Themes of the American Civil War

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Themes of the American Civil War The War Between the States by Susan-Mary Grant (
Barron v. Baltimore (1833) Barton, Michael Bates, Edward 215, 216
Battle Cry of Freedom (McPherson) battlefield conditions Beard, Charles and Mary 171, Beauregard, PG. T. 103, 106, Beecher, Henry Ward 144, 145, 271
Beesly, Edward xxiii
Bellow, Henry Benjamin, Judah P. 231, 236–7, Bennett, James Gordon Benton, Thomas Hart 101
Beringer, Richard 95
Bertonneau, Arnold 220–1, 222
Bestor, Arthur Bill of Rights 8, 126, 159, 317, 319, 320,
321, 322, 323, 324, 332–3, 335–6,
Bingham, John Bismarck, Otto von 239, Black, Hugo 345n36
Black Codes, the 239–40, Blair, William 281, 282
Blanton, Deanne blockade runners Bonaparte, Joseph 101
Boorstin, Daniel 298
Boumediene, Lakhdar 342, 343,
Bowles, Samuel Boyd, Belle Bragg, Braxton 112–3, 114, 115, 117,
229, Brazil xxiv
Breckinridge, John C 48–9, 55
Breckinridge, Robert J. Brennan, William Brent, George W. Brooks, Noah 137


Brown, Albert Gallatin 47–8, 49, Brown, John 49, Brown, Joseph E. 49, 51–2, Brown, Joseph E. Brown, Thomas 206, 278
Brownlow, William G. Buchanan, James 27, 29, Buck, Irving 244n12
Buell, Don Carlos 108, Bull Run (Manassas), first battle of Bull Run (Manassas), second battle of
Bureau of Colored Troops Burger, Warren Burnside, Ambrose 138, Burr conspiracy, the 10, Bush, George W. 339–43, 340, 341–2,
Bushnell, Horace Butler, Benjamin F. 188, 192, 196, 260
Butterfield, Daniel 117
Cadwalader, George 327
Cadwallader, Sylvanus Cain, Marvin R. Calhoun, John C. (death in 1850) Cameron, Simon camp life Campbell, Jackie Canada 76, 211, capitalism 43, 169–80; defining and the Northern war economy and slavery 177; and the
Southern war economy values 179–80; and the wage system
Carpenter, Arthur B. Carpenter, Francis 130, 139
Carwardine, Richard xv, xvi
Cash, Wilbur J. casualties 77, 87, 88–9
Catton, Bruce Cause, The (see combat motivation) Cedar Creek, battle of 75
Century Magazine xiv
Charleston Chase, Salmon P. 105, 145, 174, 216–7,
218–21, 223, 226, Chase, Samuel Chattanooga 76, 117, Cheever, George B. 144
Chicago Times 136, 138
Chickamauga, battle of 112, 116, 118
Chilton, RH. 111
Christian Advocate and Journal 146
Christian Advocates 144
churches, and politics citizenship 211, 214–7, 263–4, 319, 323,
333, 334, 346n38
civil liberties 72, 124, 124–5, 138, 145,
308, 320, 325–6, 327–9, 330–2, 340,
civil rights 240, 327–35, 346n38
Civil Rights Acts 331–2, 337, n 1866 331–2, 335, 337 1875 331–2, 337 1964 338
Civil War America Making a Nation,
1848–1877 (Cook) xv
Clay, Henry Cleaves, Freeman 115
Cleburne, Patrick 229–30, 232–3,
234–6, 238, 240, 244n12
clergy Clinton, Catherine 270, 274, 278, 281,
282, Cobb, Howell 28, 52, Cobb, Thomas RR, 241
Cobden, Richard xxi
Code for conduct of war (Lieber Code) Collins, Bruce colored people’s conventions 212, Colored Troops. see African-American troops
Colyar, Arthur St. Clair Combat motivation command control 89–90, 100, 102,
114–5; Confederate system 120; staff system 117–8, structure 102–3, command philosophy commerce communications community spirit 84, 91–2
Confederate Emancipation Southern
Plans to Free and Arm Slaves during
the Civil War (Levine) xv
Confederate States of America. see also
South, the African-American


troops 72, 228–43; apologists attempts to limit emancipation, 239–41, 243; Bill of Rights casualties 77; collapse of morale 230–1; constitution 156,
305, 318, 323–7; creation of defeat 296; defining 155; dissolution of 76–7; economic mobilization emancipation proposals federalism 158; foundation of 54–60, 154, 156; judicial system the Lost Cause 270, 278,
280–1, 282, 311; manpower shortages 229; morale national construction national coordination 158; planters and emancipation 239–40; political rivalry within 158; and revolutionary symbolism split 229; support for emancipation, 237–8, 242; surrender xxi;
suspension of civil liberties transfer of national loyalties to war aims 65; War
Department 70; women 269, 270,
277–82; women as cause of defeat
Confiscation Acts 72, 127, 188, Congress 319, 321, 343; and Lincoln
Congressional Joint Committee on the
Conduct of the War 108, 197
Conkling, James C. 133, 136, Connecticut 135, conscription 66, Constitution, the xxi, 7–9, 13, 77, 126,
127, 146, 153, 224, 299, 308,
317–43; continued interpretation of CSA and 323–7; drafting Fifteenth Amendment 319,
333, 337; Fourteenth Amendment, 320, 332–3, 334, 335–6, n, n and individual rights 320–3; Republican contribution 327–35; Thirteenth
Amendment 318, 319, 331–2, 334,
337, constitutional rights context xiv–xv
Continental Association Continental Congress contraband camps Cook, Lauren Cook, Robert xv
Cooper, Alexander W. Cooper, Samuel Cooper, William J. 41–2, 164

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