a. General Provisions
a) Opportunity is provided for critical interaction with the latest and best scholarly resources and foundational literature in some specialized area of the programme.
b) Training in advanced empirical research and statistics.
c) Development of competence in and comfort with all forms of scholarly works and communicate such as writing proposal and reports, preparing and submitting work for colloquia criticism, editing and publication.
d) Supervised and critiqued opportunities to-
(a) teach at Seminary/university levels
(b) evaluate teaching and be evaluated
(c) administer religious education programmes.
(d) and minister in religious education settings, e.g., schools, church and denominational situations.
e) Exposure to training and participation in contextual appraisals of Baptist doctrine, polity and practice in religious education through independent study, biblical and theological seminars.
There are two sections for listing seminar/course offerings in the Ph.D.R.E. programme viz.-
1. Core/Foundation Course/Seminars and
2. Possible Seminar/Course offerings and related elective courses from which a candidate can be guided to select an appropriate list that will constitute a specialization focus. Possible specialization are in Administration (EAD Code), Curriculum Studies (CUR Code), Adult Education (AED Code); Educational Guidance and Counseling (REC Code). Seminar/course offerings are given subject to Faculty availability
5. Core/Foundation Seminar/Listing
These are compulsory courses that must be taken in a certain combination by each Specialization area. Selection is guided by a student’s Doctoral Committee.
Seminar Title Credit
RED 701 Advanced Psychological Foundations of Religious Education 4
RED 702 Advanced Historical Foundations of Religious Education 4
RED 703 Advanced Theological Foundations of Religious Education 4
RED 704 Advanced Philosophical Foundations of Religious Education 4
RED 705 Advanced Empirical Research Methods & Statistics 4
RED 706 Advanced Sociological Foundations of Religious Education 4
RED 707 Applied Research Methodology 4
RED 708 Supervised Practicum in Religious Education 3
RED 709 Curriculum Design and Implementation 4
RED 710 Departmental Colloquium 2
RED 711 Inter-Departmental Colloquium 2
RED 712 Applied Research Project Proposal 2
RED 713 Principles, Theories and Techniques of Counseling in R.E 4
RED 714 Principles and Problems of Instruction in Higher Education 4
RED 720 Dissertation Writing Presentation and Defense 8
ADM 701 Leadership in Church Planning 4
ADM 702 Management Skills for Education Ministries 4
ADM 703 Research in Administration 4
ADM 704 Readings in Administration 4
ADM 705 Christian Higher Education Administration 4
ADM 706 Principles of Administration 4
ADM 707 Administrative Leadership with Volunteers 4
ADM 708 Leadership and Supervision 4
ADM 709 Educational Evangelism 4
ADM 710 Church Administration 4
ADM 711 Church Staff Administration 4
ADM 712 Church Business Administration 4
EAD 701 Organization & Administration of Higher Education Institution 4
EAD 702 Theory and Practice of Higher Education Finance 4
EAD 703 Personnel Administration 4
EAD 704 Comparative Educational Administration 4
CED 701 Development Processes of Children 4
CED 702 Early Childhood Religious Education 4
CED 703 Later Childhood Religious Education 4
CED 704 Curricular Studies in Childhood Education 4
CED 705 Christian Living and Family Relationships 4
CED 706 Research Seminar in Childhood Education 4
CED 707 Readings in Childhood Education 4
CED 708 Supervised Internship 4
CUR 701 Curriculum Evaluation 4
CUR 702 Curriculum Foundations 4
FOU 701 Philosophy of Education 4
FOU 702 Educational Psychology 4
FOU 703 Biblical Education 4
FOU 704 History of Education 4
FOU 705 Issues in Philosophy of Education 4
FOU 706 Principles and Dynamics of Teaching 4
FOU 707 Teachings in Christian Higher Education 4
FOU 709 Educational Testing and Measurement 4
FOU 710 Readings in Foundations of Education 4
FOU 711 Critique of Research in Foundations of Education 4
FOU 712 Learning Styles 4
FOU 713 Child & Adolescent Psychology 4
Year One
Semester One
First Year
A. First Semester
1. Required Language I (French) 0
2. Advanced Empirical Research Methods & Statistics 2
3. Seminar (Major) 4
4. Seminar (Major) 4
5. Seminar (Minor) 4
6. Colloquium 2
B. Second Semester
1. Required Language II (French) 0
2. Applied Research Methodology 2
3. Seminar (Major) 4
4. Seminar (Major) 4
5. Seminar (Minor) 4
6. Colloquium 2
II. Second Year
A. First Semester
1. Seminar (Major) 4
2. Seminar (Major) 4
3. Seminar (Minor) 4
B. Second Semester
1. Seminar (Major) 4
2. Seminar (Major) 4
3. Seminar (Minor) 4
4. Seminar (Minor) 4
III. Third Year
A. : July - Comprehensive Examination
B : September - Proposal Defense
C : March - Internal Defense
D : April - External Defense
E : May - Submission of Hard Bound Copies
F : - Submission of corrected & approved copies - 8hrs
Total Hours = 68
Doctor of Philosophy – Religious Education (Seminar Descriptions)
701 Advanced Psychological Foundations of Religious Education 4
An overview of major concepts and theories in psychology, their
relevance and application to religious education. Issues, trends and
research emphasis in different areas of educational psychology such
as cognitive, moral and spiritual development, learning, motivation
and creativity.
702 Advanced Historical Foundations of Religious Education 4
Research into historical factors and important personalities that
have contributed to the development of religious education system.
It also surveys the current foundations upon which religious education
system is operating.
703 Advanced Theological Foundations of Religious Education 4
A critical examination of the four distinctives that are theological in
nature: Biblical authority necessity of conversion, the redemptive
work of Jesus Christ, and personal piety. Emphasis is given to each
of these distinctives as a gift that the Lord has graciously bestowed
upon the church for the promotion of His work in the world. The
work examines how these theological distinctives guide thought
and practice of Christian education.
704 Advanced Philosophical Foundations of Religious Education 4
Consideration and analysis of different philosophical ideas, tools and
theories including theories of knowledge, value and ethics as they are
relevant and applicable to the understanding and solution of problems
in religious education. Examination of issues and trends in traditional
African, Christian and postmodern ‘Schools’ of philosophical thought.
705 Advanced Empirical Research Methods and Statistics 4
Intensive survey of basic statistical concepts including measures
of central tendency and dispersion, graphical representation of data.
The t-test as an example of parametric statistics. Correlation and
non-parametric statistics including chi-square and Nann Whitney U.
The role of test measurement and evolution in education. Principles
of construction and types of tests. Reliability and validity of tests.
Evaluation strategies in education.
706 Advanced Sociological Foundations of R.E. 4
A survey and comparison of Christian and non-Christian agencies
of formal, and non-formal education. Critical analysis of current
research trends and emphasis in sociological ideas, factors, and
theories and their relevance to religious education.
707 Advanced Research Methodology 4
In-depth study of different types of research such as analytic
(historical and philosophical studies), descriptive (correlation studies,
surveys and case studies) and experimental research. Analysis of research
studies and application of research methods and techniques in
education. A survey of data processing forms and records,
computational aids and the use of electronic computers, selection
of a dissertation problem and writing of a dissertation proposal.
708 Supervised Practicum in Religious Education 2
Identified areas of specialization such as counseling, curriculum
studies, administration and different age-level of religious education:
(pre-schoolers, children, youths and adults).
709 Curriculum Design and Implementation 4
Attempt is made to familiarize the students with the workings of
the curriculum process. Each element is used to suggest insights to
questions concerning planning, designing and implementing the
curriculum of various religious education programmes in church
or school. Opportunities will be provided for students to plan, design,
implement chosen course/programme in groups or individually and
under supervision.
710 Colloquium 2
Special education themes, issues and problems are critically analyzed.
Group and individual presentations are encouraged and critiqued.
711 Inter-Departmental Colloquium 2
Theological and educational themes are focused upon. Group and
individual presentations are encouraged and critiqued.
720 Dissertation 8
The dissertation submitted by the candidate must be a contribution
to knowledge within a specialized area of Christian Education. The
dissertation proposal is written and defended after the comprehension
examination has been taken and passed by the student. A minimum
length is 15,000 words and not more than 25,000 words.
701 Leadership in Church Planning 4
Research is conducted into current concepts of short-range and
long-range church planning. The emphasis is on a workable philosophy,
contemporary methods, unique problems, and available resources
related to assisting churches as they develop a design for ministering.
702 Management Skills for Educational Ministries 4
An advanced investigation into the process of modern management.
A high-level understanding of management will be demonstrated
through research into a specific area of management and the use
of a case study to solve management problems.
703 Research in Administration 4
Open to majors in administration only. The investigation is creative
in nature and includes a survey and critical analysis of selected research
in administration with reference to the research interests of the students.
704 Readings in Administration 4
Individual study under the guidance of a faculty member with
specialization in administration. The study is designed to meet
the professional interests and needs of advanced graduate students.
705 Christian Higher Education Administration 4
An advanced study of the history, philosophy, nature and
contemporary issues in Christian higher education. Focus is on
major issues of governance, the accreditation process, and effective
administration practice.
706 Principles of Administration 4
A study of basic theories and principles of good administration.
An analysis will be made of administration patterns as they relate to
the ministries of Nigerian Baptist Churches and institutions.
707 Administrative Leadership with Volunteers 4
A comprehensive study of principles of leadership and hazards to
leadership with an emphasis on volunteer lay leadership. Special
attention will be given to a study of human relations with volunteers
as related to church and denominational work in Nigeria.
708 Leadership and Supervision 4
Research of principles of leadership and supervision and hazards to
leadership with an emphasis on human relations in education
administration as related to church and denominational work.
709 Educational Evangelism 4
A comprehensive analysis of various theories of educational
evangelism and lay evangelism and their implementation through the
education programme of a church.
710 Church Administration 4
A study of major forms of church and denominational polity.
The structure of the Nigerian Baptist Convention will be given special
attention. Local church administration problems and the “church base
design” elements will be researched
711 Church Staff Administration 4
A study of the principles and procedures which relate to administering
the work of multiple staff ministers in a church. Improving the effectiveness
of staff relationships, the major focus of the seminar, will be researched.
712 Church Business Administration 4
An advanced study of church business administration. The primary
objectives of the study will be to critically analyze and determine ways
and means by which a church may conduct each phase of its
business efficiently and economically.
701 Organization and Administration of Higher Education Institution 4
A study of the concept, scope, philosophy, aims and objectives, and
history of higher education in general but specifically as they relate to
Nigeria. An inquiry will be made into problems of educational aims,
methods, curriculum and societal relation with special reference to
contemporary Nigerian Higher Education.
702 Theory and Practice of Higher Education Finance 4
The process of determining needs, resources, and criteria governing
allocation to higher education institution. Basic issues of fund raising,
budgeting, economics of finance scales of preference and evolution.
Reference to the tested techniques PPBS, PERTS, Unit-Cost analysis
and CBA.
703 Personnel Administration 4
Evaluation of problems relating to (in structural) teaching and
non-teaching staff and students in schools. Certification, selection,
assignment and development of teachers, staff evaluation and wage
structure. Dealing with professional organization and school’s boards,
staff-student personal policies and student and staff grievances.
704 Comparative Educational Administration 4
A comparative study of higher educational administration in Nigeria
and related countries in West Africa, East Africa, the United States,
the United Kingdom, Europe, Latin America etc. with emphasis on
comparative analysis of the problem and challenges of school –
community relations, goals of education, management of resources,
organization for effective management.
701 Developmental Processes of Children 4
This seminar deals with the developmental processes of children
from birth to adolescence. Extensive research will be made into
the following physical and intellectual development, social and emotional
behaviour, and spiritual values.
702 Early Childhood Religious Education 4
Research into and critical analysis of educational philosophies,
principles, objectives, and techniques employed to guide preschool
children in the secular as well religious environment.
703 Later Childhood Religious Education 4
Research into and critical analysis of educational employed to guide
school-age children in the secular as well as the religious environment.
704 Curricula Studies in Childhood Education 4
A study of the curriculum materials used by the Nigerian Baptist
educational organizations for all children, birth through age twelve.
Also a comparative study of the objectives, methods, materials,
and activities used by the other denominations will be made available
and evaluated to help determine a sound programme for childhood
religious education.
705 Christian Living and Family Relationships 4
The importance of the home in developing Christian personalities
and the responsibilities of the parents in the religious training of the
child will be studied and conclusions drawn. Emphasis will be on how
the home, church and community can work together in promoting
spiritual growth and development.
706 Research Seminar in Childhood Education 4
Open to majors in childhood education at graduate level only. The
investigation will be creative in nature and constitutes a study
unrelated to the candidate’s dissertation.
707 Readings in Childhood Education 4
Individual study under the guidance of a faculty member who
specializes in childhood education. The study is designed to meet
professional interests and needs of advanced graduate students.
707 Supervised Internship 4
Students go to related Institutions to practically demonstrate mastery
in their areas of specialization under supervision of experts in each field.
Supervisors assess and submit written reports on each student at the
specified end of the internship. The student also submit written reports
of their experiences highlighting strengths/weaknesses of and suggestions
for future exercise.
701 Curriculum Evaluations 4
The course examines various elements of the school curriculum
with a view to appraising them against set standards. Various
educational programmes within the school or church are equally
critiqued and the findings form bases for curriculum or programme
improvement. Candidates research criteria for evaluation. Strengths
are equally focused upon so that balance is the focus of progressive
702 Curriculum Foundation 4
A brief study will be made of the place and formation of objectives
of religious education. This will be followed by a thorough survey
of curriculum problems and trends. A survey and analysis will be made
of lesson materials of Nigerian Baptist Convention and some
other denominations.
701 Philosophy of Education 4
A thorough evaluation of the foundations of educational philosophy,
problems of education, pertinent philosophies of both secular and
religious education.
702 Educational Psychology 4
Advanced research into of the concepts of educational psychology
as they relate to Christian education.
703 Biblical Education 4
A detailed analysis will be made of the educational and institutional
activities, agencies and selected personalities of both the Old and
New Testaments.
704 History of Education 4
Research and analysis of the major developments in education from
post-biblical times until the present.
705 Issues in Philosophy of Education 4
An analysis of the contributions of the various philosophers to the filed
of educational philosophy. Educational implications of each philosopher
from the Judeo-Christian era to the postmodern educational era will be
analyzed and evaluated.
706 Principles of Teaching 4
An analysis of the various approaches to teaching, tests and
measurements, and organizing learning experiences. The second half
will be devoted to practice teaching and evaluations. This is a
continuous seminar through the year and no student may enroll at
mid-term without permission of the professor.
707 Teaching in Christian Higher Education 4
The course introduces students to the skills necessary for effective
teaching at a theological college or seminary. Attention will be given
to designing a course syllabus, faculty development, presentation
skills in the classroom, and developing student and faculty relationships.
708 Sociology of Education 4
An analysis of the social roles of Christian educational institutions in
contemporary culture, and the interaction of educational forces with
economic and sociological determinants.
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