The potential effects of climate change on southern calamary in Tasmanian waters: biology, ecology and fisheries

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We would like to thank Alan Jordan and Jeremy Lyle for constructive comments on this report. Thankyou also to Sean Tracey for producing the figures, and Jason Bedelph for technical assistance.


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Figure 1: Total catch of southern calamary per fishing grid, for the 12 month period 2002/03. Values based on monthly General Fishing Returns. Data cannot be shown where less than 5 boats reported catches.

Figure 2: Annual catch (tonnes) and effort (fisher days) for the calamary component of the Tasmanian Commercial Scalefish Fishery since 1980/81.

Figure 3: The impact of initial hatchling size on the size-at-age that can be achieved at different percentage daily growth rates. The effect of initial hatchling size becomes more obvious as growth rates increase. Growth rates would likely increase with elevated temperatures.

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