bernholz (2012, 2013, 2015) and publication of New Frontiers of Philanthropy by Lester Salamon (2014). As envisaged by Salamon, the work can expect to see the emergence of a ‘new frontier’ of philanthropy and social investing that differs from twentieth century philanthropy in that it is and will be:
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