For each policy element, descriptors are provided at the following levels:
Rarely Evident:
Practices do not meet the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Sometimes Evident:
Practices indicate a developing understanding of the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Often Evident:
Practices approach the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Consistently Evident:
Practices meet the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Teachers, administrators and other education professionals:
stay current with educational technology research
participate in and apply research to learning and teaching
use data systems and evidence-based reasoning to monitor and support personalized, student- centred learning
In Alberta’s education system:
educational technology research is supported
decision-making related to technology is informed by data and research
technology investments are targeted to areas of greatest effectiveness and need
Teachers, administrators and other education professionals:
Rarely Evident
Sometimes Evident
Often Evident
Consistently Evident
a. Stay current with educational technology research.
Current research is rarely reviewed.
Research findings are seldom applied to improve teaching and learning.
Current research is occasionally reviewed.
Research findings may be applied to improve limited aspects of teaching and learning.
Current research is frequently reviewed.
Research findings generally inform teaching and learning.
Current research is constantly reviewed.
Research findings are broadly and strategically applied to improve teaching and learning
b. Participate in and apply research to learning and teaching
Questions of professional inquiry are rarely investigated.
Questions of professional inquiry are occasionally investigated.
Questions of professional inquiry are investigated through collaboration with researchers and discipline experts.
Questions of professional inquiry are thoroughly investigated through continuous collaboration with researchers and discipline experts.
c. Use data systems and evidence-based reasoning to monitor and support personalized, student- centered learning
Data systems provide a repository of content but are rarely used by teachers, administrators, other education professionals, students, and/or parents.
Data systems provide a repository of content and are occasionally used by teachers, administrators, students, other education professionals, students and/or parents to collect, monitor and analyze student assessment information to inform decision-making.
Data systems provide a comprehensive repository of content and are frequently used by teachers, administrators, other education professionals, students, and parents to collect, monitor and analyze student assessment information to personalize learning and inform decision-making.
Robust data systems provide a rich repository of content and are used in an ongoing manner by teachers, administrators, other education professionals, students, and parents to collect, monitor and analyze a wide range of formative and summative student assessment information in order to personalize learning and thoroughly inform decision-making.
Supporting Evidence:
Next Steps:
The following matrix is provided to assist school authorities and schools in achieving the outcomes of the Learning and Technology Framework 2013, as one part of the provincial education vision expressed in Inspiring Education.
Each matrix provides detailed descriptions of district, school, teacher, and/or student practices in relation to the five areas of the Learning and Technology Framework. These are:
Policy Direction
Student-Centred Learning
Technology is used to support student-centred, personalized, authentic learning for all students.
Research and Innovation
Teachers, administrators and other education professionals read, review, participate, share and apply research and evidence-based practices to achieve innovation in education
Professional Learning
Teachers, administrators and other education professionals develop, maintain and apply the knowledge, skills and attributes that enable them to use technology effectively, efficiently and innovatively in support of learning and teaching.
Education leaders establish policy and governance structures, cultivate innovation and build capacity within the system to leverage technology in support of student-centered learning and system efficiencies.
Access, Infrastructure, and
Digital Learning
All students, teachers, administrators and other education professionals have access to appropriate devices, reliable infrastructure, high-speed networks and digital learning environments.
For each policy element, descriptors are provided at the following levels:
Rarely Evident:
Practices do not meet the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Sometimes Evident:
Practices indicate a developing understanding of the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Often Evident:
Practices approach the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Consistently Evident:
Practices meet the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Digitally confident teachers, administrators and other education professionals:
are well prepared to use technology and digital resources innovatively and effectively for learning, teaching, leadership and administration
use technology and research to design personalized, authentic and student-centred learning opportunities
to meet the diverse needs and interests of all students
engage in professional growth opportunities that are broadened and diversified through technology, social media and communities of practice
Digitally confident teachers, administrators and other education professionals:
Rarely Evident
Sometimes Evident
Often Evident
Consistently Evident
a. Are well prepared to use technology and digital resources innovatively and effectively for learning, teaching, leadership and administration
Professional staff work alone using basic productivity tools for their own teaching and planning.
Professional staff usually work alone with occasional use of networked environments to share resources.
Professional staff frequently work within networked, technology-rich environments.
Professional staff work daily within networked communities of practice in technology-rich environments,
Productivity tools and basic web-based resources are primarily used for record keeping and archiving.
Productivity tools and basic web-based resources are used to support a range of existing pedagogies and administrative practices.
Technology tools are frequently used to explore a wide range of effective pedagogies and administrative practices.
A wide variety of technology tools are regularly used to build expertise through the exploration, development and implementation of effective pedagogies and administrative practices.
b. Use technology and research to design personalized, authentic and student-centered learning opportunities
to meet the diverse needs and interests of all students
Teachers have limited understanding of how their students learn. Opportunities for students are often limited to the acquisition and recall of static, inert facts.
Teachers have some understanding of how their students learn. Opportunities provided for students may have some personal relevance and provide limited connections to the world beyond the classroom.
Teachers have a well-informed understanding of how their students learn. Teachers frequently design learning tasks that focus upon issues, questions and problems that are central to the discipline and connected to students’ interests, the world beyond school, and mapped to the curriculum.
Teachers have an exceptional understanding of how their students learn. Teachers consistently design robust learning tasks that focus upon issues, questions and problems that are central to the discipline and strongly connected to students’ interests, the world beyond school, and extensively mapped to the curriculum.
c. Engage in professional growth opportunities that are broadened and diversified through technology, social media and communities of practice
Opportunities for enhancing professional growth through technology and communities of practice are rare.
Opportunities for enhancing professional growth through technology and communities of practice sometimes occur.
Professional growth is frequently enhanced through technology and communities of practice.
Professional growth is regularly enhanced, broadened, diversified, and personalized through technology and communities of practice.
Supporting Evidence:
Next Steps:
The following matrix is provided to assist school authorities and schools in achieving the outcomes of the Learning and Technology Framework 2013, as one part of the provincial education vision expressed in Inspiring Education.
Each matrix provides detailed descriptions of district, school, teacher, and/or student practices in relation to the five areas of the Learning and Technology Framework. These are:
Policy Direction
Student-Centred Learning
Technology is used to support student-centred, personalized, authentic learning for all students.
Research and Innovation
Teachers, administrators and other education professionals read, review, participate, share and apply research and evidence-based practices to achieve innovation in education
Professional Learning
Teachers, administrators and other education professionals develop, maintain and apply the knowledge, skills and attributes that enable them to use technology effectively, efficiently and innovatively in support of learning and teaching.
Education leaders establish policy and governance structures, cultivate innovation and build capacity within the system to leverage technology in support of student-centered learning and system efficiencies.
Access, Infrastructure, and
Digital Learning Environments
All students, teachers, administrators and other education professionals have access to appropriate devices, reliable infrastructure, high-speed networks and digital learning environments.
For each policy element, descriptors are provided at the following levels:
Rarely Evident:
Practices do not meet the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Sometimes Evident:
Practices indicate a developing understanding of the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Often Evident:
Practices approach the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Consistently Evident:
Practices meet the Learning and Technology Policy standard
Education leaders at all levels champion effective and innovative uses of technology for all schools. As a result:
government and school authorities have clarity and coherence in the policies and procedures that govern educational and administrative uses of technology in all schools
teachers, administrators and other education professionals use technology innovatively, effectively and efficiently.
economies of scale that achieve cost effectiveness and efficiencies in educational technology are realized
up-to-date guidelines and standards on uses of technology inform school authority education plans
Education leaders at all levels champion effective and innovative uses of technology for all schools. As a result:
Rarely Evident
Sometimes Evident
Often Evident
Consistently Evident
a. Government and school authorities have clarity and coherence in the policies and procedures that govern educational and administrative uses of technology in all schools
Student learning rarely drives decisions related to technology.
Decisions are rarely guided by established policies and procedure or informed by stakeholders.
Student learning drives some decisions related to technology. Decisions are sometimes guided by established policies and procedures, and occasionally informed by stakeholders.
Student learning drives most decisions related to technology.
Decisions are guided by established policies and procedures, and informed by some stakeholders.
Student learning drives all decisions related to technology.
Decisions are guided by clear and coherent policies and procedures, and regularly informed by a full range of stakeholders.
Policies and practices rarely include expectations for research-based pedagogies and digital learning environments that foster student-centered learning, and support professional growth.
Policies and practices sometimes include expectations for research-based pedagogies and digital learning environments that foster student-centered learning, and support professional growth
Policies and practices often include expectations for research-based pedagogies and digital learning environments that foster student-centered learning, and support professional growth.
Policies and practices consistently include precise expectations for research-based pedagogies and digital learning environments that foster student-centered learning, and strongly support professional growth.
b. Teachers, administrators and other education professionals use technology innovatively, effectively and efficiently
Leadership decisions maintain status quo regarding technology use by education professionals
Leadership decisions occasionally support innovative and effective uses of technology by education professionals.
Leadership decisions generally enable and support the innovative and effective use of technology by education professionals.
Leadership decisions consistently enable and support the innovative and effective use of technology by education professionals.
c. Economies of scale that achieve cost effectiveness and efficiencies in educational technology are realized
Technology resources are provided from various budgets in response to issues arising in student learning, teaching, administration and operations.
Efficiency and cost-effectiveness factors are rarely considered.
Technology resources are provided from a dedicated budget to support student learning, teaching, administration and operations.
Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are occasionally considered.
Technology resources provide support for student learning, teaching, administration and operations within a dedicated budget. Improvements to efficiency and cost-effectiveness are often pursued through cost sharing of software, hardware, and technical resources.
Technology resources are consistently provided to enhance student learning, teaching, administration and operations within dedicated and sustainable budgets. Leadership continually monitors the cost/benefit relationship of technology. Improvements to efficiency and cost-effectiveness are regularly realized through this process, and via cost sharing of software, hardware, and technical resources.
d. Up-to-date guidelines and standards on uses of technology inform school authority education plans
Standards and guidelines related to technology use are not present within school authority plans and rarely contribute to achievement of the vision of Inspiring Education.
Standards and guidelines related to technology use are sometimes noted within school authority plans, and occasionally contribute to achievement of the vision of Inspiring Education.
Standards and guidelines related to technology use are frequently cited within school authority plans often enable achievement of the vision of Inspiring Education.
Standards and guidelines related to technology use are foundational to school authority plans and consistently enable achievement of the vision of Inspiring Education.
Supporting Evidence:
Next Steps:
The following matrix is provided to assist school authorities and schools in achieving the outcomes of the Learning and Technology Framework 2013, as one part of the provincial education vision expressed in Inspiring Education.
Each matrix provides detailed descriptions of district, school, teacher, and/or student practices in relation to the five areas of the Learning and Technology Framework. These are:
Policy Direction
Student-Centred Learning
Technology is used to support student-centred, personalized, authentic learning for all students.
Research and Innovation
Teachers, administrators and other education professionals read, review, participate, share and apply research and evidence-based practices to achieve innovation in education
Professional Learning
Teachers, administrators and other education professionals develop, maintain and apply the knowledge, skills and attributes that enable them to use technology effectively, efficiently and innovatively in support of learning and teaching.
Education leaders establish policy and governance structures, cultivate innovation and build capacity within the system to leverage technology in support of student-centered learning and system efficiencies.
Access, Infrastructure, and
Digital Learning
All students, teachers, administrators and other education professionals have access to appropriate devices, reliable infrastructure, high-speed networks and digital learning environments.
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