PROTOCOLS (although world Jewry is following them like a "blueprint. In PROTOCOL IX, we read The words of the liberal, are in effect our watchword -LIBERTY EQUALITY FRATERNITY (Strangely enough they are the "watchword" of world Freemasonry too. When we (Jews) come into our kingdom, we will change these words, not into a watchword, but an
expression of our idealism. The right to liberty the duty of equality the ideal of brotherhood That is bow we shall put it De facto (actually) we have wiped out every role but our own, although de jure (by rights) there remain a good many of them." 1 By being introduced to this doctrine of "broad-mindedness," under the guise of Jewish liberality, we have given the Jews "carte blanch" (discretional powers) to attack liberty and Christianity. What Christian Americans and Canadians, including the members of the Lodges of Freemasonry, have been taught, is to "tolerate the intolerances" of Judaism, since there are no more intolerant and prejudicial people anywhere on earth, than the Zionist Jews. In PROTOCOL IX, we read at the proper time, we (Jews, the lawgivers, (to all intents and purposes they now control the Judicial systems of both Canada and the US) shall exercise judgment and sentence. We shall slay and we shall spare. We will rule by force. (as they are doing now in Palestine, as they have in Russia since 1918). The weapons in our hands will be limitless ambition, Notes:-1 For an in-depth discussion of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, write for my book The Satanic Counterfeit.Page 134burning greedivens, merciless vengeance, hatred and malice" (How would you like to live under the control of such This will happen, unless Christian people wake up and stop. it) I am inclined to agree with Henry Ford, Sr. the great Christian industrialist of the early s when he wrote To recognize the Jewish and Masonic question does not mean we have gone to a national campaign of hatred against Jews and Masons. It means we must seethe stream
which has been flowing through our civilization for years, which has at last accumulated the bulk and power to be a danger to us all" Unfortunately, there are Christians within the Identity Movement, whose hatred for anyone who differs from them, reaches to all people, not just those who area danger to us. I do not support this thesis in anyway Personally, I am "fed up" with the Jewish and Judeo-Christian allegations that even to discuss the Jewish question is unfair and will be punished by God. Jews do not hesitate to criticize Christians, even those who support them. In fact, they often speak with sarcasm regarding the "Christian sheeple," they have so blatantly "hoodwinked" and who they lead around by the nose. If you will attempt to read books written by Jewish authors, for "Jewish eyes only" you will see even more clearly what I am trying to say. I get angry when the Jewish controlled media lie about me and my people and paint us in the most unfavorable terms imaginable. I am not being anti- Semitic when I tell you the truth about self-announced Jewish plans to destroy you, anymore than I was anti-German, when I fought against the Nazi during World War II, fooled as I was by the Jewish propaganda of World War II, just as were 95% of the veterans who fought that war but we were not "anti-German." Here is a "fact of life" that Freemasons around the world need to take into account it is found in PROTOCOL XV: Page 135"When we (Jews) come into our kingdom through coups de'etat (violent overthrow of existing governments, we will make it our task to destroy every institution of secret societies, whose members will be punished by death. MOST OF THEM ARE KNOWN TO US, SINCE THEY HAVE WORKED FOR US" (Emphasis mine. In every country on this earth, where Talmudic Communism has taken control, this has been their pattern of action. The "goyim" prostitutes preachers, politicians, bankers, businessmen, Lodge members) who have helped them into power, have been eliminated no matter how much you may have helped them, you are on their list for elimination. They tell you so
While the Jewish controlled press of America, aided by their Masonic cohorts, wants us to believe that Jewish terrorist organizations are on the wane in Canada and the United States, Zionist leaders such as Irv Rubin of the JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE, state that bombings of synagogues, by members of the JDL, are for the purpose of bestching up the Jews a little bit" He says the JDL is trying to head off a "holocaust" in the United States and Canada by "eliminating all the white supremacist activities in the United States" (That means anyone who disagrees with them. This same Jew, whoa few years ago offered a public reward of $500.00 for anyone who would kill a Nazi and $1000.00 if they would bring him their ears, has been above the law. You can imagine what would happen to an Identity Christian, who would be stupid enough to make a similar remark in public. He would have the Federal Government on his back, "like a hawk on a June bug" The California District attorney who attempted to prosecute this casein which Rubin was released, said "The framers of the American Constitution would turnover in their graves if they could seethe manner in which the First Amendment is being used to protect people who offer 'blood money' for the elimination of those they don't like" Page 136Recent police reports from the East, show that in at least 2/3 of all cases where vandalism of synagogues or Jewish cemeteries occur, there are Jews involved. The JDL delights in efforts such as this, since it keeps their people "stirred up full of hate, and ready to contribute to any cause the JDL desires" This is identical to the process used in Freemasonry, where the lower degrees obey, because of fear and ignorance. We know from documented facts, that Grand Orient Masonry has exerted profound influence in politics, of all the nations of Christendom. We are not dealing with suppositions hear, but with proven facts. There are many cases where the leadership of Freemasons in revolutionary causes can be pinpointed. We know their aims, because they have declared them in books such as Pike's MORALS AND DOGMA. We know that Jewish power, which backs them and is shrouded in secrecy, has fooled millions of Masons into believing that they are members of an organization which is completely different from what they claim it is. It is extremely difficult to convince anyone about the ulterior motives of Freemasonry, since a mother and father whose child has just been "saved" by the help of some Shrine Hospital, will not want to know the truth about those who have helped them. In this manner, Masonry, like International Zionism, has existed under a shroud of Mystery. That Jews have played a major role in Grand Orient Masonry, is a known fact. The JEWISH
ENCYCLOPEDIA, in its article under the heading, FREEMASONRY states The technical language, symbolism, and rites of freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms ... Jews have been most conspicuous in their connection with Freemasonry. since the French Revolution." 2 Share with your friends: |