Themes of the American Civil War

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Themes of the American Civil War The War Between the States by Susan-Mary Grant (
Nineteenth Century America (Princeton, NJ, 1997), pp. 193–203. On the representation of the black troops on the monument see Marilyn Richardson, Taken from Life Edward M. Banister, Edmonia Lewis, and the Memorialization of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment,”
in Martin H. Blatt, Thomas J. Brown, and Donald Yacovone, eds, Hope and Glory Essays on
the Legacy of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment (Amherst, MA, 2001), pp. 94–115, esp. p. and, in the same volume, Kirk Savage, Uncommon Soldiers Race, Art, and the Shaw
Memorial,” pp. Stuart McConnell, Glorious Contentment The Grand Army of the Republic, 1865–1900 (Chapel
Hill, NC, and London, 1992), p. On this subject see Brooks D. Simpson, Quandaries of Command Ulysses S. Grant and Black Soldiers in David W. Blight and Brooks D. Simpson, eds, Union and Emancipation:
Essays on Politics and Race in the Civil War Era (Kent, OH, and London, 1997), pp. 133–4.
Sherman’s divisions did have black laborers marching ahead of the soldiers during the Grand Review. On this see Charles Royster, The Destructive War William Tecumseh
Sherman, Stonewall Jackson, and the Americans (1991, paperback repr. New York, 1993), p. Simpson, Quandaries of Command p. Brian Holden Reid, The Origins of the American Civil War (London, 1996), p. Andrew Jackson, quoted in Robert W. Mullen, Blacks in America’s Wars The Shift in Attitudes
from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam (New York, 1973), p. Frederick Douglass, The Black Man’s Future in the Southern States an address delivered in Boston, MA, February 5, 1862, in Louis P. Masur, The Real War will Never get in the Books:
Selections from Writers during the Civil War (New York and Oxford, 1993), p. Frederick Douglass, quoted in Dudley Taylor Cornish, The Sable Arm Negro Troops in the
Union Army, 1861–1865 (New York, 1966), pp. 5–6.

Susan-Mary Grant

National Intelligencer, October 8, Phillip Shaw Paludan, A People’s Contest The Union and Civil War, 1861–1865, 2nd. edn.
(Lawrence, KS, 1996), p. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment (Boston, MA, 1962), p. 15.
Army Life was first published in Quoted in Edward A. Miller, Jr, The Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois The Story of the Twenty-
ninth US. Colored Infantry (Columbia, SC, 1998), p. Quoted in Ervin L. Jordan, Jr, Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia
(Charlottesville, VA, and London, 1995), p. Abraham Lincoln to James C. Conkling, August 26, 1863, in Roy F. Basler, ed, The Collected
Works of Abraham Lincoln (New Brunswick, NJ, 1988) VI, pp. Frederick Douglass, quoted in McPherson, Marching toward Freedom The Negro in the Civil
War, 1861–1865 (New York, 1967), p. George E. Stephens to the New York Weekly Anglo-African, August 7, 1863, in Donald
Yacavone, ed, A Voice of Thunder The Civil War Letters of George E. Stephens (Urbana and
Chicago, IL, 1997), p. Corporal James Henry Gooding to the New Bedford Mercury, March 3, 1863, in Corporal
James Henry Gooding, On the Altar of Freedom A Black Soldier’s Civil War Letters from the
Front, ed. Virginia M. Adams (Amherst, MA, 1991), pp. 4, Marching song of the st Arkansas Colored Regiment, quoted in Mullen, Blacks in America’s
Wars, pp. 23–4. There were seven verses in all.
Quoted in McPherson, Marching toward Freedom, p. Chicago Tribune, November 10, 1862, quoted in Joseph T. Glatthaar, Forged in Battle The
Civil War Alliance of Black Soldiers and White Officers (New York, 1991), p. Johns, quoted in Leon F. Litwack, Been in the Storm So Long The Aftermath of Slavery (1979,
repr. New York, 1980), p. 70.
New York Times, June 11, 1863, quoted in Glatthaar, Forged in Battle, p. Charles A. Dana, quoted in Glatthaar, Forged in Battle, p. Seymour to Major General Quincy A. Gillmore, quoted in Glatthaar, Forged in Battle, p. On the reaction to Shaw’s death see George M. Fredrickson, The Inner Civil War Northern
Intellectuals and the Crisis of the Union (1965, repr. New York, 1968), pp. George M. Turner to various members of his family, December 15, 1861, June 19, August 13,
1862, July 28, 1863, and May 2, 1864, in Nina Silber and Mary Beth Sievens, eds, Yankee
Correspondence: Civil War Letters between New England Soldiers and the Home Front
(Charlottesville, VA, and London, 1996), pp. New York Tribune, September 8, Figures taken from Paludan, A People’s Contest, p. Henry S. Harmon, Corporal, Co. B, rd USCI, Morris Island, South Carolina, to the Christian
Recorder, October 23, 1863. The letter appeared in the paper on November 7, 1863. Edwin S.
Redkey, ed, A Grand Army of Black Men Letters from African-American Soldiers in the Union
Army, 1861–1865 (New York and Cambridge, 1992), p. See Miller, The Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois, pp. Jordan, Black Confederates, p. 271 Fora discussion of the killing of black prisoners of war at the battle of the Crater in 1864 see
Miller, The Black Civil War Soldiers of Illinois, pp. Corporal James Henry Gooding to the New Bedford Mercury, March 21, 1863, in Gooding,
On the Altar of Freedom, p. 7. The letter appeared on March Unnamed private to the Christian Recorder, March, 1864; Corporal John H. B. Payne in the
Christian Recorder, June 11, 1864, both in Redkey, A Grand Army of Black Men, pp. 48, TD. Freeman to William, 26 March, 1864, in Nina Silber and Sievens, Yankee Correspondence,
pp. 47–8.
Yacovone, A Voice of Thunder, pp. 281–2, 321, 288.
Redkey, A Grand Army of Black Men, p. Frederick Douglass, The Black Man’s Future in the Southern States an address delivered in Boston, MA, February 5, 1862, in Masur, The Real War will Never get in the Books, p. George E. Stephens, writing in November, 1861, to the Weekly Anglo-African, in Yacovone,
A Voice of Thunder, p. 141.
Gooding, May 11, 1863, On the Altar of Freedom, p. 19; George E. Stephens to the Weekly
Anglo-African, August, 1863; Yacovone, A Voice of Thunder, pp. 250–1.
African-American Soldiers


Quoted in Luis F. Emilio, A Brave Black Regiment History of the Fifty-fourth Regiment of
Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 1863–1865 (1894, repr. New York, 1992), p. Quoted in Ira Berlin, et al., eds, Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861–1867,
Series II, The Black Military Experience (New York, 1982), pp. 654, 669, Berlin, Black Military Experience, pp. Berlin, Black Military Experience, pp. Berlin, Black Military Experience, pp. 701–2, Larry Logue, To Appomattox and Beyond The Civil War Soldier in War and Peace (Chicago,
IL, 1966) p. 87; Donald R. Shaffer, After the Glory The Struggles of Black Civil War Veterans
(Lawrence, KS, 2004), pp. 49–50, 25; Berlin, Black Military Experience, pp. 767–8, Berlin, Black Military Experience, p. Shaffer, After the Glory, pp. 56–7, 78–9, Joseph T. Wilson, The Black Phalanx African American Soldiers in the War of Independence,
the War of 1812, and the Civil War (1887, repr. New York, 1994), p. Frances E. W. Harper, We are all bound up together from Proceedings of the Eleventh
Women’s Rights Convention (1866), in Karen L. Kilcup, ed, Nineteenth Century American
Women Writers An Anthology (Cambridge, MA, and Oxford, 1997), p. Frederick Douglass, quoted in David W. Blight, For something beyond the battlefield’:
Frederick Douglass and the Struggle for the Memory of the Civil War Journal of American
History 75, 4 (March 1989), p. On this subject see SM. Grant, The charter of its birthright the Civil War and American nationalism in Nations and Nationalism 4, 2 (1998), pp. On this point see Savage, Standing Soldiers, Kneeling Slaves, pp. 179–81 and passim.
On July 18, 1998, The Spirit of Freedom the centrepiece of a memorial to all African-
American troops who had fought in the Civil War, was dedicated in Washington, DC.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Voluntaries This poem appeared in the Atlantic Monthly in
October, 1863. Reprinted in Richard Marius, ed, The Columbia Book of Civil War Poetry (New
York, 1994), pp. Thomas J. Brown, Reconstructing Boston Civic Monuments of the Civil War in Blatt et al., Hope and Glory, pp. 130–55, quotation at p. 151.

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