Think and Grow Rich!

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Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill….It’s the first step to devising a winning strategy.”
The Sunday Times (London, England)
“The ‘how-to’ messages in Think and Grow Rich! by Napoleon Hill…are as timeless today as they were when he wrote about them in 1937. They can be applied to managing a business, as well as a career. What makes Hill’s book timeless is its giants of his time sources including Armour, Bell,
Carnegie, Edison, Ford, Gillette, John D. Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt and Woolworth.”
Dayton Daily News
Think and Grow Rich! changed my life forever. I was working my way through college in 1959 as a second-shift machinist making ninety cents an hour. Somebody gave me a copy of the book and within a few months I got into sales, doubled and tripled my income and sharpened my wit. Since then

I have fallen on hard times again and again as projects/opportunities come and go. But every time, I have taken a deep breath, reread the Mastermind concept, and grown with each fall, which makes me one of the most successful people on earth—absolutely no fear of failure, which makes it possible to push the limits and fly out of the box.”
—Wayne Lundberg, consultant, Small Business
Development Centers, California Community
“When I meet with young people coming into public accounting, I’m stunned that they are unaware of many of the classics of success philosophy and motivation. One that should be in everyone’s success library is Think
And Grow Rich!….The source for most of today’s motivational speakers remains Think And Grow Rich! So why not go back to the source yourself?
Be sure to include Think And Grow Rich! on your reading list.”
—Michael C. Gray, founder of Michael Gray,
“Several months ago I came across an audiobook biography of Napoleon
Hill, and it was an eyeopening adventure into the life of a man whose days were not the smooth sailing I had always assumed they were. Napoleon struggled against a myriad of obstacles throughout his life—many of which were brought on by some of the earlier choices he had made. I can’t count the number of times he became broke and penniless following a highly successful venture gone sour. His personal life was as spotted as his financial life, and a recounting of that could easily consume a full book.
“I would have thought that my discovery of his many flaws would cause me to lose respect for him, and thus doubt the veracity of his teachings that have influenced me for more than twenty years. But it is quite the opposite.
Having listened to the struggles of this very human man has given me a whole new perspective of respect, even awe, of the incredible resilience and persistence that he displayed repeatedly against sometimes massive odds.
“I now understand that he didn’t write about some theory of how to think and grow rich. He wrote from experience—his numerous experiences and

the experiences of America’s most successful. While the casual observer would believe that this book is only about making money, those of us who have studied it for years know otherwise. It’s about abetter way to live a
‘rich’ life. And for that I am grateful that Napoleon gave so much of himself in order that he might leave us with this incredible work.”
—Vic Johnson, founder of
Think and Grow Rich! sits atop our late founder’s Jose Silva library. It is timeless wisdom for success.”
—Hilda Silva Rubio, Chairman/CEO, The Silva
“I first read Think And Grow Rich! over 30 years ago. While I was slow to put the lessons taught therein into practice (I worked fora large bureaucracy, when I did, the results were phenomenal, and the best part is that those lessons still work today as I share them with our team constantly.
It is a timeless book.”
—Joe Turner, founder and Chairman of the
FSMC chain of Wendy’s restaurants, former
Executive Director of IPTAY, the nation’s most successful college athletic fundraising organization
Think and Grow Rich! has been apart of my personal success library for years and I didn’t think it could be improved upon—until now. Thank you,
Ross, for your commitment and dedication to making this work more relevant to today and for making the read even more enjoyable with the restored content and enlightening endnotes. This is a book everyone should read at least once in their lifetime.”
—Laurie Hayes, founder of The HBB Source and author of The Complete Step Guide to
Starting a Home-Based Business

Think and Grow Rich! was one of the first motivational books I ever read.
Often I pick it up and read a chapter…the ideas NEVER go out of date.”
—Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, keynote speaker,
speech coach, sales trainer, Past President
National Speakers Association
“My own tattered and tabbed copy of Ross Cornwell’s edition of Think and
Grow Rich! has been my constant companion for the last five years as I
speak and teach women how to understand, assimilate, and leverage these timeless principles, in classic mastermind style, that fashion today’s context for business success. The in-depth references and research prove this to be the go-to version of the classic used worldwide, with very good reason.
Ross Cornwell is not only an expert in the work of Dr. Hill, he has been my mentor navigating the world of personal development, which has proven challenging for this woman.”
—Leslie Flowers, bestselling author of
Champion: st Century Women Guardians
of Wealth & Legacy
“Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich! is one of the highest achievements in success literature that the world has ever known. It has made a profound difference in the lives of millions of people, as I know it has for me. Hill’s monumental work in dedicating 25 years of his life studying over 500 of the world’s greatest achievers is a testament to reaching the very zenith of human excellence.”
—Sharif Khan, copywriter, inspirational keynote speaker, and author of Psychology of
the Hero Soul
“I have seen Think and Grow Rich! change lives, both mine and many others. The Power of the Mastermind Principle is undeniable. This book teaches the practical application of The Secret which has woken up the world. This should be required reading for everyone!”
—Kevin Patrick, LifeSuccess Consultant

Ross Cornwell’s edition presents Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich!
authentically and so much more meaningfully by including appendices,
footnotes and endnotes, which provide more historical context and further explanations. I have been reading and studying this book over 10 years a few lines, a paragraph, one page or chapter at a time daily. Over the years I
have witnessed thousands of lives transformed as people applied his
Success Principles. The principles taught in this book teach how to achieve one’s financial success, personal development, as well as spiritual perspectives. Hill’s impact still goes on as mastermind groups, communities of like-minded people, are being created around the world.”
—Yukiko Iino, speaker and entrepreneur,
Wealth and Wellness Mentor
“I have been facilitating mastermind studies of the classic book Think and
Grow Rich! for several years and have introduced Hill’s principles of success to hundreds of people. Think and Grow Rich has been translated and edited and updated and adjusted over the years to fit various audiences and situations, but I’ve been fortunate to have discovered Ross Cornwell’s original version, which gives us Hill’s original thoughts. This book, along with the biographies and additional historical information, has proven to be a fantastic way to introduce this material to people. Theresa reason this work continues to be on the bestseller list so many years after its original purchase date. And Ross Cornwell’s version reminds us of the rich history surrounding this work.”
—Jodee Bock, Owner, Bock’s Office
Transformation Consulting and author of The
100% Factor and the Own Your Story series

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