Guerrero ’18 [Dorothy Grace; 2018; Head of Policy and Advocacy of Global Justice; Climate Crisis, The: South African and Global Democratic Eco-Socialist Alternatives, “THE LIMITS OF CAPITALIST SOLUTIONS TO THE CLIMATE CRISIS,” Ch. 2, p. 39] SPark
Vivirbien (Bolivia) or buen vivir (Ecuador) isaSpanish termthatemerged in the late twentieth century to refer to the practices and/or visions of indigenouspeoples of the Andean region of South America. The practice of vivir bien/buen vivir may differ, but regardless of particularities some common elementshavebeenidentified and developed into a concept now codified in the constitutions of Ecuadorandthe Plurinational State of Bolivia (Focus on the Global South 2014). Buenvivirisacontrastto the capitalistwayoflife. It sees humans asan integralpart ofnatureand not separate from it. Humans should thusnotcontrolnature buttakecareof it as one would take care of one’s mother, the one who has given life. The goalis harmony, not growth (Solon 2014). Without growth, the current capitalist system cannot exist. Although challenging, we must not turn away from the tasks of reconstructing or recreating processes, or the collective effort to articulate and popularise the need for alternative systems of national and global economic and political governance. Also gaining ground is the idea that the law of nature and the processes of the ecosystem, articulated as the ‘Rights of Mother Earth’ (World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth 2010), must be respected as much as we respect the principles of our rights as humans