Figure 5. a) The blue profile is the in situ extinction profile measured during the ascent leg of the NAMMA DC-8 aircraft track shown by the blue section of its red track in Figure 3a. The red profile is calculated from the average of the two CALIPSO 5 km extinction profiles at 532 nm that are closest to the latitude of the blue profile (~15.2°N). The approximate location of the CALIPSO extinction profiles used to calculate the red profile are marked by the vertical dashed black and white lines in Figure 3b-c. b) The DC-8 extinction profile is once again in blue while the average of our derived extinction profiles directly along the ascent leg of the DC-8 track are displayed in red. The dashed and solid red lines are the averaged extinction profiles calculated from the non-scaled and scaled three-dimensional extinction maps, respectively. c) The red profiles show the summation of the aerosol number concentrations calculated for the WRF-Chem model sectional bins 3 and 4 where the dashed red profile is derived using the non-scaled extinctions while the solid red profile is derived using the scaled extinctions. The blue profile displays the aerosol number concentrations measured by the DC-8 APS instrument for particle diameters larger than 0.7 μm. a) b) c)