The silent massacre

cannot be sued or prosecuted

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
cannot be sued or prosecuted
. How very convenient.
Despite that presumed immunity, future court cases will decide against it.
One need only look at the Department of Homeland Security web site to learn their objectives and capabilities. Here are some excerpts from that site in Homeland Security’s own words
(the italics are mine).
Homeland Security harnesses our nation's scientific and technological resources to provide
Federal, state, and local officials with the technology and capabilities to protect the homeland.

Research is designed to counter threats to the homeland, both by evolutionary improvements
to current capabilities and development of revolutionary, new capabilities.
Homeland Security’s Advanced Research Project Agency “engages industry, academia, government, and other sectors in innovative research and development, rapid prototyping,
and technology transfer to meet operational needs.”
The Department partners with universities to bring together the nation's best experts and focus its most talented researchers on a variety of threats that include agricultural, chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological, explosive and cyber terrorism, as well as the behavioral
aspects of terrorism. [This could mean the REA.]
-- Neighborhood Watch/Community Watch.
Those and similar local organizations have also been increasingly used for gathering information about fellow Americans. Contrary to their intended purposes, those groups sometimes operate as para-law enforcement bodies to carry out their own interpretations of the laws. With the passage of The Patriot Act, those sub-groups find it ever easy to stalk persons who do not fit their ideas of the “norm.”
-- Christian Fundamentalists
I am thoroughly convinced that Christian Fundamentalists participate in electronic stalking and mind control. However, I do not know whether those so-called Christians are acting alone or whether the churches themselves are actually involved. I’ve corresponded with hundreds of other targets, and in a great many of their cases, they mention a Christian Fundamentalist preacher who they believe figures somehow in their ordeals. The aim of that group appears to be a “social reconfiguration,” in which every American is made to subscribe to their version of
Judeo-Christian principles.
That so-called Christian element may also be involved in my situation. Although ample evidence leads me to believe that the Israelis and pro-Israeli Intelligence agents first targeted me, they have probably long since turned me over to an extremist Right Wing group, probably religious nut cases, for monitoring me with the full knowledge of the pro-Israel FBI and perhaps unwitting but compliant law enforcement. The Israelis are masters at getting others to do their dirty work.
In recalling past events and connecting the dots concerning my targeting, I remembered an incident in the fall of 2001 that could connect the Fundamentalists to my present targeting.
Here is the story. A former high school classmate later became a “born again Christian” and a lay Baptist preacher. Our high school group held a class reunion in 2000, and that classmate began including me on a list of email recipients of a religious-oriented newsletter that he sent out. A pharmacist, he had become financially successful and he often traveled to Russia and other countries in his work as a lay-preacher. The recipients of his newsletter were mainly very religious church people, some of whom were well-off and well-connected.
At first I did not mind getting those round-robin email messages. They usually dealt with the classmate’s trips abroad. Although the content of his newsletter showed a very religious bias and, to me, indicated a narrow-mindedness on the part of the writer, that did not particularly bother me. Rather, I was pleased that the classmate had become financially comfortable and had something in his life that he enjoyed doing.

The attacks on September 11, 2001 changed what otherwise might have continued as simply a communications link between the classmate and me. His next newsletter after that infamous event included an inflammatory and extremely anti-Moslem diatribe from one of his sons condemning the 9/11 attackers and Moslems in general. I felt compelled to answer that statement, for not to answer suggested that I agreed with his beliefs.
Thus, for the first time after being included on the list, I wrote back, saying that though I abhorred the deaths caused by the attacks, I could understand the motive that drove the attackers. I explained that the 9/11 attackers saw us as the enemy because of a shortsighted
U.S. foreign policy that always favored Israel against the Arabs. I stated further that only
Israel stood to gain from the 9/11 attacks, as it would cause us to go to war against the Arabs and Moslems. That, of course, happened.
I received a vicious reply from that son in which he practically equated me with Benedict
Arnold. We engaged in two or three sharp exchanges that were circulated to all of the names on the long mailing list. Many of the addressees were well-known Christians, some of them with ties to high-ranking office holders and other government officials. The writer’s father, my old classmate, who obviously sided with his son’s views, accused me of using his email newsletter to push my own agenda, while it appeared to me the opposite. I reminded him that
I had not asked to be placed on his list of recipients but that as long as I was there I had to speak out against rhetoric that was hateful, misleading, and uninformed. I asked him to remove my name from his email addressees.
A short while after that I began noticing signs that my computer had been hacked. I received an email over an additional email account that I used from a person using a different given name but the same family name. He left no doubt who he was. He wanted me to know that he had illegal access to my computer. Yet, he was supposedly a devout Christian. Of course, it is also possible that my real attackers made it appear that that particular person was doing the hacking.
At any rate, my classmate and his family are “born again” Christian Fundamentalists, who do not distinguish today’s Israelis from the Old Testament Israelites. They identify very closely with Israel. Like other Fundamentalist religious groups, they hold seminars in Israel at institutions that they establish there, and they host group trips to the Holy Land. They believe that the Israelis are God’s “chosen people.”
I do not mean to imply that the classmate and his family may be my attackers, as I had already been targeted long before the 9/11 incident. However, that people of the Religious
Right align themselves closely with Israel means, in my opinion, that they could be used by that country for its own purposes, even in the USA. Moreover, they are the type to report to the FBI an email such as mine, which blamed 9/11 on the US’s acquiescence to and support of Israel’s schemes and policies against the Arabs. They did not need to report it, however, for I am very open in my criticism of US subservience to Israel.
Evangelist Pat Robertson is one of the best known spokespersons for Israel and also one of
Israel’s most devoted supporters. He even made a trip to Israel when it invaded Lebanon in
2007 to provide encouragement to the Israeli army. Readers may also recall that Robertson suggested that President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela be assassinated. Nut cases such as
Robertson abound on every hand. George W. Bush is also a “born again Christian.” Many

targets trace their REA to the period 2000-2008, the Bush administration years.
Every facet of society in the United States of America falls under the influence of Judeo-
Christian theology. If you do not believe that, watch programs such as Jeopardy on TV.
References to events in the Bible make up a large percentage of the questions asked. Most of our given names are of Biblical origin. Towns, counties, communities, and churches take their names from those found in the Bible. Much of our legal system is based on Biblical law. Yet, we condemn Moslems for their theocracies. With an overwhelming percentage of the population Christian, it is little wonder that the powerbrokers take advantage of the
Fundamentalists in furthering their aims.
The Fundamentalists seemingly consider themselves more patriotic than most American citizens. Although I had been monitored probably by pro-Israeli government entities for years, my doubtful patriotism and anti-Zionist views conveyed through my emails in the classmate’s newsletter might have also triggered the inclusion of the Christian Fundamentalists in my
REA. As tools of Israel, they probably would not find targeting other Americans for electronic and mind control assault inconsistent with their religious beliefs.
Some researchers believe that the NSA’s aim is to “Christianize” the population through the voices conducted in REA. I believe that conversion to Christianity is only a part of the overall plan to make all Americans conformists and to wipe out non-conformists. Supposedly,
Christians will be more compliant with and less questioning of what the powerbrokers do and the wars that they wage. Indeed, my attackers continually ply me with Christian sayings and
Bible references, scream at me that I am “going to hell,” tell me that the Israelis are my friends, a real joke, and show me holographic images of Jesus. That is either sickness or deception. It very well may be the latter, for when I exasperate the attackers, which I often do, they lose their “Christian” demeanor to call me a “son-of-a-bitch” and curse and rant. I tell them that they are about as Christian as an earthworm.

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