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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control, Dr. Harvey M. Weinstein describes a form of mind control practiced in the 1950s called “psychic driving,” developed by Dr. Ewen Cameron.
In that torturous practice, the subject was first psychologically and physically beaten down almost to a state of vegetation and then his mind was subjected to continuous loop play tapes. In the 1950s the tapes were played to the subjects in laboratories on tape recorders, and those recorders were visible. Today, the same loop play tapes are sent by remote to the victim as “inaudible” voices. In my case, I receive dozens of subliminal loop play messages to my subconscious 24/7.
Targets who experience the V2K, or voices, know that their attackers are schooled in psychology. The speakers play on the guilt and foibles of the targets in a well researched plan of attack. The pattern is always the same: the attackers find a target’s faults and consistently attack him by pointing out those faults and psychologically badgering him. It is extreme psychological bullying. There can be no doubt that psychologists and psychiatrists developed that plan.
Psychiatry as a legitimate branch of medicine is falling under increasing scrutiny. Doctors and even psychiatrists are beginning to question psychiatric practices. If regular medicine is not an exact science, psychiatry is far less exact. Its science is not based on many centuries of dissecting the human body to determine the cause of disease but on less than two centuries of observations and largely inconclusive and conflicting experiments. Notwithstanding, psychiatric “diseases,” or labels, have grown from fewer than a dozen in the 1950s to over three hundred today. The count goes on.

Reporter Cheryl Wetzstein, in a March 2, 2010 story in the Washington Times, writes that
“The nation's psychiatrists are considering defining addictive acts such as overeating, gambling and compulsive sex as medical disorders in their professional manual.” Dr. Allen
Frances, former chairperson of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is quoted as stating that "what we have most feared — the inclusion of many normal variants under the rubric of mental illness . . . – [can result in] millions of misidentified ‘patients’ and
‘massive overtreatment.’”
While conducting online research on psychiatry as a discipline of medicine, I pulled up the review of a book named Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry written by Douglas A. Smith.
The book is co-authored by Colin A. Ross, a psychiatrist, Alvin Pam, a psychologist, and others. Although I did not read the book, I found Smith’s lengthy review very informative.
Smith says that the authors of the book disagree with the mainstream traditional psychiatrists who claim that psychological symptoms stem from biological abnormalities, which suggests that genetics play a major role in those conditions. He quotes Dr. Ross as saying, “at the present time, there is no proof that biology causes schizophrenia, bipolar mood disorder, or any other functional mental disorder." Dr. Pam, a psychologist, writes that “virtually all so- called psychiatric disorders are caused by life experience rather than the theoretical biological abnormalities that biologically oriented psychiatrists say are the causes.”
Psychiatrists particularly favor the label schizophrenia when diagnosing targets of electronic stalking and mind control. In the cited book, Harry Wiener, M.D., states that "The belief that schizophrenia is a specific organic disease or a group of organic brain diseases has never been confirmed.” Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the State University of New, York, Syracuse and author of Exposing Psychiatry as a Pseudo-Science, states flatly,
“No behavior or misbehavior is a disease or can be a disease.” In relation to psychiatric treatment of children, he makes the point that “Labeling a child as mentally ill is stigmatization, not diagnosis. Giving a child a psychiatric drug is poisoning, not treatment.”
Dr. Ross observes that, "The dream of biological psychiatrists is that an 'objective' laboratory test for one of the major mental illnesses will be discovered.” His statement is an open admission that many tests are continually being conducted to test and “prove” the psychiatric labels. Many of those tests are probably financed by pharmaceutical companies or probably by contractors in private research institutes working directly for the DOD.
Psychiatrists “. . . have, for hundreds of year [sic], used diagnostic terms, so-called diagnostic terms, to stigmatize and control people.” Psychiatrists deal with controlling behavior. Today they “treat” patients with anti-depressants to control their thoughts and their actions. Control over people is exactly what the government appears to wish to accomplish through its development of neurological weaponry.
Ellen M. Borges, Ph.D., a sociologist and faculty member at Goddard College in Plainfield,
Vermont, talks about control in a chapter in Pseudoscience. She states that "Biological psychiatry redefines social deviance as a medical problem. By doing so, it transforms social norms, which are subjective and political, into medical norms, presumed to be objective and scientific. Medicalization of social deviance allows us a pretense of humanitarianism" for coercive measures against people whose behavior "deviates from expectations based on the dominant social class's ideology and viewpoint." She says further, "Psychiatry redefines a great deal of normal human behavior as medically deviant by pathologizing [sic] people who

are socially marginal in any way.”
Psychiatrists have never explored why REA victims feel that they are targeted by remote electronic and mind control activities. They not only fail to delve into the basis of patients’ complaints but they also refuse to order x-rays, MRIs, and CT Scans to see whether there might be an implanted object in the patients. If they order a scan at all, it will be confined to only the brain. No target would likely have a device implanted directly within the brain itself.
Without orders for photographic searches of their body, targets are left to guess and theorize what causes their REA.
Psychiatric practice is driven by the profit motive. In a December 4, 1998 letter, psychiatrist
Loren R. Mosher of San Diego resigned from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) for that reason. In his letter, he writes, “At this point in history, in my view, psychiatry has been almost completely bought out by the drug companies. The APA could not continue without the pharmaceutical company support of meetings, symposia, workshops, journal advertising, grand rounds luncheons, unrestricted educational grants etc. etc. Psychiatrists have become the minions of drug company promotions.”
With so much information on the internet about electronic stalking and mind control, the APA has to know about that practice. Psychiatrists also have to know about microchips, the effects of electromagnetism, and the use of directed energy weapons (DEW). Nevertheless, those topics do not arise at their meetings. Nor have they recommended any studies of those realities. Psychiatrists still hue to the principle that if a patient complains of symptoms caused by DEW, microchips, and electromagnetism, he must be schizophrenic.
The Kansas Mental Health Alternatives Clearinghouse spelled out some shortcomings in the field of psychiatry, including the collusion between psychiatrists and the drug industry, in its internet web page. Three of those criticisms bear mentioning. I either quote, partially quote, or paraphrase them below.
. “Psychoactive drugs have become legal and commonplace, with physicians acting out a role little different from that of drug pushers, pandering to those who seek short-cuts to an escape from painful thoughts.” . . . “The widespread availability of such drugs which are often dangerous and poorly tested is a public scandal.”
. Psychiatric confinement and court-ordered "medicating" of persons to prevent supposed future actions is “a massive infringement of Constitutionally enshrined human rights. The law has the premise you do not do the time before you've done the crime. Psychiatry stands this principle on its head.”
. “Blaming the so-called mentally ill for everything wrong in society comes naturally from the corporate-owned media, who have ties to the profiteering pharmaceutical industry. Every unpleasant quirk of the human psyche is explained away as ‘mental illness’ or a ‘chemical imbalance’ . . . by research [conducted] on barely or non- consenting human guinea pigs.”
Social control obviously defines the purpose for the treatment of targets. Psychiatrists fill targets full of pills and subject them to various largely unproved treatments, including modern versions of the old shock treatment. I have yet to find a target forced to accept “treatment” who ceased believing that he was a target due to the psychiatrist’s therapy and medicines and thus “cured” of his supposed delusions.
Psychiatrist Peter Breggin says about the drugs being used by psychiatrists: "Despite the current enthusiasm for Prozac, the FDA studies underscored the drug's lack of effectiveness,

and recent analyses of literature indicate that antidepressants in general are no better than a placebo." Karl Loren, in his paper on psychiatry, says that “Psychiatry and psychiatric drugs do more harm than any other [medical] ‘practice’ on the face of this planet.” Psychiatrist
Susan S. Kemker, North Central Bronx Hospital, New York City, sums up the skepticism concerning psychiatry when she says "our understanding of our own field remains naïve."
Carole Smith, author of “On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology,” Global, January 11, 2010, provides encouragement to victims of electronic stalking and mind control made to submit to psychological evaluations: “. . . if the victims at this point in the new history of this mind- control, cannot yet prove their abuse, it must be asserted that, faced with the available information about technological development – it is certainly not possible for those seeking to evade such claims – to disprove them.” Indeed, the burden of proof rests with the medical profession to prove that REA victims do NOT hear voices or experience remote-delivered electronic effects
I rest my case. Psychiatry as a branch of medicine and psychiatrists as practitioners of that field do much harm to targets of electronic stalking and mind control. They most certainly single out targets of REA for stigmatization, lending credence to the belief that its main purpose is social control. It is little wonder that the powerbrokers and their hireling attackers force targets to undergo psychiatric “evaluations” and treatment, for they know that the examining psychiatrists will diagnose them as schizophrenic.
Psychiatrists serve as main accomplices of the powerbrokers who employ electronic stalking and mind control by remote. Those same psychiatrists who evaluate targets and often commit them to mental institutions for observation are aware that “the risk of violence among people with schizophrenia,” according to the National Institute of Mental Health, “is small.” They also know that schizophrenics are far more likely to commit suicide or attempt suicide than to harm others.
One might wonder how physicians become involved in an action that clearly violates the
Hippocratic oath that they took when they received their degrees. I suspect that the powerbrokers convince those physicians (1) that the patient will only be monitored and not otherwise harmed, (2) that they are performing a patriotic duty, (3) that they would be helping law enforcement catch a criminal, and (4) that their medical practice might be “targeted” if they do not cooperate. The powerbrokers would only have to hint at the latter to achieve the cooperation of the psychiatrists. Then, there is also the profit motive in treating
“schizophrenics” and selling them their costly medication.
In the spring of 2010, scientists announced that they had succeeded in artificially creating a living cell. If science today has that capability, why can psychiatrists not grasp that symptoms of schizophrenia and paranoia can be induced by remote? Psychiatrists’ failure to recognize and admit that possibility shows either a remarkable naivete or a widespread complicity on their part.
In this paper, I have already recounted my visit to the psychiatrist after making a report about intruders on my property to the sheriff’s office. During the interview, I avoided telling him about the V2K for very obvious reasons. Almost two years after the psychiatrist performed his psychiatric assessment on me, I re-read his assessment and made notes on some of his

observations that I thought were misleading. I attached a copy of The Great Conspiracy and my notes to a cover letter, which follows.
Dear Dr. (name excluded):
When I underwent a psychiatric evaluation on March 10, 2008, I told you that I do not receive any auditory effects -- you referred to such sounds as "hallucinations" -- along with the physical symptoms that I described to you. I lied about the auditory effects for reasons that you will read in the attached paper The Great Conspiracy, which I have written over the past two years. I am a target of electronic stalking and mind control.
I am writing to you now, almost two years after the evaluation, for several reasons: (1) to set the record straight; (2) to inform you and the world that I will no longer seek to hide the neuro- logical symptoms caused by an electronic assault on my person by unknown means by unknown criminals; and (3) to urge you to research the topic of mind control and open your mind to neurological phenomena that you probably have not studied in a formal manner.
I hope that you will read the entire paper, especially the part about the role of psychiatrists in perpetuating the plight of targets of electronic stalking and mind control. Many thousands of victims around the world struggle daily with their torture, many of them afraid to admit what is happening to them for fear of being labeled "psychotic," or, more colloquially, "crazy." Their complaints ignored by the authorities, hundreds of targets have organized in groups to interact with others experiencing the same problems. That is not mass psychosis. I belong to one such organization called Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS). Naturally, among the many targets, several alleged victims may indeed be psychotic. However, the overwhelming majority are (or were) perfectly "normal" people although many of them have adopted some strange habits to counter their continual physical and neurological assault.
Your psychiatric evaluation of me contained some misleading notations, which I point out in the second attachment. You will probably forward copies of this letter and my paper to the local authorities. Although I am sure that they already have copies, I welcome that action. You also have my consent to share this material with your colleagues in the medical field. Should you wish to talk with me further concerning this letter or the attached papers, you can reach me at (phone number excluded) day or night.
On a trip to Baton Rouge to visit with my son and family, I took the package by the psychiatrist’s office to hand deliver it to him. When his receptionist told me that I would have to make an appointment to do so, I left the material with her. The doctor called me less than two hours later.
He first asked me why I had left the material, and I referred him to the cover letter. I told him point blank that I was a victim of attempted mind control, and that I wish that I had told him so two years earlier. He then asked me what I wanted him to do. I told him that I hoped that he would take patients seriously from now on when they complain of voices, do in-depth research on mind control, and change his attitude about a condition that affects many thousands of people in the United States. I briefly talked about the “Voice of God” V2K that the United States conducted on Iraqi troops during the second Bush’s war on Iraq and also asked him to research other neurological capabilities of intelligence and the military.
I mentioned the part of this paper that deals with psychiatrists and told him that if he did not have time to read the entire text, I hoped that he would read that portion. He wanted to talk with my son and did so for perhaps ten minutes. Afterward, he talked with me again. He ended his approximately twenty-five minute phone call by asking me if I intended to take matters into my own hands. I reassured him that I did not. As he ended the conversation, it was clear that the content of my letter to him had made an impact. However, I do not expect any departure from his attitude toward the voices.

I have no idea whether he read the entire paper or whether he contacted the sheriff of the parish in which I live. However, providing the psychiatrist that material gave me great satisfaction. Whether he reads the paper or not, I have “set the record straight.” I DO hear voices, and they are most certainly NOT the voice of God.
If I ever see a psychiatrist again – and it is not very likely that I shall – and he questions my belief that I am electronically and neurologically attacked, I shall turn the topic back on him using the Socratic method. I shall ask him if he believes in God or a Higher Power. He will almost certainly say yes. Then, I’ll ask him for proof that God exists. I’m sure that he will get the point.

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