The University of Chicago Law School: a century of Scholarship a bibliography of Writings of the Faculty of the University of Chicago from 1902-2002

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Douglas Laycock

H. Douglas Laycock, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, 54 Chicago-Kent Law Review 390 (1977).

H. Douglas Laycock, Federal Interference with State Prosecutions: The Need for Prospective Relief, 1977 Supreme Court Review 193 (1977).

H. Douglas Laycock, Statement: Awarding of Attorneys' Fees: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice of the House Committee on the Judiciary, 94th Congress, 1st Session 276, U.S. Government Printing Office (1977).

Douglas Laycock, Catholic Schools and Teachers' Unions, 140 America 406 (1979).

Douglas Laycock, Review of Owen M. Fiss, The Civil Rights Injunction, 57 Texas Law Review 1065 (1979).

Douglas Laycock, Dispositive Pre-Trial Motions in Illinois-Sections 45, 48 and 57 of the Civil Practice Act, 9 Loyola-Chicago Law Journal 823 (1979).

Douglas Laycock, Federal Interference with State Prosecutions: The Cases Dombrowski Forgot, 46 University of Chicago Law Review 636 (1979).

Douglas Laycock, Lea Brilmayer, Richard W. Hekeler & Teresa A. Sullivan, Sex Discrimination in Employer Sponsored Insurance Plans: A Legal and Demographic Analysis, 47 University of Chicago Law Review 505 (1980).

Lawrence Lessig

Lawrence Lessig, Fidelity in Translation, 71 Texas Law Review 1165 (1993).

Lawrence Lessig, Readings by Our Unitary Executive, 15 Cardozo Law Review 175 (1993).

Lawrence Lessig, An Empirical Analysis of the 7th Circuit, Chicago Council of Lawyers, 43 De Paul Law Review 673 (1994).

Lawrence Lessig, The Path of the Presidency, 3 East European Constitutional Review 104 (1994).

Lawrence Lessig & Cass Sunstein, The President and the Administration, 94 Columbia Law Review 1 (1994).

Lawrence Lessig, A Review of the Russian Construction: Separation of Powers, ABA CEELI Project Reporter (1994).

Lawrence Lessig, An End Run to a Balanced Budget, Los Angeles Times, Jan 17, 1995, at 7.

Lawrence Lessig, The Limits of Lieber, 16 Cardozo Law Review 2249 (1995).

Lawrence Lessig, The Path of Cyberlaw, 104 Yale Law Journal 1743 (1995).

Lawrence Lessig, The Regulation of Social Meaning, 62 University of Chicago Law Review 943 (1995).

Lawrence Lessig, Understanding Changed Readings: Fidelity and Theory, 47 Stanford Law Review 395 (1995).

Lawrence Lessig, Social Meaning and Social Norms, 144 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 218 (1996).

Lawrence Lessig, Translating Federalism, 1996 Supreme Court Review 125 (1996).

Lawrence Lessig, Review of David G. Post, What Drives Derivability: Responses to Responding to Imperfection, 74 Texas Law Review 839 (1996).

William L. Letwin

William L. Letwin, The English Common Law Concerning Monopolies, 21 University of Chicago Law Review 355 (1954).

Edward Hirsch Levi

Edward Hirsch Levi & James W. Moore, Federal Intervention. I. The Right to Intervene and Reorganization, 45 Yale Law Journal 565 (1936).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Friedrich Kessler & Edwin E. Ferguson, Some Aspects of Payment by Negotiable instrument: A Comparative Study, 45 Yale Law Journal 1373 (1936).

Edward Hirsch Levi & James W. Moore, Bankruptcy and Reorganization: A Survey of Changes, 5 University of Chicago Law Review 1 (1937).

Edward Hirsch Levi & Roscoe T. Steffen, Cases and Materials on the Elements of the Law, [Chicago] (1937).

Edward Hirsch Levi & James W. Moore, Gilbert's Collier on Bankruptcy: A Treatise on the Law and Practice in Bankruptcy under the National Bankruptcy Act of 1898, Matthew Bender and Company (4th, 1937).

Edward Hirsch Levi & James W. Moore, Bankruptcy and Reorganization: A Survey of Changes III, 5 University of Chicago Law Review 398 (1938).

Edward Hirsch Levi & Roscoe T. Steffen, Cases and Materials on the Elements of the Law, University of Chicago Bookstore (2d, 1938).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Corporate Reorganization and a Ministry of Justice, 23 Minnesota Law Review 3 (1938).

Edward Hirsch Levi & James W. Moore, Federal Intervention: II. The Procedure, Status and Federal Jurisdictional Requirements, 47 Yale Law Journal 898 (1938).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Natural Law, Precedent, and Thurman Arnold, 24 Virginia Law Review 587 (1938).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Bankruptcy and Reorganization, [Chicago, Ill: s.n.] (1939).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Four Legal Essays, Chicago, Ill (1939).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Structure of the Law: A Lecture Presented at the University of Wisconsin Law School, Chicago, Ill (1939).

Edward Hirsch Levi, International Cartels and the Law, in War and the Law (University of Chicago Press, Ernst W. Puttkammer ed. 1944) at 117.

Edward Hirsch Levi, James C. O'Mahoney & Redvers Opie, What Should be British and American Policy Toward International Monopolies?, (1944).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Casper Coms & Bernard Thiess, Patents and Monopoly, (1945).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Andrew Ivy & Harold Urey, What About Science Legislation, (1945).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Thurman Arnold & Harold Ickes, American Commonwealth Today, 415 University of Chicago Round Table Pamphlets 1 (1946).

Edward Hirsch Levi & Roscoe T. Steffen, Cases and Materials on the Elements of the Law, University of Chicago Bookstore (3d, 1946).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Thomas Finletter, Grayson Kirk & Phillip Morrison, Problem of the Year: Control of the Atom, University of Chicago Round Table Pamphlets (1946).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Wendell Berge & James Martin, Are We Against Monopoly, 477 University of Chicago Round Table Pamphlets 1 (1947).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Wilber Katz & Robert Wilson, Patents and Economic Progress, 460 University of Chicago Round Table Pamphlets 1 (1947).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Anti-trust Laws and Monopoly, 14 University of Chicago Law Review 153 (1948).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of S. Chesterfield Oppenheim, Cases on Federal Anti-trust Laws, 1 Journal of Legal Education 139 (1948).

Edward Hirsch Levi, An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, 15 University of Chicago Law Review 501 (1948).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Effectiveness of the Federal Anti-trust Laws: A Symposium, 39 American Economic Review 703 (1949).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Nathaniel Nathanson & Malcolm Sharp, Guilt by Association, (1949).

Edward Hirsch Levi, An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, University of Chicago Press (1949).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Law Making Process, Chicago (Mimeographed) (1949).

Edward Hirsch Levi, James Bennet, Tom C. Clark, Walter A. Gordon & Frederick A. Moran, Prisons and Parole, (1949).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Bernard Meltzer & Frank A. Reel, Were the War Crimes Trials Successful?, (1949).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Melvin G. De Chazeau & Joseph C. O'Mahoney, What Should We Do About Monopoly, (1949).

Edward Hirsch Levi & Roscoe T. Steffen, Elements of the Law, University of Chicago Press (4th, 1950).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of W. Friedmann, Legal Theory, 25 New York University Law Review 426 (1950).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Thomas I. Emerson, John P. Frank & Alexander H. Frey, Segregation and the Equal Protection Clause. Brief for Committee of Law Teachers Against Segregation in Legal Education, 34 Minnesota Law Review 289 (1950).

Ëdward Hirsch Levi, Congressional Investigations, A Symposium, 18 University of Chicago Law Review 421 (1951).

Edward Hirsch Levi, What Can the Law Schools Do?, 18 University of Chicago Law Review 746 (1951).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Development of a 'Missing Fundamental', 41 Illinois Bar Journal 89 (1952).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Four Talks on Legal Education, University of Chicago Law School (1952).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Graduate Legal Clinic: Restoring Lawyers' Research Responsibilities, 39 American Bar Association Journal 189 (1952).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Two-level Anti-monopoly Law, 47 Northwestern University Law Review 567 (1952).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of Albert James Harno, Legal Education in the United States: A Report Prepared for the Survey of the Legal Profession, University of Pennsylvania Law Review 211 (1953).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Robinson-Patman Act - Is It in the Public Interest, American Bar Association, Section of Antitrust (1953).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Robinson-Patman Act: Is it in the Public Interest?, 1 American Bar Association Antitrust Section Report 60 (1953).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of John Kenneth Galbraith & David Eli Lilienthal, Symposium Review: Galbraith's Concept of Countervailing Power and Lilienthal's Big Business, 49 Northwestern University Law Review 139 (1954).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Antitrust Policy in Distribution, American Bar Association (1955).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Mergers, in Conference on the Antitrust Laws and the Attorney General's Committee Report, a Symposium; Proceedings Held under the Auspices of the Northwestern University Law School and the Committee on Antitrust Law of the Chicago Bar Association, May 10-11, 1955 in Chicago (Federal Legal Publications, Northwestern University School of Law ed. 1955) at 268.

Edward Hirsch Levi, Mergers: Symposium on Antitrust Law, Federal Legal Publications (1955).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Monopoly Problem as Viewed by a Lawyer, 6 University of Chicago Law School Record 1 (1957).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Monopoly Problem as Viewed by a Lawyer, 47 American Economic Review 293 (1957).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of Hans Kelsen, What Is Justice - Justice, Law, and Politics in the Mirror of Science: Collected Essays, 314 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 213 (1957).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The DuPont Case and Section 7 of the Clayton Act, 111 The Antitrust Bulletin 3 (1958).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of George E. Hale & Rosemary D. Hale, Market Power: Size and Shape under the Sherman Act, 26 University of Chicago Law Review 672 (1959).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Political, the Professional and the Prudent in Legal Education, 11 Journal of Legal Education 457 (1959).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Section 7 of the Clayton Act and the Regulated Industries, How to Comply with the Clayton Act, 1959 Antitrust Law Symposium, Commerce Clearing House, Inc. (1959).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Parke, Davis-Colgate Doctrine: The Ban on Resale Price Maintenance, 1960 Supreme Court Review 258 (1960).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of Continuing Legal Education for Professional Competence and Responsibility (The Report on the Arden House Conference, December 16-19, 1958, 331 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 172 (1960).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Frontiers and Future Development in Legal Education, Addresses Given at the Universtiy of Michigan Law School Centennial, October 22, 23, 24, 1959, in Frontiers in Law and Legal Education (University of Michigan, University of Michigan Law School ed. 1961) at 87.

Edward Hirsch Levi, Introduction to Legal Reasoning, Phoenix Paperback (1961).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Legal Education: A Ten Years' Perspective, 42 Chicago Bar Record 218 (1961).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Preface, in Philosophy of Law and Jurisprudency (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., Mortimer J. Adler & Peter Wolff eds., 1961) at 251.

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of Herbert Wechsler, Principles, Politics and Fundamental Law, The New York Times Book Review, Sep 3, 1961, at 7.

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Role of the Law School, 7 Yale Law Report 2 (1961).

Julian H. Levi, Expanding the University of Chicago: Chapter IX, in Casebook on Campus Planning and Institutional Development: Ten Institutions and How They Did It (U.S. Government Printing Office, John B. Rork & L. F. Robbins eds., 1962) at 107.

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of Lucy Kramer Cohen, The Legal Conscience: Selected Papers of Felix S. Cohen, 75 Harvard Law Review 1686 (1962).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Karl N. Llewellyn, 1893-1962, 11 University of Chicago Law School Record 29 (1963).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of Edwin Wilhite Patterson, Law in a Scientific Age, 75 Georgetown Law Journal 1 (1963).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Nature of Judicial Reasoning, 32 University of Chicago Law Review 395 (1963).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Review of Solon T. Kimball & James McClellan, Jr., Education and the New America, 77 Harvard Law Review 1376 (1964).

Julian H. Levi, Municipal and Institutional Relations within Boston; the Benefits of Section 112 of the Federal Housing Act of 1961, University of Chicago Press (1964).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Critical Spirit, University of Chicago, Office of the President (1965).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Law Schools and the Universities, 17 Journal of Legal Education 243 (1965).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Nature of Judicial Reasoning, 32 University of Chicago Law Review 395 (1965).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Aaron Director and the Study of Law and Economics, 9 Journal of Law & Economics 3 (1966).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Laird Bell, 34 University of Chicago Law Review 1 (1966).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Role of a Liberal Arts College within a University, in The Knowledge Most Worth Having (University of Chicago Press, Wayne C. Booth ed. 1967) at 203.

Edward Hirsch Levi, The University, the Professions, and the Law, 56 California Law Review 251 (1968).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Address on Law Alumni Day at the University of Pennsylvania, 4 The Law Alumni Journal (The University of Pennsylvania) 6 (1969).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Address on Law Alumni Day at the University of Pennsylvania, 17 University of Chicago Law School Record 3 (Fall 1969).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Point of View: Talks on Education, University of Chicago Press (1969).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Crisis in the Nature of Law, 26th Annual Benjamin N. Cardozo Lecture Delivered before The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, November 25, 1969, Association of the Bar of the City of New York (1970).

Edward H. Levi, The Manipulated Society, Address before the Economic Club of Chicago, February 25, 1970, Office of Information, The University of Chicago (1970).

Edward Hirsch Levi, An Adventure in Discovery, University of Chicago Press (1971).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Discovery and the Individual - the University and Education, 100 School and Society 155 (1972).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Place of Professional Education in the Life of the University, 32 Ohio State Law Journal 229 (1972).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Place of Professional Education in the Life of the University, 19 University of Chicago Law School Record 3 (Winter 1972).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Address Before Chicago Bar Association, 58 Chicago Bar Record 6 (1976).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Some Aspects of Separation of Powers, 76 Columbia Law Review 371 (1976).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Use of Discretion in the Legal System, the 1978 Herman Phleger Lecture, Stanford Law School (1978).

Edward Hirsch Levi, Tribute: Wilber G. Katz, 46 University of Chicago Law Review 767 (1979).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Sovereignty of the Courts, 17 Occasional Paper 17 (1981).

Edward Hirsch Levi, The Sovereignty of the Courts, 50 University of Chicago Law Review 679 (1983).

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