The silent massacre

How Targeting Affects Victims’ Looks

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
How Targeting Affects Victims’ Looks
What only a few targets realize is that their attackers not only want them to appear mentally disturbed but also physically unappealing. I can only imagine that the attackers receive much sick pleasure out of doing that. However, another reason for wanting targets unattractive is to socially isolate them. Here again psychology plays a role, as a target becomes very self- conscious about his/her looks and stays home alone to avoid people. The methods for affecting the looks of targets are truly diabolical and evil and demonstrate years of study of causes and effects. Here are some of the ways that the attackers accomplish their objective of making targets unattractive.
-- Cause targets either to gain an enormous amount of weight or lose enough weight to look emaciated. They prefer to make targets gain weight. They do this by playing loop play tapes to the victim’s subconscious, making suggestions about food and about the victim being hungry. They can even cause the victim’s stomach to feel empty when it is not. Loop play tapes played to targets’ brains constantly urge targets to eat sweets and greasy un-nutritious foods. The attackers even show the targets pictures of food in their minds. Moreover, they manipulate the targets’ senses of taste and smell to choose unhealthy foods over healthy ones. All of this is done neurologically.
-- Cause burn marks and sores on a target’s face and arms, the most visible parts of his/her body. This type of electronic harassment suggests some type of laser. I know of several cases in which the faces and arms of very attractive women became scarred and damaged

through that process.
-- Cause wrinkles on victims’ faces. I am well preserved for a seventy-four year-old man.
Friends often remark about my lack of wrinkles. A niece noted that my forehead had no wrinkles but was perfectly smooth. The perverted attackers set out to change that by causing wrinkles on my forehead. Readers who are not targets will have a hard time believing this.
However, many targets can attest to the truth of that assertion.
In the spring of 2011, I noticed that my forehead seemed to be under a load of pressure. The entire forehead felt like something was pressing on it. I knew that the pressure was not natural but was induced by the attackers. Finally, the reason for the pressure was revealed to me.
For months the attackers had told me through the V2K that I had a frown on my face. I often woke at night hearing them repeating that. Then, I discovered the presence of a loop play tape making the same statement time after time after time. I am a smiler, not a frowner. In the morning when I get up, I hear the attackers telling me that I am frowning. The attackers were using the power of suggestion to try to cause me to frown and thus form wrinkles on my forehead.
To help them achieve their objective, the attackers caused constipation by restricting the muscles in the lower part of my large intestines near the anus to prevent defecation. At the same time, I heard the attackers repeating, “Don’t shit. You won’t be able to shit.”
Making a target very physically uncomfortable helps the attackers to convince targets to frown, thus causing the wrinkles. Although I am still relatively free of forehead and other face wrinkles, the attackers are continually attempting to cause them.
-- Reshape a target’s nose by making it longer and wider. Yes, that is what I said. By applying continual pressure on the bridge of the nose with facets of their device, the attackers can actually cause a victim’s nose to become both longer and wider. The principle is much the same as that of braces on teeth: the continual pressure on the teeth, actually move the teeth.
Likewise, continual pressure on the cartilage of the nose, moves the cartilage forward and outward. The attackers often place that type of pressure on my nose. I laugh at them and tell them that thanks to them, I’ll have a very British nose!
-- Cause a target, usually a male, hair loss. The attackers can kill the hair roots on the scalp using their device, causing the loss of hair and preventing its re-growth.
-- Cause a target unsightly psoriasis, usually on very conspicuous places on the body, especially the face and arms. This is different from the burn marks and sores previously mentioned, for psoriasis covers a much larger area and gives an appearance of leprosy or some other equally ugly skin disease. Psoriasis is one of the attackers’ favorite induced conditions. This is done physically by whatever the device might be that the attackers employ aided by psychological suggestion through the subconscious voices.
-- Cause the target to look worn and haggard. This is done through both physical and neurological suggestions that deprive the target of sleep. Dark circles underneath the eyes, wrinkles and frown lines, sunken cheeks, and pursed lips are all signs of sleep deprivation and make the target unappealing and personally uninviting.

-- Cause targets to believe that their bodies exude offensive odors. One target from the
United Kingdom wrote that he was ashamed to go around people, for he smelled very bad.
He probably had no body odor. Yet, the attackers made him believe that he stank through neurological suggestions to his mind.
-- Cause a target to lose much of his/her eyesight and thus force him/her to wear glasses.
The attackers can damage targets’ eyes through aiming pin pricks (again perhaps fine lasers) into particular sections of the targets’ eyes. With repetitive pinpoint precision, the attackers can cause a target nearsightedness or farsightedness or an astigmatism in only a matter of days or weeks.
-- Cause targets to walk in a strange manner by striking pain in targets’ spinal columns. The pain causes targets to stoop as they walk or to assume very bad posture in sitting.
-- Cause targets to neglect their personal hygiene. The attackers make targets believe that they are seen in the shower, when they are using the bathroom, and wherever else they might be. Targets are reluctant to disrobe because they believe that the voyeurs are watching them; thus, they stop bathing. The attackers can also cause targets not to bathe by making targets actually fear water. I enjoy my frequent showers, telling the attackers to watch me all that they wish. After all, they can’t disclose what they see to anybody except another sicko. I defy them in every possible manner.
-- Cause targets to appear odd by appearing in ball caps lined with foil and several layers of clothes, even in warm weather, to attempt to shield themselves from the electronic effects.
The attackers bolster this capability by continually telling the target how ugly and stupid he or she is, damaging their self-esteem. After all, probably over ninety per cent of what the attackers do is psychological.
The reader may give little importance to the above information about targets’ appearances.
Nevertheless, appearances are very important, as they affect a target’s sense of self-worth and his psychological outlook. The attackers do not attempt to make targets’ unattractive simply for the fun of it. They know that if a target is made to look or feel unattractive, that target becomes insecure and anxiety prone. Their objective is purely psychological – to isolate the target from others and increase anxiety. However, what targets should realize is that other people really do not care much at all about a target’s looks as long as the target is clean and dressed in a normal manner.

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