3 0.2916 1.0029 -15.02 0.0000
2 -0.5201 0.99184 -5.959 0.0000
1 -0.8343 0.98545 -4.398 0.0000
0 -1.241 0.97716
Unit-root tests (using KonsumYW.xls)
The sample is 1968 (3) - 2004 (4)
LogIncome: ADF tests (T=146, Constant+Trend; 5%=-3.44 1%=-4.02)
D-lag t-adf Y_1 t-DY_lag t-prob
4 -1.015 0.94469 2.277 0.0243
3 -0.7170 0.96068 -14.25 0.0000
2 -3.098 0.74524 -4.554 0.0000
1 -4.876** 0.60381 -1.877 0.0625
0 -6.558** 0.52986
Unit-root tests (using KonsumYW.xls)
The sample is 1968 (3) - 2004 (4)
LogWealth: ADF tests (T=146; 5%=-1.94 1%=-2.58)
D-lag t-adf Y_1 t-DY_lag t-prob
4 1.460 1.0006 10.51 0.0000
3 3.266 1.0018 -0.4676 0.6408
2 3.265 1.0017 -1.005 0.3165
1 3.109 1.0016 0.1864 0.8524
0 3.283 1.0016 -
Unit-root tests (using KonsumYW.xls)
The sample is 1968 (3) - 2004 (4)
LogWealth: ADF tests (T=146, Constant; 5%=-2.88 1%=-3.48)
D-lag t-adf Y_1 t-DY_lag t-prob
4 -0.5330 0.99689 10.50 0.0000
3 0.3499 1.0027 -0.4743 0.6360
2 0.3048 1.0023 -1.005 0.3167
1 0.1774 1.0013 0.1878 0.8513
0 0.2054 1.0015
Unit-root tests (using KonsumYW.xls)
The sample is 1968 (3) - 2004 (4)
LogWealth: ADF tests (T=146, Constant+Trend; 5%=-3.44 1%=-4.02)
D-lag t-adf Y_1 t-DY_lag t-prob
4 -3.128 0.94717 11.10 0.0000
3 -1.215 0.97217 -0.3153 0.7530
2 -1.275 0.97117 -0.8045 0.4224
1 -1.432 0.96811 0.3667 0.7144
0 -1.397 0.96935
EQ( 1) Modelling LogConsumption by OLS-CS (using KonsumYW.xls)
The estimation sample is: 1967 (2) to 2004 (4)
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